Jacob Wainwright
Teaching Concepts of Dance in PE
Dr. Cone
- Heard it Through the Grapevine
- It is a simple but fun four wall line dance that I think students will enjoy.
- Grade level: Middle School 6-8. This dance is appropriate for middle school students because they will have already learned the basic dance steps and will now learn a way to put them together for a four wall line dance.
- Computer/ YouTube for music source, “Heard it Through the Grapevine” Creedence Clearwater Revival Will need LCD for visual of steps in order.
- Psychomotor outcome: Students will be able to transition from one dance move to another smoothly and without hesitation.
Cognitive outcome: Students will be able to name the different dance moves used in this dance.
- The dance was created by me. The song it has been performed by many different artists through the years and is well known to many people. The Creedence Clearwater Revival version is my personal favorite and is why I chose it.
- I will use the modeling instructional strategy, going over all the steps with the students before the final performance of the dance. This strategy will be effective because the students will have the dance steps reinforced before they put them together. Also they will be able to follow me, the instructor if they lose their place in the dance.
- The students will be in a random formation for the dance all facing toward the front of the gym where the instructor is to start. The formations changes with everyone doing a 90 degree turn after each sequence in the dance. This formation makes it easy for the students to see the instructor during the dance.
- The dance will use four basic dance steps that were learned in the beginning of the semester. The Double side step, four step grapevine, four step turn, and the swivel.
The dance will start with a double side step to the right, followed by a double side step to the left. This will then be repeated. After the second set of double side steps, the dancers will Grapevine to the right followed by a four step turn to the left, dancers will then grapevine to the left and four step turn back to the right. Finally dancers will swivel in place making a 90 degree turn in the process.
- I will use the LCD to display my visual support which will be a list of the steps in order so that the students will be able to remind themselves of where they are in the dance if they get lost.