_Help DIC or TD unload all equipment from her car.


_Cart Signs

_Tee Markers (check to be sure pro shop knows which tees to use)

_WGANC Flags (for championship tournaments)

_Alpha and tee assignment lists

_Closest-to-the-Hole Sheet (Remind Pro Shop of Measuring Device)

_Signals for Spotters/Important Reminders (beige) (if required)

_Directional signs needed (if required)

_Check if the Pro staff is prepared to lead players to starting holes

IN COMMAND CENTRAL (i.e. “War Room”)

_Plug in radios

_Set up computer and printer

_Set up display of medallions

_Put on your radio and leave it on!

_Set out for Rules Officials: conditions, tee assignments, TPP pace of play, copy of TPP official scorecards, hole locations if applicable, plastic rules boxes with lanyards, plastic windshields, radio and headset sign out/in sheet and meal sign-up sheet.

REGISTRATION TABLE (No more than 2 hours before tee time)

_Post set of alpha list, starter’s tee assignments, and flight list for players to see away from the registration table

_Give alpha list to 18-hole women’s group for collecting money (two copies)

_Give Collection worksheet to 18-hole women’s group to be completed, signed and returned to DIC. Return to workbox after completion.

_Prepare player handouts consisting of:

  • Notice to Competitors/Conditions of Play (yellow)
  • Pace of Play guidelines (blue)
  • Hole Location sheet (championship tournaments only)


Other items to be displayed on the table:

_Copy of Bulletin

_Handicap allowance tables and course rating sheet with conversion tables

_Reminder Rule 7-1b sign


_Ball Markers

_Awards Display Case (Do not leave unattended)

_Atomic clock & Synchronize Your Watch sign



_Display two WGANC Flags in Appropriate Club Locations


_Put medallions back in box and store in safe place (give to TD and/or DIC to lock in her car); leave out the closest-to-the-hole silver ball mark for day one

_Tape off rules table with blue tape

_Put up podium sign

_Put out Table Signs, with stanchions if used

_Wrap Captain’s gift. If not a flip-flop this will be done each day, if it is a flip-flop it will only be done the second day.

_Check Certificate of Appreciation for accuracy. Be sure it is signed by DIC, TD and President and place in frame. This will be done both days if the tournament is not a flip-flop, otherwise only the second day.

_Take photographs of players out on the course. Be discreet if it is a championship tournament.

_About 1 hour before players come off the course, remind Pro shop to pick up tee markers.


Note: Score Board - Use Blue ink for Gross and Red for Net Scores

_One director will read scores to office staff helping (this should be a first year director if one is working the tournament).

_After scoring, put scorecards in order and put in Scorecard slot in workbox. Scorecards should be in alphabetical order for individual events and by team number for team events.

_After office has printed out scoreboard report, be sure to check the score sheet against what has been printed out. Two people are needed for this – one to read and one to check

_Be sure radios and headsets have been checked back in and are back in their slots and plugged in after the rules officials and directors return them.

_Office staff will print out reports, scorecards and cart signs. The DIC or TD should be the second set of eyes checking that there are no conflicts or errors. (i.e., people from the same club playing together, people who played together on day one, again playing together on day two). Validate the scorecard information (date, flight, starting hole shading…)


If not flip-flop, pack up all supplies.See list at end of Day Two

_Help DIC/TD pack up supplies for next day.



_Printer with extension cord and surge protector

_Tournament File Box (not required for flip/flop if printers are same)

  • Round 1 (used) and Round 2 (new) scorecards
  • Scoring Report
  • Round 2 Cart Signs
  • Round 2 Alpha List (6 copies)
  • Round 2 Starter’s List Tee Assignments (4 copies plus 1 for each rules)
  • Rules Pace of Play Report (1 copy for each rules official)

_Score sheets

_Camera – charge camera overnight

_Table signs

_Quiet Please sign





_Cart Signs

_Tee Markers (check to be sure pro shop knows which tees to use)

_WGANC Flags (for championship tournaments, if applicable)

_Alpha and Starter’s tee assignment lists

_Directional Signs if required

_Check if the Pro staff is prepared to lead players to starting holes


_Hang Score sheets (use masking tape)

IN COMMAND CENTRAL (i.e. “War Room”)

_Plug in radios

_Set up computer and printer

_Put on your radio and leave it on!

_Set out for Rules Officials: conditions, tee assignments, TPP pace of play, copy of TPP official scorecards, hole locations if applicable, plastic rules boxes with lanyards, plastic windshields, radio and headset sign out/in sheet and meal sign-up sheet.
Alpha list, tee assignments and TPP pace of play set out for Directors

REGISTRATION TABLE (No more than 2 hours before tee times)

_Post set of alpha and tee assignments and flight list for players to see away from the registration table

_Give alpha list to 18-hole women’s group for collecting money (two copies)

_GiveCollection Worksheet to 18-hole women’s group to be completed, signed and returned to DIC. Return completed form to workbox.

_Prepare player handouts consisting of:

  • Notice to Competitors/Conditions of Play (yellow)
  • Hole Location sheet (championship tournaments only)


Other items to be displayed on the table:

_Copy of Bulletin

_Handicap allowance tables and course rating sheet with conversion tables.


