UNIT 1: CITIZENSHIP (C&E)Group Names: ______

The Citizen Immigration Service is trying to improve its communication to the public. It is hiring companies to produce different products in order to get its message out and into the hands of potential new citizens. In the past, materials have included mostly requirements and rules. Now, the agency wants to include such necessary information, but also focus on informing these potential citizens more about the country they will join, focusing on our history of democracy, the reasons why the U.S. democracy functions as it does, and the importance of active citizenship.You will create a poster, as well as a PowerPoint (Google Slides) presentation that will be presented to the agency’s hiring committee upon completion.

As representatives of your company, your group is asked to produce an informative POSTER including:

A catchy title, (appealing and appropriate to get attention and inform the audience)

A mission statement to express the overall purpose of the naturalization process, clarifying why the U.S. requires new citizens to go through these steps

An explanation of significant parts of the naturalization process, including the reasons for these requirements

Information about the type of government we have in the U.S. and why this directly matters to citizens

Information about a historically significant document and how this influenced the democratic government we have

Explanations and examples of fundamental principles of our democratic government and rights held by U.S. citizens, with emphasis on how citizens benefit through these

Descriptions and examples of duties, responsibilities, and character traits expected of citizens in the U.S., elaborated with examples to help new citizens see how these are important to the functioning of our democratic government

After the POSTER is completed, your group will then create a POWERPOINT with all of the above information as well. This powerpoint should…

Contain all above required information

Have at least one purposeful image per slide

Be thoroughly spell-checked and grammar-checked

After your POSTER and POWERPOINT are created, your group needs to PRACTICE PRESENTING your information to the committee! Your presentation should…

Be well thought-out… (You should plan out who is going to talk and when!)

Involve EVERY group member

Be loud enough to be heard by everyone in the classroom

Be PROFESSIONAL… you are presenting yourself to a hiring agency…impress them!

Please remember that you want to communicate to your audience not just facts, but why this information matters. A quality product will also be clear, attractive, appealing, and enlightening through appropriate illustrations, colors, layouts, and constructionselected to enhance the written information. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU MEET THE DUE DATES POSTED BELOW. YOU WILL RECEIVE POINTS FOR EACH ASSIGNED DUE DATE. YOUR GROUP WILL LOSE POINTS FOR EVERY DAY THAT YOU ARE PAST DUE!!


Type of Government in the U.S.
Principles of Democratic Government
Document of Democracy
Naturalization Process
Rights AND Duties AND Responsibilities AND Character Traits of Citizens
Title & Mission Statement
PowerPoint (COMPLETED)
Presentation (COMPLETED)

Welcoming Potential New Citizens –

Product Evaluation Group Names: ______

Requirement / Expert: (3 points)
Aprofessional job – your company should be hired! / Proficient: (2 points)
A good basis but needs improvement / Novice: (1 point)
Not acceptableas submitted
Title & Mission Statement / There is a catchy, appropriate title.Amission statement is included telling why the U.S. has a naturalization process. / There is a title and minimal explanation. / The title or mission statement are missing.
Naturalization Process / Three key requirements of the naturalization process are identified in order.
The importance of each requirement is explained. / Three requirements of the naturalization process are identified and explained. / Fewer than three requirements are identified or explanations are lacking.
Type of Government in the U.S. / The type of government in the U.S. is identified.
The role of citizens is explained in relation to this type of government. / The type of government is accurately identified and explained. / The type of government or explanation are incorrect or missing.
Document of Democracy / A document with historical significance to the formation of our democracy is identified.
Its influence on the development of our democratic government is explained. / A historical document is identified and accurately explained. / No document is identified, or the explanation is missing or incorrect.
Principles of Democratic Government / Three fundamental principles of democratic government are identified.
The relationship of each principle to citizens in our democratic government is explained with examples. / Three fundamental principles are identified and explained. / Fewer than three principles are identified or explanations are lacking.
Rights of Citizens / Three rights of U.S. citizens are identified.
The benefits of having these rights are explained with examples. / Three rights of U.S. citizens are identified and explained. / Fewer than three rights are identified or explanations are lacking.
Duties of Citizens / Three duties of U.S. citizens are identified.
The relationship of each duty to the functioning of our democratic government is explained with examples. / Three duties of U.S. citizens are identified and explained. / Fewer than three duties are identified or explanations are lacking.
Responsibilities of Citizens / Three responsibilities of U.S. citizens are identified.
The relationship of each responsibility to the functioning of our democratic government is explained with examples. / Three responsibilities of U.S. citizens are identified and explained. / Fewer than three responsibilities are identified or explanations are lacking.
Character Traits / Three character traits of good citizens are identified.
The relationship of each responsibility to the functioning of our democratic government is explained with examples. / Three character traits of good citizens are identified and explained. / Fewer than three character traits are identified or explanations are lacking.
Illustrations / There are at least three illustrations that support information in the guide. Illustrations are placed appropriatelyto enhance specific messages. / Three appropriate illustrations are included. / There are fewer than three illustrations or they do not support the message.
Language & Mechanics / All writing mechanics are correct. The tone is professional yet inviting to the audience. / Most writing is correct and the tone is appropriate. / There are significant errors in grammar, mechanics, or use of language.
Clarity & Appeal / All elements are organized in an attractive and appealing manner to effectively convey information.
Visual elements are included to enhance understanding. / Information is organized and appropriate visual elements are included. / Information is disorganized or visual elements detract from the message.
Powerpoint / Powerpoint includes all required information; powerpoint includes images and has been grammar and spell-checked / Powerpoint includes majority of required information; powerpoint includes some slides; some grammar or spelling mistakes may be noticeable / 50% or more of the required information is missing; powerpoint lacks images or is not put together properly; powerpoint has multiple grammar and spelling issues
Presentation / Presentation is well-organized; a presentation plan is evident; every group member participates; students speak loud enough for everyone to hear; students act professionally while presenting / Presentation is organized proficiently; there is somewhat of a presentation order; some students may not participate in group presentation; some students may mumble or cannot be heard; presentation is mostly professional / Presentation appears un-organized; students may not have planned out the presentation; presentation may be dominated by one or two students out of the group; presentation may be unprofessional

Evaluator’s Comment/Score: ______/ 42