100年 台灣疼痛醫學會專科醫師考題 --- 筆試部分 (單選題)

作答時間:100分鐘 總題數:50題


  1. Descending inhibitory pathways typically involve which of the following neurochemical

mechanisms EXCEPT?

(A) Noradrenergic

(B) Cholinergic

(C) Enkephalinergic

(D) Serotonergic

2. Which of the following is the unacceptable statement about peripheral nerve block?

(A) Occipital nerve block is indicated for occipital and posterior auricular neuralgia.

(B) Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh: local anaesthetic block of this nerve is indicated for

diagnosis and treatment of meralgia paraesthetica.

(C) Sacral plexus block, transforaminal through the sacral foramina, may be indicated for

temporary relief of sciatic pain.

(D) Suprascapular nerve block is indicated for postsurgical pain relief, for assessment of shoulder

pain and to facilitate physical therapy of the shoulder joint in painful shoulder stiffness and

pain secondary to CRPS.

(E) For classical trigeminal neuralgia, blocks of the Gasserian ganglion with glycerol or

radiofrequency are now the commonly used alternatives when microvascular decompression is

not available or cannot be used.

3. The stellate ganglion:

(A) receives fibers whose cell bodies are located primarily at the C4-C7 levels of the spinal cord

(B) is primarily a parasympathetic ganglion

(C) may be blocked with little danger of complications

(D) lies at the level of high cervical vertebra

(E) is a fusion of the inferior cervical and upper thoracic ganglia

4. Which of the following statement concerning “phantom limb pain” is most likely:

(A) Post-amputation pain can be easily treated by analgesia

(B) Phantom pain may enhance with time

(C) Phantom pain is the painful sensations referred to the amputation stump

(D) Pre-amputation pain increases the risk of phantom pain

(E) Phantom pain can be prevented by a preoperative epidural blockade

5. Which of the following statement concerning “central pain” is least likely:

(A) Central pain is dominated by abnormalities in the sensibility to temperature

(B) The most common cause is traumatic spinal cord injuries

(C) Central pain is defined as pain caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the CNS

(D) In stroke the onset of pain is early

(E) In stroke the pain is most frequently a hemipain

6. Which of the following is the acceptable statement about pathogenesis of FMS?

(A) There is evidence to suggest that FMS is a disorder of abnormal processing of sensory

information within the central nervous system.

(B) Several neurochemical mediators of pain, substance P, nerve growth factor, dynorphin A,

glutamate, nitric oxide, serotonin and noradrenaline are viewed as pronociceptive because they

carry or amplify afferent signals, leading to the brain perception of increased pain.

(C) The elevation of cerebrospinal fluid substance P in FMS is due to lowered activity of

cerebrospinal fluid substance P esterase because the rate of cleavage of libeled substance P by

FMS cerebrospinal fluid was lower than normal.

(D) In different subtypes of FMS, it is believed that nerve growth factor may be responsible for the

elevated cerebrospinal fluid substance P through its effects on central sensitization and


(E) A specific Gi-protein–coupled receptor in peripheral blood leukocytes was found to be

dysfunctional in patients with FMS. This resulted in lower baseline, also depressed intracellular

levels of cyclic AMP and proposed as a diagnostic test for FMS.

7. What is the following description about tension-type headache is FALSE?

(A) may be associated with stress

(B) associated with vomiting

(C) bilateral

(D) most common in adolescence

(E) pain may involve teeth, forehead & neck

8. In neuropathic pain, the hyperexcitability demonstrated by wide-dynamic range cells in the dorsal horns seems to be related to increase basal release of excitatory amino acids, such as

(A) Dopamine

(B) Glutamate.

(C) Acetylcholine.


(E) Norepinephrine.

9.Which NSAID has the lowest risk of GI bleeding?

(A) Diclofenac.

(B) Piroxicam.

(C) Indomethacin.

(D) Celebrex.

(E) Ketoprofen

10. About the surgical management of pain, which one statement of the followings is wrong?

(A) Neuropathic pain due to a compressive lesion may be completely relieved by surgery,

particularly if there has been little damage.

(B) There may be severe continuing pain with relatively minor damage (e.g. root compression).

(C) For the majority of patients with neuropathic pain, the realistic goal of treatment, in a

multidisciplinary pain clinic, is total analgesia and improvement in functional status.

(D) Any operation for treating pain should aim to be specific, localized into the pain area, carry

minimal risk and long-lasting.

(E) Neurosurgeons generally try the most peripheral procedures before working centrally within

the CNS, while giving preference to non-neuroablative operation, if possible.

