FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Clearfield, PA 07-24-2008
John F. Lacny, Marketing and Communications
Area Transportation Authority of North Central Pennsylvania
814-965-2111 x 217
July 24, 2008
CLEARFIELD County Fair Bus Schedule
The Area Transportation Authority of North Central Pennsylvania announced today a temporary adjustment to its regular route schedule for the Clearfield borough bus. The modified route and schedule shown below will be in effect from Monday July 28 through Saturday, August 2, 2008.
IMPORTANT –Due to the planned schedule for the Clearfield County Fair parade on Monday the Clearfield Borough bus will stop running at 5 PM at the Courthouse.
The ATA is pleased to provide public transportation to Clearfield County fair visitors. The regular route service will resume at the conclusion of the Clearfield County Fair.
The temporary change is due to Fair activities in the Driving Park and the normal access to the area including the Clearfield Hospital. The Medical Arts entrance will not be used this week. Instead the bus route will use Turnpike Avenue and the stop location at the Main Entrance to the Hospital.
For safety reasons the local ATA transit operator will use a smaller vehicle to access locations on this temporary route.
Seniors Ride Free…Now it’s anytime on the Fixed Routes
The new PA Act 44 is good news for the Free Transit Program for Senior Citizens. Persons 65 and older now ride free on fixed route services at all regular operating times on weekdays, weekends and holidays.
The Mountain Laurel Trolley
ATA’s Mountain Laurel Trolley will appear in the annual Clearfield County Fair parade on July 28th.
Contact ATA Customer Service for information 1-866-282-4968.
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