Posted on: 9-14-04

how is it possible for someone to be madly in love with someone else,but that person doesn't even know they exist?

Posted on: 9-14-04

Why is the word LOVE so thrown around by people, especially girls it seems about my age range, (20-24)? People get so caught up in relationships so quick and automatically think its LOVE when it really isnt love at all, I wonder why they cant just see it for what it is...but not always love.

Posted on: 9-14-04

does the guilt felt by the rejector become easier to deal with more experience or is it relitive to the closeness of their relationship?

Posted on: 9-15-04

In unrequited love, why do people that are rejected have a tendency to show anger towards the person they were interested in?

Posted on: 9-15-04

A rejector in an unrequited love situation has such a hard time telling the would-be lover "no" once the 2 have already established a relationship. What is it that the rejector could do the soften the pain and misery associated with basically having to reject the other person? Unrequited love hurts each person so much.

Also, why does it appear to take a long time for the would-be lover to see that the rejector is no longer interested in them (if at all in some cases)? If you had to "convince" someone to love you, would that even be considered real love?

Posted on: 9-15-04

why is it that even when we love someone there can sometimes be that feeling of something better existing for us? Whether it is a better person or maybe a better type of love.

Posted on: 9-14-04

is it better to make up an excuse to spare the feelings of a person who is in love with you or tell them the honesty always the best?

is there a super secret way to break off a relationship with someone with out hurting their feelings?

Posted on: 9-14-04

I don't even know if this is a question that can be answered, but what causes a person to want something (or someone in this case) that they can't have?

What causes us to want someone that we know doesn't feel the same as we do?

Posted on: 9-14-04

The book states that its more appealing to be the would-be lover than the rejector. Do you agree? Having been on both sides of this issue, I'm really not sure which was worse.

Posted on: 9-14-04

In most circumstances why is it that the person who falls out of love cannot come foward with these feelings, and instead resorts to deceitful acts?

Posted on: 9-14-04

What if you know this person is right for you, but they are currently dating someone else? The timing is all wrong, but you know some kind of feelings are there. Do you tell them how you feel and possibly jeopardize their current relationship or do you wait it out?

Posted on: 9-14-04

On the topic of Self Esteem, the author says that the later in the relationship a rejection comes the greater the negative impact is on your self-esteem. Is it possible that by losing that person or being rejected by them may actual lift a burden and raise your self-esteem?

Posted on: 9-14-04

Why is it that in relationships where unrequited love is a factor, that for the individual who is not receiving the love that they are giving, it takes a slap in the face or a harsh intervention by a third party for the individual to realize that it is over?

Posted on: 9-14-04

Should you stay in a relationshipwith someone even if you don't love that person as much as they love you, just because you know it makes them happy. Like sacrificing your own happiness for someone else's, just so they don't hurt and you end up the bad guy?

Posted on: 9-14-04

For those who believe that there is one true love for us out there what happens if you believe that this guy or girl is that person but they don't return the feelings? Some may say then that that person is not the one but if your heart is telling you that they are the one, what do you do?

Posted on: 9-13-04

Why is that the person who may not be in love with the other is most of the time looked at as the bad person? Cant we understand that in his example that there may not be a bad person, just an unfortunate situation?

Posted on: 9-12-04

when i think of this it reminds me of being obsessed, do people just want what they can't have? if the person finally felt acceptance by thier "target" would they just move on to someone else that they couldn't have? and did you know that i have to beat off all the ladies with a stick? oh yeaaa!

Posted on: 9-12-04

Is is really best to tell someone about your feelings, even if it is crossing a line or boundary in the relationship, or is it possible to remain friends? Is it fair to the person who does not recipriocate the feeling to be put in that uncomfortable position?

Posted on: 9-09-04

Is it possible for unrequited love and friendship to coexist...Or does the friendship have to be terminated for the person who's feelings are rejected to move on and be truly happy?