Beach Park

Point of View Review Assessment


From what point of view is each sentence written?

Circle the correct answer.

Question #1:

You are the sunshine of my life.

A.  second person

B.  third person

C.  first person

Question #2:

Thad was born on a rainy Monday.

A.  first person

B.  third person

C.  second person

Question #3:

My hair was still wet when I left for school.

A.  second person

B.  third person

C.  first person

Question #4:

Could you please lend a hand with the heavy equipment after school?

A.  second person

B.  first person

C.  third person

Question #5:

Tracy watched as Trent scored the winning goal.

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Question #6:

Mary stumbled, lost her balance, and fell during ball practice today.

A.  first person

B.  third person

C.  second person

Question #7:

I certainly hope that my name is chosen for the team!

A.  second person

B.  first person

C.  third person

Question #8:

What do you plan to do with the stray kittens that you found?

A.  third person

B.  second person

C.  first person

Question #9:

We left in plenty of time, but we were late for school.

A.  third person

B.  first person

C.  second person

Question #10:

Randy was elected captain of the football team.

A.  third person

B.  first person

C.  second person

Question #11:

You must learn to play by the rules, or you will surely be penalized.

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Beach Park

Point of View Review Assessment


From what point of view is each sentence written?

Circle the correct answer.

Question #12:

Yesterday, I accidentally locked my keys in my car.

A.  second person

B.  first person

C.  third person

Question #13:

Please stop by the office to pick up a parking permit.

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Question #14:

Jane sent each member of her family a party invitation.

A.  third person

B.  second person

C.  first person

Question #15:

Today is my birthday.

A.  second person

B.  third person

C.  first person

Question #16:

Your invitation is in the mail.

A.  second person

B.  third person

C.  first person

Question #17:

Jan and Dan are moving to Austin.

A.  third person

B.  first person

C.  second person

Question #18:

Our next school holiday will be Labor Day.

A.  first person

B.  third person

C.  second person

Question #19:

Rusty had not planned to drop his glasses into the lake.

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Question #20:

A personal diary, journal, or an autobiography will be written in which point of view?

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Question #21:

I ran down the road as fast as I could with the dog nipping at my heels.

A.  first person

B.  second person

C.  third person

Question #22:

His car was the most expensive one in the parking lot.

A.  first person

B.  third person

C.  second person

Beach Park

Point of View Review Assessment


From what point of view is each sentence written?

Circle the correct answer.

Question #23:

Please listen carefully so you can answer correctly.

A.  second person

B.  first person

C.  third person

Question #24:

I will be back home at eight o'clock.

A.  third person

B.  second person

C.  first person

Beach Park

Point of View Review Assessment

Answer Key

1. A -second person

2. B -third person

3. C -first person

4. A -second person

5. C -third person

6. B -third person

7. B -first person

8. B -second person

9. B -first person

10. A -third person

11. B -second person

12. B -first person

13. B -second person

14. A -third person

15. C -first person

16. A -second person

17. A -third person

18. A -first person

19. C -third person

20. A -first person

21. A -first person

22. B -third person

23. A -second person

24. C -first person