Park Community School
Key Dates / AttendanceWed 25th Jan
/ Year One to Morden Library (pm)WB 30th Jan
/ART week in school
Thurs 2nd Feb
/Reception Class trip to the local mosque
Wed 8th Feb / 9am – parent showcasesFri 10th Feb
/ Break up for half tem at 3pmMon 20th Feb
/ Back to school at 8:45Find us on Facebook and Twitter for fun weekly updates! / Whole school to date - 95.85%
(decrease from last week)
Willow - Year 2 - 96.52%
Oak - Year 1 - 92.73%
Apple- Rec - 98.08%
Please remember that holidays outside of term time cannot be authorised.
Term dates for 2017 – 18 are now on the school website.
Road Safety outside school
As you would have seen from the letter I sent this week, we are doing our best to encourage the Council to improve road safety around the school. If you have some spare time, I would appreciate you emailing either our Local Councillor: John Sargeant or our Local MP: Stephen Hammond: to express your views about the situation. The good news is, Arfan Haiderm, the traffic engineer and Charmaine Jacques, the Senior Road Safety Education Officerare meeting me at 3pm next Friday to assess the situation. It would be helpful if as many of you could be there too to explain your concerns to them directly. Hopefully, they will commit to making some important changes quickly.
Creative Caterpillars in Apple Class
This week, the childrne in Apple Class have been studying “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. They were keen to draw their own caterpillars and the transformation into a butterfly. They enjoyed designing and creatingtheir own cocoons too!
Eco Council
We are pleased to announce that due to his enthusiasm for the schools environment Jake in Year One will be joining the eco-council team! I look forward to updating you on the important ways the children come up with to support our environment.
House Time
Many children have been expressing ways that they would like to connect with and support our local community, so from next week, children will be meeting in their House groups for half an hour to decide on a cause or idea that they would like to support. Once the children have decided on their House project, I will let you know what they are!
Problem Solvers in Apple Class
Apple Class this week have becomeproblem solvers! The jungle animals couldn't get through the thick, oozy mud to get to their only water supply, so the children planned as a team and decided that building a bridge would be the simplest solution. The jungle animals were very grateful!
Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers
We are taking part again this year in the Sainsburys active kids voucher scheme. We would like to ask all our parents and staff to get involved from 25th January. Every time you shop at Sainsburys can you collect the vouchers and pop them in the box in school. In exchange for the vouchers we will be able to purchase sports equipment for the children which they will beable to use for playground games and PE sessions.
School Prayer and Moto
We are keen to have our own school prayer and moto. Can you perhaps have a think as a family and come up with some lovely suggestions and the Pupil Councillors will choose their favourite. Please hand in your ideas to the class teachers. Thanks for your help!
Parent Volunteers
We are still looking for parent volunteers to read with children on a 1:1 basis. If you have any time spare then please speak to Mrs Greenfield.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to the following children for being the wonderful Stars of the Week: Apple Class: Pantelis and Olivia, Oak Class: Angela and Monika, Willow Class: Cameron and Aaryan. Miss Street’s Manners Merit: Zyumi