RTP Progress Report #4
Barbara Bloemers
The progress report is a summary of the progress you have made on your project since your last report. It should be at least 1 page long, although it might be longer, if you choose to use the report as opportunity to write up your current thinking in preparation for subsequent analysis and reporting.At minimum, your progress reports should address these questions:
How is it going? What has happened since your last report?
Since my last report, I was finally able to present my PowerPoint class to the administrative staff after 3 (three) re-schedulings. However, two staff people were unexpectedly absent this day. Have offered to work through the lesson with both staff members.
Sent out the post lesson survey to staff receiving 5/9 back. Trying to locate the missing survey. The other two surveys were from the two absent people. One survey from manager who took this class when we were in another department.
How you are progressing towards the next phase of your project work?
Next phase is to evaluate the survey results and try to provide meaningful interpretation of data for my research paper.
Are there any issues or problems that have been temporary roadblocks?
The main problem with my staff training has always been lack of time. I was fortunate that the majority of my staff was able to keep the commitment to attend this scheduled lesson.
How have your addressed these issues or problems? Is there anything you would do differently next time?
There will always be problems with not having enough time or live with cancellations in the workplace to conduct an optional technology training class. Technology training is often thought to be secondary to life (Bloemers, 2007). Perhaps I could take 15 minutes of the weekly staff meetings to teach some aspect of technology using the laptop. I already use the laptop to present satellite education seminar snippets that take 5 minutes or less to introduce the speaker and a message such as getting along in the workplace, managing time, handling personality problems.
Your data collection thus far
The data collected thus far are the pre and post lesson surveys. (See attachments)
How is it going?
Date collection has been completed.
What does the data you are collecting tell you about the impact of your intervention (what is it capturing)?
From a brief analysis of the survey answers, the intervention was considered to have had a positive result in that a technological program was introduced to some staff for the first time and enhanced others prior knowledge.
What (if anything) is it missing?
I can’t think of anything that might be missing. Feel free to tell me.
Are there any adjustments you need to make?
I am unaware of any adjustments that need to be made.
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Skype Call ~ March 3, 2007
Barbara Bloemers () at 3/8/2007 6:40 AM / Edit
Jeff, Barbara and Patty (Mark still ill)
We all updated each other on our progress to date.Jeff was expecting to lose power at any moment but to his surprise, was able to stay on line for the entire call.After his update, there was discussion about teaching web page design, about blogs and BlackboardWe discussed how Inspiration might serve as a transitional teaching tool to teach web page basics to Jeff's 5th graders.Daylight savings time will require Patty and me to begin their weekly calls one hour later than usual.Patty also advised that she will not be able to connect with us for the next two weeks.
Hope you're feeling better Mark.
Just me tonight
Patty Watson () at 2/25/2007 12:27 PM
Looks like it's just me tonight. Mark's out sick, but I don't know about the rest of the folks.
Nothing really new here. I'll give my last class next week, with the lunch session the following week. So immediately after that I'll send out the post-survey and start conducting interviews. I should be done with all my data collection by the end of March. That'll give me a month to write the paper.
Skype meeting 4th Feb
Mark Brookes () at 2/4/2007 12:52 PM
Mark and Patty were in session.
Patty talked about her lunch session and how the teachers had discussions and one teacher mentioned how he had incorporated his work into the classroom.
Patty also mentioned that as this is the 6th month stage of the school year, the numbers of bookings for the IT labs has increased.
Patty is yet to check the data from the session she ran.
The next session is digital camera work so is considering some one on one work.
Patty needs to do at least one more mentor meeting to get data feedback for her masters.
Patty said she doesnt have as much data as she would like, but we has little choice.
Mark said that his training sessions are going ok so far. Tuesday is a more practical session. As Tomorrow is the start of semester 2, each teacher has nominated a class to 'experiment' with.
Most of Marks data is going to be anecdotal and feedback quantitative data.
