Name: ______

Name: ______

Block: ______

Complete the sheet by going to the websites listed and answering the questions. The first section of questions is formative and the last one is summative.

Formative questions: 4 points

Questions one and two: Textbook, chapter five.

1. List the contributions that the Etruscans, Latins and Greeks made to Roman society.


2. How much farmable land was on the Italian peninsula as compared to the Greek peninsula and Arab peninsula? ______

Question three:

3. What was the name of the road that linked Rome with ports and both the east and west coasts of Italy? ______

Question four:

4. How would people utilize and interact with the seven hills that Rome was built upon (Under Hill and Rivers).


Summative question: 5 points

Using the map and information discuss three advantages Rome had due its geography. (Hint: Trade, protection, establishing an empire and maintaining control of the area.)




Unit Four Map


Use your textbook, atlas, and reputable online sources to complete the map. Include the following information on the map:

*Add the intermediate directions to the compass rose

*Use different colors when labeling water bodies and land

*Create a key explaining any colors and symbols used

1. Label all of the countries/areas listed below:

Sardinia / Corsica / Gaul / Byzantium (or Constantinople) / Crete
Sicily / Spain / Britain / Jerusalem
Rome / Carthage / Greece / Egypt

2. Label all of the following water bodies listed below:

Mediterranean Sea / Ionian Sea / Aegean Sea
Adriatic Sea / Strait of Messina / North Sea
Tyrrhenian Sea / Atlantic Ocean

3. Label the following land features listed below:

Asia Minor / Tiber River
(Draw this on your map) / North part of the Nile delta (Draw this on your map) / Italian Peninsula
Alps Mountains / Greek Peninsula
Apennines Mountains

4. Label and shade in the areas where the following people settled on the Italian peninsula. Use a different color for each group.

Etruscans Latins Greeks