??? Rábaga. MP:376, Spanish naval officer and fleet commander in 1783.

*M. de Rabarrel/Rabanel. Rush:116, organized the naval ships to mass fire on Fort George at Pensacola, 1781, where he was Capt, Naval forces, royal King's army.

*Juan Rabuñade (1744 Galicia - ). Adjutant, 1771-1787, Plana Mayor Valencia, Caracas. Capt, 1790, Bn Inf Pardos, Valencia, Caracas, Legajo 7294:XVIII:1.

*Benito Racio. Mob:550, soldier, Regt of Príncipe at Mobile, 1781.

Gabriel de Rada. Lt, 1799, Mil Discip de Blancos, Caracas, Legajo 7295:IV:20.

*Joseph Fermín de Rada. Caughey:194, 200, Spanish officer at Mobile. Mob:446, Capt, frigate, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Manuel Lorenzo de Rada. Klotz:49, Alcalde and Juez Ordinario of the Villa de Portugalete, 1777.

Matías Raen. CubaP:6,

*José Rafan. Ch1:18, soldier, Veracruz to LA, Apr 1780, in La Divina Pastora.

*Antonio Raffelin (1730 Paris, France - ), Col in 1781, Col and Plana Maior, Dragoons of America, 1786, married. Legajo 7259:III:1, Col Esquadrón of America, 1788. Cummings:8, 69-72, Spanish trade representative in St. Domingue before Spain entered the war.

*Francisco Rafon (1747 Yucatán - ), married. 2d Sgt, 1777-1784, Campeche Garrison, in wartime under command of naval Capt Gálvez. Legajo 7296 or 7297.

*Alejandro Ramírez (1745 Valladolid, Yucatàn - ), single. Cadet, 1780-1790, Mil Vol Blancos, Inf, Mérida, Legajo 7926:XVII:40.

*Andrés Ramírez (1752 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1788. Legajo 7290, soldier and Cpl, 1767-1787, Inf Bn Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Antonio Ramírez. FD7:26, he and wife Rosa Carmona had a family in Santo Domingo during war years.

Bartolomé Ramírez ( - 1779). FD7:30, he and wife Paula María Zapata/Torres had ch during war years.

*Bernardo Ramírez. Col grad, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797, Legajo 7263:II:1.

Blas Ramírez. FD7:39, alcalde Ordinario of Azua in 1781 and citizen of Neiba in 1788.

*Felipe Ramírez. (1738 Oran –age 77 in 1815, living wife). ZPR:329-333, fig 89, joined Spanish army in 1758, regimental Captain, 1776-1786.

Felipe José Ramirez. Capt, Inf de Valladolid de Michoacán, Mexico, 1800. Leg 7276:III:7. (this may be the person lissted above.)

José Ramírez. Sgt, 1791, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:XV:47.

*José Ramírez (1767 PR - ). Distinguished Soldier, 1779, Cadet, 1783, SubLt, 1795, Mil Discip, Puerto Rico, widower, Legajo 7289:VII:49.

*Juan Ramírez. FD7:39, 40, military comandante of urban militia of San Juan, md in 1779 María del Rosario Estepar, mentioned 1787.

Juan Ramírez-Carmona, son of Antonio ( - 1805 SeiboP. FD7:26, he and wife María García had ch during war years.

Juan José Ramírez. FD7:30, he and wife Tomasina del Castillo had ch during war years.

*Miguel Ramírez (1783 San Germán, PR - ). Capt, 1782, 1795, Mil Discip Inf, Puerto Rico, married, Legajo 7289:VII:16.

(José) Narciso Ramírez. FD7:28, he and wife Estabania Mejía (died 1823 as widow) had family in Santo Domingo during war years.

*Pedro Ramírez (1751 Santo Domingo _ ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:25, 1st Cpl, Jan 1779, Inf Bn, Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Rafael Ramirez. Cadet, Mil Discip de Cab de Puerto Rico, 1795. Leg 7289:VII:85.

*Veremundo Ramírez de Arellano. Mob:720, SubLt, Regt of Navarra, at Mobile, 1781.

Augustín Ramón. FD7:41, he and wife Tomasina Martínez, free pardos, had ch during war years.

*José Antonio Ramon. Ch1:18, soldier, Veracruz to LA, Jul 1780, El Príncipe de Asturias.

Lorenzo Ramón. FD7:41, he and wife Petrona Ramírez had ch during war years.

*Alonso Ramos (1757 - ), entered service 1775, 1st Sgt Inf Garrison, Cartagena, 1791 and 1800, Legajo 7282:III:75.

