Property Type 1 - Residential

Place an ‘x’ in each relevant box to indicate your preferences for responding to tendering opportunities for relevant Property Type 1 -Residentialprojects in the value category/ies applicable to your agency. (Tick all that apply; refer NSW Regions attached to this document). The capabilities selected should relate to your core business.

Provide three (3) examples per capability selected for categories A01 – A16(i.e. EVERY box ticked requires three (3) examples)that demonstrate experience in similar transactions.(Refer to example scenarios attached to this document.) For small and medium sales (V01 & V02) examples must be within 12 months of the application submission date. For large and major sales (V03 & V04) examples must be within 24 months of the application submission date. Please ensure that the category selections in the eTender application match those marked here and ensure that all examples are clearly referenced. (Category selection in the form of radio buttons is completed in the “Capability” section 5 of the application – after the questionnaire.)

A01 / Cumberland/ Prospect / A09 / Central West
A01-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A09-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A01-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A09-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A01-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A09-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A01-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A09-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A02 / Nepean / A10 / Orana/Far West
A02-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A10-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A02-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A10-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A02-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A10-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A02-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A10-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A03 / Northern Sydney / A11 / Riverina Murray
A03-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A11-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A03-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A11-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A03-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A11-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A03-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A11-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A04 / Inner West / A12 / Far North Coast
A04-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A12-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A04-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A12-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A04-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A12-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A04-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A12-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A05 / South East Sydney / A13 / Mid North Coast
A05-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A13-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A05-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A13-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A05-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A13-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A05-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A13-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A06 / South West Sydney / A14 / New England
A06-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A14-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A06-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A14-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A06-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A14-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A06-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A14-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A07 / Central Coast / A15 / Illawarra
A07-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A15-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A07-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A15-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A07-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A15-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A07-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A15-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
A08 / Hunter / A16 / Southern Highlands
A08-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / A16-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
A08-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / A16-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
A08-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / A16-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
A08-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / A16-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)


Property Type 2 – Other: Commercial/retail/industrial/vacant land

Place an ‘x’ in each relevant box to indicate your preferences for responding to tendering opportunities for relevant Property Type 2–Other: Commercial/retail/industrial/vacantland projects in the value category/ies applicable to your agency. (Tick all that apply; refer NSW Regions attached to this document). The capabilities selected should relate to your core business.

Provide three (3) examples for categories per capability selected for categories B01 – B16(i.e. EVERY box ticked requires three (3) examples)that demonstrate your experience in similar transactions. (Refer to example scenarios attached to this document.) For small and medium sales (V01 & V02) examples must be within 12 months of the application submission date. For large and major sales (V03 & V04) examples must be within 24 months of the application submission date. Please ensure that the category selections in theeTender application match those marked here and ensure that all examples are clearly referenced.(Category selection in the form of radio buttons is completed in the “Capability” section 5 of the application – after the questionnaire.)

Capability B17 is a category that can be selected by sales agencies that can service the WHOLE OF NSW across all sale values. This only applies to Property Type 2 – Other: Commercial/retail/industrial/vacant land. If this is selected,Capabilities B01 – B16are to be left blank. Four (4) recentexamples must be provided for this capability, which meet the following criteria:

  • Must be for sales over $10M
  • Must cover each of the subcategories for this property type (commercial, retail, industrial and vacant land.i.e. one for each sub-category)

B01 / Cumberland/ Prospect / B09 / Central West
B01-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B09-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B01-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B09-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B01-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B09-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B01-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B09-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B02 / Nepean / B10 / Orana/Far West
B02-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B10-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B02-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B10-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B02-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B10-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B02-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B10-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B03 / Northern Sydney / B11 / Riverina Murray
B03-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B11-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B03-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B11-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B03-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B11-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B03-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B11-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B04 / Inner West / B12 / Far North Coast
B04-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B12-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B04-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B12-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B04-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B12-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B04-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B12-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B05 / South East Sydney / B13 / Mid North Coast
B05-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B13-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B05-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B13-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B05-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B13-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B05-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B13-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B06 / South West Sydney / B14 / New England
B06-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B14-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B06-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B14-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B06-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B14-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B06-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B14-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B07 / Central Coast / B15 / Illawarra
B07-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B15-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B07-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B15-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B07-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B15-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B07-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B15-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B08 / Hunter / B16 / Southern Highlands
B08-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K) / B16-V01 / Small Sales (up to $600K)
B08-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M) / B16-V02 / Medium Sales ($600K to $5M)
B08-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M) / B16-V03 / Large Sales ($5M to $15M)
B08-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M) / B16-V04 / Major Sales (over $15M)
B17 / Whole of state
B17 / Sales over $10M

Real Estate Sales Agent 2017 – 2019

Template 2 – Experience and Capabilities V1.4Page 1 of 8



Complexities - Either Property Type (Optional)

Place an ‘x’ in each relevant box to indicate your preferences for responding to tendering opportunities for relevant Complex projects.