11. Which of the following statements regarding morphine is true?

(A) Morphine is absolutely contraindicated in non-cancer pain management.

(B) The constipation induced by morphine treatment can be reversed by naloxone.

(C) In patients with renal failure, morphine-3-glucuronide may be accumulated and induce

stronger analgesic effect.

(D) Its metabolite, morphine-3-glucuronide, is a potent analgesic.

12. Indications for lumbar epidural steroid injections include all of the following, EXCEPT?

(A) Post-laminectomy (failed back) syndrome without radiculopathy

(B) Radicular pain with corresponding sensory change

(C) Radiculopathy due to herniated disc with failed conservative treatment

(D) Acute herpes zoster in the lumbar dermatomes

13. Which of the following is the acceptable statement about neurodestructive RF lesions?

(A) These temperatures are a result of friction heat.

(B) The size of RF lesion with 22 gauge RF needle is around with a radius of 5 mm

(C) The heat is generated on the tip of RF needle, the RF needle then heat up the tissues.

(D) The RF permanent neurodestructive lesion is formed when neural temperatures exceed 42℃

(E) All of the above

14. Which of the following statement concerning hypnotic analgesia is least likely:

(A) Hypnosis has been highly associated with theta activity (4~8 Hz) using EEG methods.

(B) Hypnotic analgesia can be understood as the result of a placebo manipulation, and it is not more than just relaxation.

(C) Increases in hypnotic relaxation are associated with increases in regional cerebral blood flow in the occipital cortex.

(D) Deep relaxation, dissociated imagery and focused analgesia produced significant reductions on all pain-related measures.

(E) Descending projections from amygdale, PAG and locus coeruleus contribute to modulate nociceptive processes in the brain stem and the spinal cord.

15. About the intrathecal drug delivery system, which of the following statements is NOT correct?

(A) It places medication directly into the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the spinal cord.

(B) Morphine delivered directly to the intrathecal space is particularly effective because it does not

have to circulate systemically to reach the CSF and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

(C) As a result, much smaller doses are needed (e.g., approximately 1/30 of an oral morphine dose),

and the frequency of side effects is reduced.

(D) Advantages of intrathecal therapy in pain includes effective pain relief, reduced side effects for

patients, reduced consumption of systemic medication, improved ability to perform ADLs, and

enhanced quality of life.

16. Which drug below is less likely an option for inhibiting central sensitization following acute

postoperative pain:

(A) NMDA antagonist

(B) Opioid

(C) COX2-inhibitor

(D) Pre-emptive analgesia

(E) Gabapentin

17. Which postoperative factor may not delay recovery:

(A) Pain

(B) Nausea and vomiting

(C) Ileus

(D) Hypothermia

(E) Optimal mobilization

18. A 61-year-old woman presents to the pain clinic with a chief complaint of left shoulder and arm pain 3 years after undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer. Physical examination reveals lymphedema of the left axilla with noticeable skin changes. Examination of the left supraclavicular area precipitates a sharp pain that radiates down her left arm. Which of the following is her likely diagnosis?

(A) Tumor metastasis

(B) Cervical radiculopathy

(C) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

(D) Thrombangitis obliterans

(E) Radiation-induced plexopathy

19. Correct comparisons between osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) dose not include:

(A) Steroids and the newer drugs that focus on controlling cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), may reduce pain in OA and RA

(B) OA mainly involve the joints and RA may present extra-articular features

(C) OA appears to be a mechanically driven, and RA presents an immunologically driven disorder

(D) Pain management is similar in RA and OA, but the main focus is on controlling the disease process through the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

(E) Female sex is a common factor in either OA or RA

20. Which medication below is not suggested in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS):

(A) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen)

(B) Pregabalin

(C) Tricyclics (amitriptyline, nortriptyline, doxepin, cyclobenzaprine)

(D) Opioids

(E) All of the above treatments are suggested for pain management of OA

21. A 27-year-old woman with a history of malignant melanoma and multiple subcutaneous metastases has been successfully managed with slowly increasing doses of MS-Contin (Morphine SR), in conjunction with doxepin and ibuprofen. She calls the pain center to complain of a new onset of increasing nausea, vomiting, and headaches, as well as poor pain control. The most appropriate immediate action would be to

(A) speak with the patient by telephone and tell her to increase the MS-Contin

(B) see the patient as soon as possible to determine if there is a new, treatable source of pain

(C) schedule the patient for an evaluation in your office within the week

(D) switch to a fentanyl patch since the patient is nauseated and may be unable to take oral


(E) add ondansetron for nausea and vomiting so she is able to continue to take oral analgesics