*Ciriaco Ramos. ZPR:199, soldier, infantry company, San Fernando de Omoa, Honduras, 1779.

*Francisco Ramos (1743 - ), entered service 1767, SubLt, grad Lt, Carbineers, Mil of Cav, Havana, 1787, Legajo 7264:XII:40.

Francisco Ramos. FD7:44, he and wife Nicolasa Ladines had ch during war years.

José Ramos. Cadet, Inf de Puebla, Mexico, 1794. Leg 7271:IX:66.

José Ramos. Sgt, 1st, Vet de Cazadores Inf de Córdoba, Orizaba y Jalapa, Mexico, 1800. Leg 7276:X:51.

José Ramos of a city of Puerto Rico. FD7:44, he and wife Tomasina Pérez of Santo Domingo, had ch during war years.

*Juan Ramos (1744 - ), entered service 1763, 2d Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Juan Garcia Ramos. ZOmoa:314, soldier, infantry company, San Fernando de Omoa, Honduras, 1779.

Juan Ramos Ramírez. FD7:43, he and wife Tomasa del Castillo had ch during war years.

*Tomás Ramos (1745 - ), entered service, 1763. Sgt, 1788 and 1791, Squadron, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7261:XXII:21.

*Agustín Ranz (1746 Villa Altienza - ), 1st Sgt in 1782 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7261:XI:116, Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1792.

Jorge Rapalie. CubaP:645, 775, 838, and others,

Manuel Rascon. Alf, Cab de Queretaro, Mexico, 1800. Leg 7276:XIII:38.

*??? Ravanel. MP:151, Captain of the Andromaque in the landing at Pensacola, April, 1781.

José Ravelo ( buried 18 Mar 1812, Cathedral Parish, Santo Domingo). FD7:48-49, he and wife Isabel Evangelista Hernández of Santo Domingo had ch during war years.

Ambrosio Razón/Rezón. FD7:55, he and wife Josefa Rodríguez Manchego had ch during war years.

Manuel Razón/Rezón. FD7:55, he and wife Eugenia Padilla had ch during war years.

*Juan del Real (1735 Galicia - ), entered service 1756, widower in 1790, Capt, 1790 and 1800, Vol Inf, Blancos, Cartagena, Legajo 7282:II:10.

*Marquis de Real Agrado. RM7:596-497, merchant in Havana, probably doing business with Robert Morris, 1782.

*Marquis de Real Proclamatión. RM7:496-497, merchant in Havana, probably doing business with Robert Morris, 1782.

*Antonio José de Betís y Castro, Renteria & Espinosa Marqués del Real Socorro/ dil Socorro. RM7:113, Col, Havana militia, member of Havana City Council, doing business with Robert Morris in 1781, Brigadier, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:I:8.

*F. Rebas. M:349, Capt, brigantine San Rafael in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Luís Rebolo. A3:XI:28, Col, c 1781. Mob:758, Regiment of the King, at Pensacola, 1781.

*Rey Rebolo. Mir:193, 194, Col, commanding Grenadiers, killed by rifle shot, Pensacola, 1781.

*Manuel Redondo. Mob:546, soldier, Regt of Navarra, wounded at the Village, 1781.

Juan Reed. CubaP:1624,

Alonso Regalado ( - 1788). FD7:59, he and wife Antonia García had ch during war years.

*Pedro Regalado (1757 Valladolid - ), entered service 1774, Sgt in Inf Garrison of Guatemala, 1789-93, single, Legajo 7269:II:29.

*Antonio Regas (1734 Gerona - ), Lt in 1769, Capt, Havana Regt, 1788, single. Legajo 7264:VI:2, Lt Col, Inf Comp of Cataluña in Havana, 1799.

*Miguel Regayferos. Legajo 7263:II:18, Lt, retired of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797.

José Reguera. FD7:243, as Sergeant of Artillery of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela and native there died 1794 leaving widow Martina Guerrero.

*Antonio Reina. Capt, Commandant, 1800, Castillo de San Carlos, Isla Margarita, Legajo 7295:I:18.

Cayetaño de Reina. Legajo 7263:XXII:12, Lt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1796.

*??? Reinaud. MP:194n134, Governor of French Cape which was host to Spanish ships and soldiers, 1782-1783.

José María Reinoso. Alf, Dragones Prov Nueva Calicia, 1800. Leg7276:I:44.

Juan Antonio Reiry. Sgt, 1st, Vet de Carabineros, Inf de Guadalajara, 1800. Leg 7276:II:27.

*Francisco Rejon, Sgt, 1788, Inf de Castilla, Garrison of Campeche, Legajo 7296:III:37.

