BJ Allen County Enhancement Award Application

Provides fundsto supplement an established educational program/activity/event or
to engage ina new program/activity/event on the county level.


Mailing Address:


Current Member of FAE4-HA: YES orNO

Years in Extension:

Years in FAE4-HA:

Have you previously received a FAE4-HA Scholarship?

What year?

Amount received:

Amount Requested for this application:

  1. Current FAE4-HA involvement/leadership:
  1. Statement of need in your county.
  1. Outline your plans to use these funds to enhance your county program. Include beginning and ending dates.
  1. Provide a budget outlining anticipated expenditures and other anticipated financial assistance.
  1. Statement of county need for financial assistance.
  1. How will your county program be enhanced?

Application guidelines:

  1. Two pages maximum.
  2. Submit one application via email to FAE4-HA President.
  3. Submit one letter of recommendation from a peer via email to FAE4-HA President.

If awarded this scholarship/grant, I agree to submit a written report to the current FAE4-HA President prior to the annual meeting to share how this award enhanced my county program with other Extension professionals.


Signature of Applicant Date


Received in past-new applicants receive priority / 5
Current FAE4-HA involvement / 20
Statement of county need / 10
Outline plan / 25
Budget / 20
Statement of financial need / 10
Program enhancement statement / 10
TOTAL / 100

If awarded the BJ Allen County Enhancement Award, you must provide documented use of funds prior to reimbursement.
Receipts must be submitted to the FAE4-HA Treasurer within 30 days of expenditure.
Funds may be used to cover the following expenses:

  • Goods, services, equipment and/or supplies that benefit a current or new county level program.

Other information:

  • Receipts submitted for reimbursement must be itemized.
  • If submitted receipts exceed the award amount, you will be reimbursed your award amount.
  • If submitted receipts are less than the award amount, you will be reimbursed for the submitted amount.
  • DUE postmarked June 1 to current FAE4-HA President.