We have generated this leaflet to try to address patients’ questions and concerns about the potential closure of our branch surgery within Springburn Health Centre. At the end of the leaflet there is a form that can be completed if you have any comments to make.

Will I be able to see the same doctors and nurses?

All the doctors, nurses and admin staff who you know from Springburn will continue to work at 191 Denmark Street. You should be more likely to be able to get an appointment with your preferred GP who knows you best.

Will the surgery have the capacity to see all additional patients?

Our purpose built premises at 191 Denmark Street are much larger. The building was built in 2009 with modern health care in mind and in anticipation of increasing patient numbers. Each of the GPs has their own consulting room.

With additional patients at the surgery, will the waiting list for appointments be longer?

As our GPs and Nurses will not spend time travelling between sites we anticipate this will result in more flexible appointment times with less wait.

How far away is the practice?

Our main surgery in 191 Denmark Street is less than 2 miles away from Springburn Health Centre. It is easily accessible by car with ample designated patient parking. There is a bus service with drop off within a 5 minute walk of the surgery.

Is there a local bus route from Springburn to Possilpark?

Coming from Springburn Railway Station via Springburn Shopping Centre the number 90 bus goes to Hawthorn Street (under 5 minute walk from the surgery) approximately every 30 minutes.

Would Springburn Health Centre be closed?

The Allander Surgery in Springburn Health Centre would close but the remainder of the health centre would continue to operate as normal.

What about the other services at Springburn Health Centre?

You will still be able to access all the services available at Springburn Health Centre which include physiotherapy, podiatry and pharmacy.

Can I still have a house call if required?

Our practice area will remain the same; we will continue to provide house calls for housebound patients.

Which community staff will care for me?

The District Nurse and Health Visitor teams operate within specific areas. This will not change and therefore you will continue to see the same District Nurses and be able to attend a local community clinic to see your Health Visitor.

If I don’t want to travel to Possilpark, can I change my GP practice?

We hope that you will share our vision for a new improved service and level of care. We really hope that you remain registered with our practice. However, if you felt you wished to leave our practice, you would be entitled to seek registration with one of the other GP practices in your surrounding area.


To help us understand your feedback, we need to know a little more about you.

Are you male or female?

Male □ Female □

Age Range?

16-24 □ 25-34 □ 35-44 □ 45-54□ 55-64 □ 75-84 □ 85+ □

How many dependants under the age of 16 are in the house? ______

What is your ethnic group?______

Would you plan to stay with the practice and stay with us on one site?

Yes □ No□

If no can you please tell us why –




Would you find it difficult to get to the new premises? Yes □ No □

Do you support the move? Yes □ No □

If no can you please tell us why -




Please supply your post code ______

Any further comments or questions?

Please return your comments by

26th Feb 18

Allander Surgery

Public Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr Margaret Craig Dr Alastair Douglas

Dr Linda Cherry Dr Susan McKean