Sherbrooke Community School
Mobile Phone Policy / Issued:December 2014REVIEW: December 2015 / Approved: Sue Holmes ActingPrincipal
Policy Statement
This school accepts that parents give their children mobile devices such as phones to protect them from everyday risks involving personal security and safety. There is also increasing concern about children travelling alone on public transport or commuting long distances to school. It is acknowledged that providing a child with a mobile phone gives parents reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently.
Students also are increasingly carrying on their person other mobile devices, such as ipods, which allow access to a broad range of digital technologies.
Guidelines / Program1.1 / It is the responsibility of students who bring mobile devices to school to abide by the guidelines outlined in this policy. / 2.1.1 / Orderly Learning Environment:
Mobile devices should not be used in any manner or place that is disruptive to the normal routine of the school.
Once on school property or engaged in a school activity all mobile phones must be stored in school bags and not visible for the duration of the day
2.1.2 / Exceptions to the Policy:
(a)Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains a vital and appropriate point of contact and can ensure your child is reached quickly and assisted in any appropriate way.
(b)Mobile devices may be used for learning purposes if allowed and directed by the teacher.
2.1.3 / Security:
(a)The school accepts no responsibility for students who lose or have their mobile phones stolen while at school or on a camp or excursion.
2.1.4 / Bullying and Harassment:
Students with mobile phones may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person using SMS messages, taking/sending photos or objectionable images, and phone calls. Students using mobile phones to bully other students will face disciplinary action (refer-the school’s Anti Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policy and the school’s procedures).
[It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person. As such the Principal may consider it appropriate to involve the police.]
2.1.5 / Privacy:
It is forbidden for students to “gang up” on another student and use their mobile technology to take videos and pictures of acts to denigrate and humiliate that student and then send the pictures to other students or upload it to a website for public viewing. This also includes using mobile technology to photograph or film any student without their consent. It is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person and almost all calls, text messages and emails can be traced.
2.1.6 / Restricted Places:
Mobile devices are not to be used or taken into changing rooms or toilets or used in any situation that may cause embarrassment or discomfort to their fellow students, staff or visitors to the school.
2.1.7 / Consequences for Policy Breaches:
(a)Teachers may confiscate mobile technology that is used during classes, or other school activities.
Confiscated devices will be placed in an envelope clearly labelled with student name, date and time. Confiscated devices will be placed in the General Office Secure Store. Students may sign for the return of these devices after 3:10pm.
(b)After three (3) confiscations, the parent of the student will be contacted and the phone must be collected by them from Reception.
(c)Should there be repeated disruptions to lessons the responsible student may face other disciplinary actions.
(d)Any student who uses vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language while using mobile technology will face disciplinary action.
(e)Any student/s caught using a mobile device to cheat in exams or assessments will face disciplinary action as sanctioned by the Principal and VCAA guidelines.
2.1.8 / This Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices also applies to students during school excursions, camps and co-curricular activities.
1.2 / Parents should be aware if their child takes a mobile device (including phones and ipods) to school and what the school’s procedures are relating to their use. / 2.2.1 / Permission to have a mobile device (including phones and ipods) at school while under the school’s supervision is contingent on parent/carer permission in the form of a signed copy of this policy. Parents/carer may revoke approval at any time.
2.2.2 / The school may revoke approval at any time if a student fails to comply with any aspect of the policy.
This policy was last ratified by School Council in………………………………….. and should be reviewed
by ……………………………………………………
Sue HolmesPrincipal
Rose Major
School Council President
Appendix A – Acceptable Use of a Mobile Device Contract
When I use my mobile phone, iPod or other mobile device at school I agree to:
- use it for learning purposes only and when directed by my teacher
- act responsibly and not use the device to find, create or send information that might be harmful, inappropriate or hurtful to me or anyone else.
To this end, when using my mobile device as a phone, I will:
- protect the privacy of others and never post private information about another person using SMS messages.
- respect others when I talk to and work with them online and never write or participate in online bullying
- seek teacher permission before uploading any content to websites (e.g. blogs).
This Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices also applies to students during school excursions, camps and any other co-curricular activities.
I acknowledge and agree to follow these rules. I understand that my access to mobile technology at school will be renegotiated if I do not act responsibly.
Student name:...... …...... ……………………Year level:......
Student signature:…………………………………………………………….
Parent Permission
I agree to allow my child to bring their mobile device to school. I have discussed the scenarios, potential problems and responsible use of a mobile device with him/her as outlined in the material above.
I will contact the school if there is anything here that I do not understand. If there is a situation which concerns me, I will contact the school.
Parent/Carer Signature :………………………………