*Juan de los Remedios (1740 - ), entered service 1759, Capt, Havana Arty, 1788. Ch1:8, artillery SubLt, Havana to LA, Sep 1779. H:253, Ensign, NO Artillery Mil, 1780. M:115:App G, recommended for promotion after Mobile, 1780. Legajo 7261:XXVII:6, Capt, 1791.

José Remon. Cadet, Inf de la Corona, Mexico, 1800. Leg 7277:III:84, probably enlisted 1793, too late.

*José Antonio Remon (1768 Panamá - ), Cadet in 1782 and 1788, Panamá, single. Lt, 1800, Inf Garrison, Plaza de Panama, Legajo 7283:VIII:14.

*Manuel Remón. Capt, 1797, Vol Blancos Inf of Panama and Nata, Legajo 7281:XI:10.

Manuel Remón, entered service with this unit in 1786 as a Captain, probably with prior service with some other unit, Legajo 7263:XXII:6, Capt, Havana Inf, 1796.

*Miguel Remón. Zpanamá:193, 195, 204, Comandante Castillo de San Lorenzo de Chagre, Panama, 1779.

*Diego Rendón. FD7:68, soldier from Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain – 1783). FD7:68 he and wife Elvira Mateo de la Rosa had lived in Santo Domingo.

Felipe Rendón/Rondón. FD7:68, he and wife Teresa Cataño had ch during war years.

*Francisco Rendón. Abbey:68, mentioned in 1780. Cummins:208, PCOII:224-225, Spanish observer in Philadelphia, 1780-85.

Francisco Rendon. Sgt, Cab de Queretaro, Mexico, 1800. Leg 7276:XIII:18.

*Juan Francisco Rendón. Appeals Case 95, mentioned in case of Pere Debade vs the San Antonio..

Manuel (Rendón) Sarmiento. FD7:66-67, he and wife Francisca Josefa Ariza had ch during war years. This family emigrated to Venezuela.

Rafael Renero y Ceballos. Cadet, Dragones de España, 1790. Leg 7270:I:60.

Agustín Rengel. Lt de Granaderos, Inf Córdoba, Orizaba y Jalapa, 1800. Leg 7276:X:20.

*Antonio José Rengel. Nas1:365, 1785 Commander of the Provincias Internas. Thonhoff:115. Legajo 7292:III:1, Col, Dragoons of Spain, 1795.

*Manuel Rengel (Málaga - ). Archer:192, Major, Lancers of Veracruz, 1790s. Legajo 7276:XIV:8 and 9, Lt Col grad Sgt Major, Corps Prov Cav Lanceros of Veracruz, 1800.

*Josef Renoldi. Listed in 1788 in Panamá as a retired Lt, invalid, but no record sheet.

*Condé de Reparaz. MP:379, owner of the San Miguel which was to take Saavedra from Guarico in 1783, but it was not insured to go there.

*Pedro Repeto. Capt, 1800, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:3.

*José Repilado (1747 Florida - ), SubLt in 1775, Lt, Havana Regt in 1786, married. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:16.

*Juan Esteban de Requena (1756 Saint Augustine, Florida - ), married. SubLt, 1779-1782, Vol Blancos, Campeche. Adjutant, Staff of Plaza of Campeche, Legajo 7297:II:94.

*Manuel Requena (1750 - ). Capt, 1800, Bn Inf, Garrison of Veracruz, single, Legajo 7277:VII:11.

*Juan Respardá. Klotz:52, French Consul in Gijón, Spain, 1778.

José Retortillo. SubLt, 1793, Bn Mil Discip Blancos, Caracas, Legajo 7294:XXIV:29.

*Joséde Retes. Lewis:69-71, SubLt in Command, defeated at Fort Montague, New Providence, 14 Apr 1783.

*Luís Revelo. Ch1:23, Col of the King's Regt, on Santa Cecilia, Feb 1781.

*2d Conde de Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güemes (1740 Havana – 1799 Madrid). Beerman:295, Lt General of the Army and veteran of the Siege of Gibraltar. Mob:xxix, Spanish official (Viceroy of Mexico) in 1789.

*??? Rey. MP:294, 308-09, 318, artillery officer who developed a new kind of tent for army use in 1782.

Felipe del Rey. CubaP:651,

*Felix del Rey (1765 - ). CubaP:651, Cadet, Feb 1783, in Garrison of Guatemala, Capt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:26.

Ignacio Rey y Real. Lt, 1797, Vol Inf, Cartagena, Legajo 7281:V:24.

*Manuel del Rey, Lt, 1792, Bn Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:IV:17.

Marcos Rey ( - 1785). FD7:72, he and wife Juana de los Santos lived in Santo Domingo during war years.

