Prism Description

Prism is the student yearbook created to capture the memories and events of campus life at Eureka College.

Editor of the Prism is responsible for designing and publishing a yearbook within one year’s time. She/he is responsible for organizing a Yearbook Staff, which may include one or more Assistant Editors. Job responsibilities include designing layouts, taking and collecting pictures, and writing text for the yearbook. As Editor, one must be able to work independently and follow through with obligations stated in the Prism contract noting deadlines for submissions. She/he will work with a Faculty/Staff Advisor, as well as the Business Manager, in putting the publication together. Working with Walsworth Publishing, the Prism Editor, Assistant(s), and Staff will produce a high quality yearbook which reflects the Eureka College Community.

Skills needed for the position include, but are not limited to:

·  Time management

·  Meeting deadlines

·  Organization

·  Clerical work

·  Experience with Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop, highly encouraged

·  Interpersonal & Teamwork skills

·  Proficient writer

·  Photography

·  Experience with design/layout

·  Works well under pressure

·  Strong work ethic

·  Dependable/Reliable

·  Delegation of responsibilities

·  Staff Development

Editor - $96.85 ($1551 - over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 6 hours per week- average

Asst. Editor - $64.50($1033 over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 4 hours per week- average

Co-Editors - Each receives $80.75 ($1292 over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 5 hours per week- average

The Pegasus Description

The Pegasus provides the College Community with a bi-weekly paper that includes news, sports, features, editorials, and entertainment. The Pegasus strives to represent the entire Eureka College Community, reflecting the views and activities of students, faculty, administration and alumni.

Editor of The Pegasus is responsible for designing and publishing a bi-weekly newspaper. She/he is responsible for organizing a Newspaper Staff, which may include one or more Assistant Editors. Editor of The Pegasus will work with the Assistant Editor(s) and the Newspaper Staff to print newsworthy articles, and to ensure the paper supports the mission and values of the College. As Editor, one must work independently and follow through with obligations stated in The Pegasus Contract, noting when papers are produced. She/he will work with a Faculty Advisor, as well as the Business Manager, in putting the publication together.

Skills needed for the position include, but are not limited to:

·  Time management

·  Meeting deadlines

·  Organization

·  Clerical work

·  Experience with Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop, highly encouraged

·  Interpersonal & Teamwork skills

·  Proficient writer

·  Photography skills preferred

·  Experience with design/layout

·  Works well under pressure

·  Strong work ethic

·  Dependable/Reliable

·  Delegation of responsibilities

·  Professionalism

·  Handles controversy well

·  Staff Development

Editor - $96.85 ($1551 - over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 6 hours per week- average

Asst. Editor - $64.50($1033 over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 4 hours per week- average

Co-Editors - Each receives $80.75 ($1292 over a total of 16 pay periods for the academic year/8 per semester) 5 hours per week- average

Impressions Description

The Impressions Editor is a spring semester job opportunity. During the first part ofthe spring semester each year, students, faculty, and staff submitoriginal prose, poetry, and artworkto be published in an engaging and dynamic literary magazine.

The Editor of Impressions must market the publication, requesting and inviting the campus community to submit original works. The Editor must also read all submissions and decide which ones will be included in the publication. Knowledge of the fundamentals of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation is vital. Copy editing skills are also important. Familiarity with various computer programs is an asset. The Editor works closely with the Faculty Advisor and the printer, and alsoconsults the contributors whose works appear in the publication. For that reason, she/he should be willing and able to work with others amicably.

Editor - $104.25 ($834 - over a total of 8 pay periods in the spring semester) 6.3 hours per week- average

Asst. Editor - $69.30 ($554.40 - over a total of 8 pay periods in the spring semester) 4.2 hours per week- average

Co-Editors - Each receives $86.78 ($694.20 - over a total of 8 pay periods in the spring semester) 5.23 hours per week- average