Patty has promised that she would have submited a progress report before next Sunday's Meeting
edited by on 2/4/2007 12:57 PM
Barbara Bloemers () at 1/29/2007 6:51 AM / Edit
I would be very interested in looking at your training materials.Could you post or send me a link.My PowerPoint lesson is on my website if you are interested in commenting on it or the websit itself.
Skype call for 28 Jan 07
Patty Watson () at 1/28/2007 1:24 PM
All 4 of us were on tonight.
Barbara is hopefully teaching a class on Monday, but it may get cancelled by her boss. She continues to be frustrated by difficulties with scheduling when there is a lot of other "work" that the employees need to do. She also shared some about her 822 (I think) class as she's learning about educational theory.
Patty is holding a lunch class on Tuesday. She expects it to go smoothly and is mostly hoping to get some good data out of it. She started out the project hoping for quantitative data, but is finding she has to rely more on comments by teacher during and after training sessions due to low response rates on the surveys. She hasn't done much this week due to an unexpected office move that ate up Wed.-Fri.
Jeff has posted his training materials for teachers to use. He reports positive feedback ("they're fantastic") but it's so general that it's not really useful. He's having trouble with his student's blogs where 'bots are posting comments advertising porn sites. Patty recommended checking the edublogs page for information on the topic and Mark suggested contacting Cathy, who is focusing on blogs. Jeff also shared a site, giveawayoftheday.com, as a resource for software.
Mark sent everyone a guest log-in account to check out his Uz'Oodle site. He talked about some of the different ways teachers can use the site, to collect work and do follow-ups or to post resources and help students prepare for upcoming topics. He is giving an on-line exam this week and hopes the internet connection will be reliable enough for it to work.
There was a collective discussion on the remaining timeline for the year and the structure of the progress reports. Barbara recommended that the progress reports include reflection and not just statement of facts. We all indicated appreciate of communicating verbally through these conferences rather than trying to keep up with all of this on a forum.
Barbara may not be on next week, but everyone else expects to be on.
Jeff Adjei () at 1/25/2007 2:13 AM
I was hoping I could ask this question last weekend but connection problems wouldn't allow me to get on.
So I set up blogs for every grade level in our elementary school and these have become very popular. A current trend developing is that spammers are posting nasty web addresses as comments to our postings on the blog. Any ideas on how to stop this without blocking off all comments?
I hope my internet is friendlier this weekend.
Skype Call ~ Jan 7, 2007
Barbara Bloemers () at 1/10/2007 1:25 PM / Edit
Patty and I were able to connect this Sunday although Patty had just gotten in having experience a 29 hours of travelling.School in Germany begins tomorrow so she will be able to address her research after the Christmas holiday.She gave me her suggestions regarding the use of Swishzone.com, Captivate and Camptasia in my website.
edited by on 1/10/2007 1:27 PM
/ / / /
/ / / / / / / /
/ Friday, March 16, 2007
/ Results Summary /
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/ Total: / 10
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/ Status: / Enabled
Reports: / / Summary and Detail
/ / 1. Introduction
/ / 1. My attitude towards technology can best be described as:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Been there, done that. No interest.
/ / 0% / 0
I learn new technology only when I HAVE to at work.
/ / 0% / 0
I enjoy learning new technology skills.
/ / 70% / 7
I seek out new technology information.
/ / 30% / 3
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 2. My attitude towards technology in general can best be described as:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Use only when I have to (usually at work).
/ / 30% / 3
Use at home only to check e-mail.
/ / 0% / 0
Use minimally (less than 2 hours a day).
/ / 40% / 4
Spend most of my spare time surfing the Internet.
/ / 30% / 3
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 3. I use the following Microsoft Office programs:
/ Microsoft / Respondent Total
Word /
/ 100% (10) / 10
PowerPoint /
/ 100% (5) / 5
Excel /
/ 100% (8) / 8
Access /
/ 100% (6) / 6
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 4. I use the MS Office programs at the following locations:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Only at Work
/ / 30% / 3
/ / 0% / 0
Work and Home
/ / 70% / 7
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 5. Which of the following would you like to learn or become more familiar?
