Topic: Moon Phases and Seasons

Grade Level: Intermediate

Objectives: Students will learn about the phases of the moon and why we have different seasons.


  • Student worksheet (attached)

Internet Resources:


  • Divide students into small groups of three to five students.
  • Students will use the student worksheet to learn more about the topics at hand.
  • It is very important that students cite all sources used. Their red LRC folder will show them how to site hardcopy sources.


  • This worksheet can be printed out to limit the use of technology to just the Internet.

Moon Phases

Click on “Today’s Lunar Phases” to view the chart that continuously shows the current phase of the moon, its age, percentage of it that is currently visible, distance from Earth, and the times of the next four major lunar phases.

For the next 5 days complete the following chart:

Date / Time (hours, minutes, and seconds) / Phase of the Moon / Age / Current Visibility / Distance from Earth

Why do we see the moon in phases?

Clue: The sun effects what part of the moon we see.


(You may have to stop the movie frequently and/or replay it often.)

Where is the earth’s axis and where is it located?

How does the earth spinning around this axis cause day and night?

What season do we have when the North Pole is closest to the sun?

What season do we have when the North Pole is farthest from the sun?

Name the season each hemisphere is experiencing during Vernal Equinox.



Name the season each hemisphere is experiencing during Summer Solstice.



Name the season each hemisphere is experiencing during Autumnal Equinox.



Name the season each hemisphere is experiencing during Winter Solstice.



Created by: Michelle Lombardo & Theresa Baumann