_Ball Markers

_Atomic clock



_Set up score sheets

_Tape off Rules table

_Put up podium sign

_Put out Table Signs, with stanchions if used

_Put Tournament Comment Cards on tables (if being done)

_Wrap Captain’s gift (if not a flip-flop this will be done each day) if it is a flip-flop it will only be done the second day.

_Check Certificate of Appreciation for accuracy. Be sure it is signed by DIC, TD and President and place in frame. This will be done both days if the tournament is not a flip-flop, otherwise only the second day.

_Take photographs of players out on the course if it is not a championship.

_About 1 hour before players come off the course, remind Pro shop to pick up tee markers.

SCORINGNote: Score Board - Use Blue ink for Gross and Red for Net Scores

_One director will read scores to office staff helping (this should be a first year director if one is working the tournament)

_After scoring, put scorecards in order (alphabetical if individual tournament, by team number if team event) and put in Scorecard slot in workbox.

_After office has printed out scoreboard report be sure to check the score sheets against what has been printed out. Two people are needed for this – one to read and one to check.

PACKING UP (Both Days if not a flip-flop – Day two if a flip-flop)

All Directors should help the office staff load items and collect everything so that nothing is left behind – it is all our responsibilities and will go faster if everyone “jumps-in”.


_Printer (with all extension cords and surge protectors)

_Radios and headsets (be sure to count them – and the antennae and docking stations to be sure we have them all). Leave in the “on” position with volume turned down to low.

_Camera and charger

_Score sheets in carrying case

_Tee markers from Pro Shop (count and put in numeric order) – when play is finished it is a good idea for someone to go in and remind the pro shop that they need to pick these markers up.

_Flags from Pro Shop (if applicable) – Count these also

_Tournament File Box

_Awards case with stand and silver tray

_Paper file box

_Rolling box with miscellaneous small stuff

_Podium sign

_Table signs

_Supply box

_WGANC Flags (2)






_Cart Signs

_Tee Markers (check to be sure pro shop knows which tees to use)

_WGANC Flags (for championship tournaments)

_Alpha and tee assignment lists

_Are directional signs needed on golf course?

_Is staff prepared to lead players to their starting holes?


_ Hang Score sheets (use masking tape)

IN COMMAND CENTRAL (i.e. “War Room”)

_Plug in radios

_Set up computer and printer

_Put on your radio and leave it on!

_Set out for Rules Officials: conditions, tee assignments, TPP pace of play, copy of TPP official scorecards, hole locations if applicable, plastic rules boxes with lanyards, plastic windshields, radio and headset sign out/in sheet and meal sign-up sheet.

_Alpha list, starter’s tee assignments and TPP pace of play set out for Directors

REGISTRATION TABLE (No more than 2 hours before tee times)

_Post set of alpha and tee assignments and flight list for players to see away from the registration table

_Give alpha list to 18-hole women’s group for collecting money (two copies)

_Give Collection Worksheet to 18-hole women’s group to be completed, signed and returned to DIC. Return completed form to workbox.

_Prepare player handouts consisting of:

  • Notice to Competitors/Conditions of Play (yellow)
  • Hole Location sheet (championship tournaments only)


Other items to be displayed on the table:

_Copy of Bulletin

_Handicap allowance tables and course rating sheet with conversion tables.


_Ball Markers

_Atomic clock



_Set up score sheets

_Tape off Rules table

_Put up podium sign

_Put out Table Signs

_Wrap Captain’s gift (if not a flip-flop this will be done each day) if it is a flip-flop it will only be done the second day.

_Check Certificate of Appreciation for accuracy. Be sure it is signed by DIC, TD and President and place in frame. This will be done both days if the tournament is not a flip-flop, otherwise only the second day.

_Take photographs of players out on the course if it is not a championship.

_About 1 hour before players come off the course, remind Pro shop to pick up tee markers.


Note: Score Board - Use Blue ink for Gross and Red for Net Scores

_One director will read scores to office staff helping (this should be a first year director if one is working the tournament)

_After scoring, put scorecards in order (alphabetical if individual tournament, by team number if team event) and put in Scorecard slot in workbox.

_After office has printed out scoreboard report be sure to check the score sheets against what has been printed out. Two people are needed for this – one to read and one to check.


All Directors should help the office staff load items and collect everything so that nothing is left behind – it is all our responsibilities and will go faster if everyone “jumps-in”.


_Printer (with all extension cords and surge protectors)

_Radios and headsets (be sure to count them – and the antennae and docking stations to be sure we have them all). Leave in the “on” position with volume turned down to low.

_Camera and charger

_Score sheets in carrying case

_Tee markers from Pro Shop (count and put in numeric order) – when play is finished it is a good idea for someone to go in and remind the pro shop that they need to pick these markers up.

_Flags from Pro Shop (if applicable) – Count these also

_Tournament File Box

_Awards case with stand and silver tray

_Paper file box

_Rolling box with miscellaneous small stuff

_Podium sign

_Table signs

_Supply box

_WGANC Flags (2)


Revised 070815Tournament Procedures ManualTournament Check ListsPage 1