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Working with Presentations (PowerPoint)
/ / 60% / 6
Working with numbers/spreadsheets (Excel)
/ / 40% / 4
Working with documents (Word Processing)
/ / 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 6. My ability using PowerPoint can be best described at the following level:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
/ / 50% / 5
/ / 20% / 2
/ / 30% / 3
/ / 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 7. My expertise using Excel can be classified at the following level:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
/ / 20% / 2
/ / 40% / 4
/ / 40% / 4
/ / 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 8. My word processing skills can be enhanced by learning:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Review basic skills
/ / 20% / 2
Using Auto Tools
/ / 30% / 3
Making Brochures using columns/tables.
/ / 40% / 4
/ / 10% / 1
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 9. I would like to learn more about the following softeware function not listed above. Please listing some area where you would like to learn about more.
/ Total Respondents
/ 6
(skipped this question) / 4
/ / 10. I prefer to learn more about technology by:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
Tutorial lessons
/ / 30% / 3
Classroom setting
/ / 60% / 6
Individual training
/ / 10% / 1
Total Respondents / 10
(skipped this question) / 0
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/ / / /
/ Friday, March 16, 2007
/ Results Summary /
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/ Filter Results
To analyze a subset of your data,
you can create one or more filters.
/ Total: / 5
Visible: / 5
/ / Share Results
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without giving access to your account.
/ Status: / Enabled
Reports: / / Summary and Detail
/ / 1. Please take time to answer questions thoughtfully.
/ / 1. Having taken the PowerPoint Class recently (February 16, 2007), I feel that
/ Response Percent / Response Total
I still don't get it.
/ / 0% / 0
Now more confident using PowerPoint.
/ / 40% / 2
Already familiar with PowerPoint but did learn SOMETHING new.
/ / 60% / 3
Knew everything presented. This was just a review.
/ / 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 2. I use, or will use PowerPoint at work for the following kinds of projects. Please list at least two:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
/ a.
/ / 100% / 5
/ b.
/ / 80% / 4
/ / 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 3. The best part of the PowerPoint class was ______? Also, please explain why you think it was the best part.
/ Total Respondents
/ 4
(skipped this question) / 1
/ / 4. If I am uncertain about implementing some PowerPoint function for a presentation that I am working on, I will most likely:
/ Response Percent / Response Total
/ Refer to the handout given to me at the PowerPoint class.
/ / 80% / 4
/ Work in out myself using the HELP button.
/ / 40% / 2
/ Ask another staff member.
/ / 40% / 2
/ Forget the whole project as it is too much trouble.
/ 0% / 0
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 5. The best time of the day for a 1-2 hour technology trainig class would be:
/ Morning / Afternoon / Response Average
Time of Day /
/ 40% (2) / 60% (3) / 1.60
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 6. The best day of the week for technology training would be:
/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Response Average
Day of the Week /
/ 0% (0) / 0% (0) / 40% (2) / 40% (2) / 20% (1) / 3.80
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 7. The best week of the month (because of the demands of my job, report deadlines and/or inventory) would be:
/ Week of the Month / Response Total
Week 1 /
/ 0% (0) / 0
Week 2 /
/ 100% (2) / 2
Week 3 /
/ 100% (4) / 4
Week 4 /
/ 0% (0) / 0
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 8. I would suggest improving future technology training for the SOMSU's Administrative Staff by doing the following:
/ Total Respondents
/ 3
(skipped this question) / 2
/ / 9. I am interested in attending the next level of PowerPoint training.
/ Response Percent / Response Total
/ / 80% / 4
/ / 20% / 1
Total Respondents / 5
(skipped this question) / 0
/ / 10. What do you still want to learn how to do using PowerPoint?
/ Total Respondents
/ 3
(skipped this question) / 2
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