22. Piriformis syndrome是由於梨狀肌(piriform muscle)壓迫那一條神經所導致?

(A)股神經(femoral nerve)

(B) 坐骨神經 (sciatic nerve)

(C) 股外側皮神經 (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve)

(D) 腓總神經 (common peroneal nerve)

23. 根據 American College of Rheumatology的定義,在其挑定全身的18處解剖區域中若有幾

處痛點即可診斷為Fibromyalgia Syndrome:

(A) 7

(B) 9

(C) 11

(D) 13

(E) 15

24.下列何者不具有Na channel blocker 的作用:


(B) Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

(C) Lidocaine

(D) Gabapentin (Neurontin)

(E) Mexiletine (Mexitil)

25. 下列有關Complex regional pain syndrome(CRPS)之敘述,何者最不正確?

(A)依發生率及盛行率而言,CRPS typeⅠ比typeⅡ多

(B)估計骨折後進展成為CRPS typeⅠ之發生率1-2%

(C)估計因周邊神經損傷後進展成為CRPS typeⅡ之發生率平均約4%

(D)女比男之發生率約為1: 2到1: 4之間 (男比女多)


26. 一位45歲男性椎間盤突出,引起頸部、肩甲骨內側、前胸上臂及前臂內側疼痛,伴隨有


(A)C5 root (C4-5 disc)

(B) C6 root (C5-6 disc)

(C) C7 root (C6-7 disc)

(D) C8 root (C7-T1disc)

(E) T1 root (T1-2 disc)

27. 下列哪一項病理現象,不代表周邊神經損傷後引起的脊髓中樞敏感化

(central sensitization):

(A) Receptive field alteration

(B) microglial activation

(C) Windup, after-discharge

(D) Wallerian degeneration

(E) Descending dis-inhibition

28. 有關Local anaesthetic blocks and epidurals下列敘述,何者為真?

(A)Pain relief from a saline ‘block’ certainly by itself mean that the pain is ‘psychogenic’ or that the patient is malingering.

(B)Except for phantom limb pain, neurolytic, neurodestructive nerve blocks are often indicated for patients with chronic pain and a normal life expectancy.

(C)A component of sympathetically maintained pain is present in about two-third of cases with CRPS types I and II.

(D)Postoperative myocardial infarction, respiratory and renal failure, stroke, and in some studies even mortality, were reduced by perioperative lumbar epidural analgesia

(E)The duration of pain relief after epidural steroid injections is reasonable to expect a longer effect in patients without a recurrent mechanical irritation of the nerve root after the pain is gone for this episode.

29. 以下敘述何者為非?

(A)穀氨酸鹽(glutamate) 之受體包括APMA及NMDA等受體


(C) P物質 (substance P) 之受體 (receptor) 為 COX-2受體

(D)體抑素 (somatostatin) 之受體為 SST1-3等受體

(E)疼痛刺激活化c-fiber 後會導致 P物質 (substance P)、血管活性腸肽 (vasoactive intestine

polypeptide, VIP)、體抑素 (somatostatin)、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)及穀氨酸鹽 (glutamate) 等


30. 下列有關老年病患疼痛問題之敘述何者正確?

(A) 針對手術後疼痛,老年病患較年輕病患更常主動表達疼痛問題

(B) 即使有認知功能障礙的老年病患,仍應該積極處理其疼痛

(C) 慢性疼痛問題在老年人之發生率遠高於年輕人



31. 環氧酶(cyclooxygenase) 的抑制是非類固醇抗炎止痛劑的主要作用機轉,請問下列何者不是第一型環氧酶(COX-1) 存在或表現(expression) 之處?






32. 偏頭痛(migraine headache)之臨床症狀,何者除外?





33. 對帶狀疱疹(Herpes zoster)之叙述,何者不實?




(D)帶狀疱疹後神經痛(Post-herpetic neuralgia)為併發症之一,會導致神經病變而疼痛

34. 那些不是星狀神經結阻斷術(stellate ganglion block)之併發症及副作用?

(A) 出現Horner’s syndrome




35. 肉毒桿菌素( botulinum toxin type A) 目前用來治療筋膜炎(myofacial pain syndrome) 注射激發點(trigger point) 注射,其作用機轉是經由

(A)減少突觸前(presynapse) acetylcholine 的釋放

(B)減少突觸前(presynapse) 鈣離子的吸收

(C)永久性阻斷acetylcholine esterase 的作用

(D)阻止運動神經sodium channel 的開放


36. 抗憂鬱劑常被用在治療慢性神經病理性疼痛緩解,以下有關於此類藥物之敘述何者為非?