Nicolás Tadeo del Rey. Garzón, 1799, Plana Mayor of Vet, Bn Pardos de Caracas, Legajo 7295:V:12.

Adrián de los Reyes (Cadiz, Spain – 1790). FD7:77, he and wife Antonia Bobadilla of Santo Domingo had fam in Santo Domingo during war years.

*Agustín de los Reyes (1729 Canary Islands - ), entered service in 1746, SubLt, grad Lt, Mil Cav of Havana, 1787, Legajo 7260:X:30.

Antonio de los Reyes ( - 1791). FD7:78, he and wife Felicitas Núñez had ch during war years.

Antonio de los Reyes. Alf, Dragones de España, Mexico, 1792. Leg 7271:II:33.

Baltasar de los Reyes. FD7:75, he and wife Agueda Salomón de la Concepción Valverde had ch during war years.

*Enrique Reyes (1745 - ), entered service, 1760. Capt, 1787 and 1795, Mil of Havana, Legajo 7262:IX:58.

Fernando de los Reyes. A2:VIII:58, soldier, c 1778.

*Francisco Reyes (1728 San Carlos, Española - 1792), married in 1788. Legajo 7290, Lt, 1776, Capt, 1786, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. FD7:77, he and wife María González (died 1801, age 60) had family in Santo Domingo during war years.

*Francisco Reyes (1741 - ), entered service 1758, Lt, 1787 and 1795, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:VI:65.

Joaquín de los Reyes. Cadet, Mil Discip Inf de Puerto Rico, 1795. Leg 7289:VII:76.

José de los Reyes. FD7:78, he and wife Ana de Jesús González began their family during war years.

Juan de los Reyes Maldonado (will of 1824). FD7:76, he and wife María de la Candelaria Camejo began their family during war years.

*Manuel de los Reyes. Tanner:78, Captain, 1787, md Josepha Zéspedes, daughter of Governor Zéspedes.

Nazario de los Reyes. SubLt, Comp of Cav, Cuba, Legajo 7261:XXVIII:10.

*Rafael de los Reyes (1741 - ), entered service 1756, Lt, Blancos of Havana, 1787, Capt, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:5.

Alonso Reyna ( - 1784). FD7:62, he and his widow Lucía Sambrano had been in Santo Domingo during wartime.

*Juan Reynaud. Beerman:193, General and interim Governor, Guarico, 1781.

Andrés (Corcino) Reynoso of Santiago, died 1784. FD7:63, he and wife María Carabajal had a family in Santo Domingo during war years.

Cristóbal Reynoso. FD7:64, he and wife Gervasia Hernández had ch during war years.

Juan Reynoso. FD7:64, he and wife Dominga Peguero had ch during war years.

*Juan Antonio de Riaño y Barcena (1757 Liérganes, Santander – killed 28 Sep 1810 Guanajuato, Mexico, in the Hidalgo uprising). Beerman:295, Caughey:175, 202, Spanish Ensign, Royal Navy, who did soundings at Mississippi River entrance and who took part in Battle of Mobile. Woods:93, Navy Frigate Lt of the Royal Fleet and Victoria St. Maxent y Roca, bap ch in 1783. They had md in 1781. MP:143, 225, at Pensacola. M:116:App G, recommended for promotion after Mobile.

*Antonio Ribas (Venecia or Génova, Italy). FD7:88, he and wife Isabel del Villar of Santo Domingo (died 1783) had ch duringwar years.

*Antonio Rivas. FD7:89, adult soldier of the company of Captain Blas Pérez de la Paz, died in the ranch of Nizao, 1787, Baní. His parents were Antonio Rivas and María de Peña.

José Ribas/Rivas of Santo Domingo . FD7:88, he and wife Maríade los Remedios Meneses of Puerto Rico had ch during war years.

*Juan José de la Riba/Ribas (1718 Isla Margaríta - ), married in 1787. Sgt 1st Cl, 1776-1787, Cav Blancos de Margaríta. Sgt, 1787, Comp Cav Mil Blancos, Isla Margarita, Legajo 7293:VII:28.

*Cayetano Ribas(1755 Zeuta - ), son of Lt Col. Cadet, 1768, Sub-Lt, 1783, Garrison of Zeuta, wartime service at plaza de Gibraltar, Tabegue at N. S. del Carmen, sercice in cannon launchers, Capt, 2d Inf Garrison, Puerto Rico, married, Legajo 7289:II:19.

*Ignacio Ribas (1758 Mérida - ), married. SubLt, 1780-1793, Mil Discip Inf Vol Blancos, Mérida, Legajo7297:V:76.