Provide one (1) example per capability selected for categories C01 – C08 (i.e. EVERY box ticked requires one (1) example)that demonstratesexperience in similar transactions.Examples must be within 24 months of submission date. (Refer to example scenarios attached to this document.) Examples already provided for either Property Type 1 or 2 may be referenced for this category if they meet the requirements listed.Include a brief explanation about how the example relates to the complexity. Please ensure that the category selections in the eTender application match those marked here and ensure that all examples are clearly referenced.(Category selection in the form of radio buttons is completed in the “Capability” section 5 of the application – after the questionnaire.)

C01 / C02 / C03 / C04 / C05 / C06 / C07 / C08
Sale with leaseback / Sale of leasehold / Sale with unresolved planning issues / Sale subject to conditions(e.g. STCA) / Involves heritage assets / Involves considerable public or media comment / Demonstrated access to local and broader market purchasers (domestic and offshore) / Demonstrated any niche market sales (e.g airspace, land/licence sale packages, heritage floor space sales)


Based on the capabilities selected, provide details of successful property sales that your agency has transacted within the last 12 months for small and medium sales; or the last 24 months for large and major sales. Minimum examples required are:

  • Three (3) examples per capability for categories A01 - A16 and B01 - B16(i.e. EVERY box ticked requires three (3) examples)
  • Four (4) examples for capability B17. (If this is selected, leave B01 – B16 blank)

Project CVs including sample marketing material may be attached.

Date of Transaction
(Month/Year) / Property Type Category & Property Description / Region* and Site Location / Value
($) / Method of Sale / Key Personnel Involved
e.g. Mar 2016 / P2 Land –600m2 vacant land / Hunter – 25 High Street, Maitland / $200,000 / Auction / Sally Smith, Lead sales agent
John Woods, Auctioneer

* NSW Regions attached.


Applicants that can demonstrate experience in dealing with complex sales may be eligible for prequalification in additional specialist categories. Project CVs supporting your claim may be attached. One (1) or more example/s within the last 24 months must be provided for each complexity(i.e. EVERY box ticked requires one (1) example.)Applicants may reference examples provided above. Examples may relate to either property type. Include a brief explanation about how the example relates to the complexity.

Complexity Category (Optional)

C01. Complexity - Sale with leaseback

C02. Complexity - Sale of leasehold

C03. Complexity - Sale with unresolved planning issues

C04. Complexity - Sale subject to conditions (e.g. STCA)

C05. Complexity - Involves heritage assets

C06. Complexity - Involves considerable public or media comment

C07. Demonstrated access to local andbroader market purchasers (domestic and offshore)

C08. Demonstrated any special niche market sales (i.e. airspace, land/licence sale packages, heritage floor space sales, if applicable)

Date of Transaction
(Month/Year) / Region* and Site Location / Complexity Category & Project Description / Value
($) / Method of Sale / Key Personnel Involved

Example Scenarios

Scenario A – If an applicant selects A01-V03 (Residential capability in the Cumberland/Prospect region for large sales),recent examples supplied should be for residential sales between $5M and $15M. If in addition, the applicant also selected C01 (Sale with leaseback)then one of their examples must relate to C01 (Sale with leaseback.) This applicant needs to provide three (3) examples only.

Scenario B – If an applicant selects A03-V02 and B03-V04for the Northern Sydney regionwhere residential sites sold for circa $4M and their commercial sites sold for circa $16M; this applicant would need to provide six (6) examples.

Scenario C – Ifan applicant selects A09-V01with sales of circa $500K, andB09-V01, B09-V02 and B09-V03with sales ranging from $300k - $10Min the Central West region; this applicant would need to provide twelve (12) examples, due to the fact that they selected four (4) capabilities across multiple value categories.

Scenario D – If a large sales agency has sales experience all over the state of NSW; specialising in commercial property, they select B17. They are required to provide four (4) examples – all for sales over $10M that show evidence of each of the following:commercial, retail, industrial and vacant land sales.


/ Set A = Property Type 1 – Residential
/ Set B =Property Type 2 – Other: Commercial/retail/industrial/vacant land
/ Set C = Complexity Category (Optional)

Real Estate Sales Agent 2017 – 2019

Template 2 – Experience and Capabilities V1.4Page 1 of 8


Real Estate Sales Agent 2017 – 2019

Template 2 – Experience and Capabilities V1.2Page 1 of 8