(C)Amitriptyline 可同時抑制Serotonin和Noradrenaline兩神經傳遞物質之回收,效果較其他




37. 抗癲癇藥物也是用於治療慢性神經病理性疼痛的主要藥物之一,下列有關於抗癲癇藥物之敘述何者為非?


(B) Gabapetin的結構類似GABA,但卻並不作用於GABAA 或GABAB受體,其主要是作


(C) NNT是用於表示止痛效果的指標,而NNH則是用來表示止痛藥物副作用之指標。




38. 類鴉片藥物目前仍是臨床上用於疼痛控制的最主要藥物,以下有關於類鴉片藥物使用之注意事項何者為是?



(B)類鴉片藥物是作用於類鴉片受體而產生止痛作用,各受體間有Cross tolerance存在,故

使用opioid rotation和替代性並不能降低其相關之副作用 並增強其止痛效果。



(D)Buprenorphine的first pass較低,故口服錠效果佳。


39. 以下有關於癌症病人疼痛治療的敘述,何者正確?






40. 針對dental pain使用NSAIDs治療,有哪些需要注意的事情?








41. 針對三叉神經痛的診斷和治療,以下何者是正確的?


B、高頻熱凝療法(radiofrequency thermocoagulation) 就止痛效果而言,乃是the most

effective percutaneous technique and also more effective than stereotactic radiosurgery。

C、如果為非典型的三叉神經痛,做microvascular decompression效果不錯

D、就所有ablative techniques而言,迦瑪刀(stereotactic radiosurgery) 雖不是最有效,但可


(A) A+B

(B) A+B+C

(C) A+C+D

(D) A+D

(E) A+B+C+D

42. 腰椎交感神經叢神經阻斷術 (lumbar sympathetic blockade) 的適用症,下列何者不包括?

(A)acute herpes zoster

(B) lumbar facet syndrome

(C) vascular insufficiency

(D) phantom limb pain

(E)reflex sympathetic dystrophy

43. 一位末期肝癌疼痛的病患,因口服嗎啡已經造成嚴重的嘔吐,考慮改由脊髓腔內(intrathecal) 持續給藥,因其每天劑量達600 mg,經換算後脊髓給藥劑量應為每天約:

(A)20 mg

(B) 10 mg

(C) 6 mg

(D) 2 mg

(E) 1 mg

44. 下列有關spinal cord injury (SCI)之後引起之疼痛,下列敘述,何者較不正確?

(A) 慢性SCI疼痛,大約佔SCI之65%

(B) 慢性SCI疼痛病人當中,大約有1/3病人具有嚴重疼痛

(C) 可區分為musculoskeltal pain,visceral pain以及nreuropathic pain (above-level pain、at-level、below-level)

(D) 其中以neuropathic pain最常見,約佔慢性SCI pain之58%

(E) 一般而言,眾多藥物及治療方式當中,較難有長時間而滿意的止痛療效

45. 週邊神經傷害後,DRG與 Dorsal Horn 所生變化何者為非:

(A)Increase in NO synthase

(B)Changes in Na+ channels and Ca++ channels

(C)Sympathetic sprouting

(D)Increase in opioids receptors

(E)Increased wind-up

46. 就step-wise approach of chronic pain的處置流程而言,Pulsed radiofrequency最早適合於哪一步驟之前?

(A) Physical therapy

(B) Peripheral analgesia

(C) Weak opioids

(D) Strong opioids

(E) Intrathecal opioids


(A)目前醫學界認為針灸造成的止痛作用是placebo effect

(B)目前醫學界認為針灸造成的止痛作用主要是psychological effect

(C)針灸對neuropathic pain無效益



48. 腰椎或頸椎部位最常見需要手術的原因,且手術比其他治療方式預後較好的是?

(A) Herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD)

(B) Osteoporosis

(C) Facet arthropathy

(D) Degenerated discs

(E) Spinal stenosis

49. 一個因外傷而將左下腳(left lower leg)截肢的15歲少年,最後發展phanton pain (幻肢痛),雖經多種方法止痛,仍未獲得疼痛舒緩,因此接受脊椎神經刺激術(spinal cord stimulation),請問應放在哪一個脊椎範圍為佳






50. Which one of the following statements is appropriate?

(A) Ca2+ channel activation is responsible for the repolarization of cardiac excitable cells.

(B)GABAA receptor is a voltage-gated Cl- channel.

(C)Na+ channel activation is involved in the initiation of action potential of neurons.

(D) The resting membrane potential of most excitable cells is around 70 mV.