Scottish Gas National Open Short Course Masters Swimming Championships

On behalf of the National Events Organising Committee I have pleasure in inviting

your application to officiate at the above Championship event being held at:

Aquatics Centre, Aberdeen Sports Village, Linksfield Rd, Aberdeen, AB24 5RU

Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd April 2016

Session start times are: Friday 1330 & 1730, Saturday 0930 & 1345.

Please complete the following sections
and return by email to:

or by post to:

Kevin Paterson 474 Lee Crescent North, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8GJ

Tel: 07752 142875

Responses would be appreciated by Thursday 31st March 2016
Post Code
Tel No. / BS Licence No.
STO Reg No. / 004901 / Timekeeper No.
E-mail Address /
Please advise polo shirt size required *
/ S / M / L / XL / XXL

Only if you have not already been issued with Blue Scottish Gas Polo Shirts for Evening Sessions

Please indicate your current qualification(s):

Recorder / Judge 1 / Judge 2 / Judge 2S / Referee

Meal requirements Lunch/Tea

22nd April 2016 / Session 1 / Session 2
23rd April 2016 / Session 3 / Session 4

Please tick availability of sessions and if officiating at consecutive sessions if you will be taking the meal provided.

For the above competition and with the prior agreement of the STO Manager, for officials doing all sessions overnight accommodation is available and booked through Scottish Swimming. If preferred an allowance of £30 Accommodation and £15 Meal Allowance may be claimed.

For those officials who wish to take up the overnight accommodation option, the closing date for this is Monday 21st March 2016

Complimentary ceilidh tickets will be available for all officials.


SASA Expense Policy applies. Information available on Scottish Swimming website under Useful STO Documents

Scottish National Open Short Course Masters Swimming Championships 2016