Chapter 015 The Hip Joint and Pelvic Girdle

True / False Questions

1.Poor body mechanics, weak core muscles, trauma, and improper lifting postures make this area the weakest link in the mechanical musculoskeletal chain.

2.The acetabular femoral joint is a condyloidal joint.

3.The head of the femur connects with the cup-shaped acetabulum of the pelvic girdle.

4.The lateral rotators all insert on the lesser trochanter.

5.The pelvic bones consist of three bones: ilium, ischium, and the pubis.

6.The ischial tuberosity is an attachment site for the quadriceps.

7.Movement of the femur in the frontal plane laterally to the side away from the midline is called hip adduction.

8.Primary hip flexors include the rectus femoris, iliopsoas, sartorius, and the hamstrings.

9.Many adductors insert on the linea aspera.

10.The psoas minor flexes the hip.

Multiple Choice Questions

11.The right and left pelvic bones are joined together posteriorly by the ______.

12.The muscle of the quadriceps that functions two joints is the ______.
A.rectus femoris
B.vastus intermedius
C.vastus lateralis
D.vastus medialis

13.The iliopsoas inserts on the ______and the shaft just below.
A.greater trochanter
B.lesser trochanter
C.lesser tubercle
D.linea aspera

14.The iliotibial tract attaches to ______on the ______.
A.medial condyle; tibia
B.head; fibula
C.tibial tuberosity; tibia
D.Gerdy's tubercle; tibia

15.Lateral rotary movement of the femur in the transverse plane around its longitudinal axis away from the midline is called ______.
A.external rotation
B.internal rotation

16.The primary action of the adductor magnus, adductor longus, and adductor brevis is ______.
A.hip flexion
B.hip extension
C.hip adduction
D.hip abduction

17.The primary action of gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae is hip ______.

18.The long strap muscle that is superficial on the anterior thigh is the ______muscle.
A.rectus femoris
C.vastus medialis
D.adductor magnus

19.The piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris all have the action of ______of the hip.
A.internal rotation
D.lateral rotation

20.The muscle that inserts on the middle third of the linea aspera is the ______.
A.adductor brevis
B.adductor magnus
C.adductor longus

21.The large posterior muscle that works with the hamstrings to perform extension is called the ______.
A.gluteus medius
B.gluteus minimus
C.gluteus maximus

22.The nerve that supplies the anterior and lateral thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

23.The nerve that innervates the medial thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

24.The large nerve that innervates the posterior thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

25.The iliopsoas can ______the trunk when the abdominals are weak.
C.laterally flex

26.The rectus femoris inserts on the ______on the ______.
A.tibia; tibial tuberosity
B.tibia; Gerdy's tubercle
C.fibula; head
D.tibia; medial condyle

27.The tensor fasciae latae flexes the hip with other hip flexors, but also ______the hip.
C.externally rotates

28.The muscle that originates on the anterior superior ilias spine (ASIS) is called the ______muscle.
A.rectus femoris
B.tensor fasciae latae

29.The muscle that inserts in the gluteal line of the femur and the iliotibial tract is called the ______muscle.
A.gluteus medius
B.gluteus maximus
C.gluteus minimus

30.The only lateral rotator of the hip that originates on the anterior sacrum is called the ______.
B.gemellus superior
C.obturator internus
D.quadratus femoris

31.The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles both insert on the ______.
A.lesser trochanter
B.iliotibial tract
C.greater trochanter

32.The hamstrings have a common attachment site on the ______.
A.pubic bone
C.posterior iliac crest
D.ischial tuberosity

33.The muscle that originates on the anterior pubis just above the crest lateral to the pubic tubercle is called the ______muscle.
A.adductor longus
B.adductor brevis
D.adductor magnus

34.An adductor that inserts on the medial proximal tibia just below the condyle is called the ______muscle.
A.adductor longus
C.adductor magnus
D.adductor brevis

35.The pectineus assists in hip ______as well as adduction.
D.internal rotation

36.Similar to the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder, this joint enjoys the entire free range of movements that the shoulder does.
A.Acetabular femoral joint
B.Sacroiliac joint
C.Glenohumeral joint

37.This part of the pelvis can be considered an extension of the spinal column with its five fused vertebrae.
A.Greater trochanter
B.Ischial tuberosity
D.Linea aspera

38.This tubercle provides the insertion point for the iliotibial tract of the tensor fasciae latae.
A.Greater trochanter
C.Lesser trochanter
D.Tibial tubercle

39.This nerve arises from the posterior division of the lumbar plexus.

40.The psoas muscle is strengthened by performing
A.knee flexion.
D.bent knee hip flexion.

41.The sartorius can be stretched the same way as
A.tensor fascia latae.
C.rectus femoris.

42.Specifically stretching this muscle at both origin and insertion is extremely beneficial for knee-tracking issues and Osgood-Schlatter disease.
A.Rectus femoris
B.Tensor fascia latae
D.Gluteus maximus

43.To strengthen the gluteus maximus, what movement needs to occur?

44.Dysfunction in the gluteus medius muscle causes this kind of gait.
A.Genu valgum gait
B.Steppage gait
C.Trendelenburg gait
D.Myopathic gait

45.This exercise will strengthen the gluteus medius muscle.
A.Straight leg lifts
B.Side-lying leg lifts
C.Adduction lifts
D.Internal rotation

46.To effectively stretch the tensor fascia latae and illiotibial band, what must occur during the stretch?
A.The knee is flexed.
B.The femur is internally rotated.
C.The knee must be extended.
D.The quadriceps are relaxed.

47.The lateral rotator muscles are important to stretch for
A.femoral pain only.
B.sciatic and hip problems.

48.Specific exercises to improve the strength and flexibility of this muscle group are important in decreasing knee injuries.
D.Hip rotators

49.To stretch the adductor magnus more effectively, the femur is
A.internally rotated.
B.externally rotated.

50.The piriformis must be stretched as an abductor as well as a(n)

Fill in the Blank Questions

51.The joint between the anterior pubic bones is called the ______.

52.The sciatic nerve is composed of the ______nerve and the ______nerve.

53.The iliotibial tract is not considered to be a(n) ______.

54.The iliopsoas is composed of three muscles that are the ______, ______, and the ______muscles.

55.The three muscles that are the hamstrings are the ______, ______, and the ______muscles.

56.Besides the hamstrings, the muscle that also has attachment to the ischial tuberosity is called the ______.

57.The structures that are superficial to the pectineus that make this area an endangerment zone are the ______, ______, and ______.

58.The area that the gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus attach to is called the ______.

59.The piriformis usually is situated superficial to the ______.

60.The joint between the sacrum and the ilium is called the ______.

61.The lumbosacral plexus is made up of the ______and ______.

62.Besides inserting on the linea aspera, the adductor magnus inserts on the ______.

63.The lateral rotators all insert on the ______.

64.The antagonists of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus for abduction of the hip would be the ______.

65.Movement of the femur in a diagonal plane toward the midline of the body is called ______.

66.Posterior movement of the upper pelvis in which the iliac crest tilts backward in a sagittal plane (posterior tilt); accomplished by hip extension and/or lumbar flexion is called ______.

67.Anterior movement of the upper pelvis in which the iliac crest tilts forward in a sagittal plane (anterior tilt); accomplished by hip flexion and/or lumbar extension is called ______.

68.The rectus femoris assists in ______pelvic rotation.

69.Gracilis assists in ______rotation of the hip.

70.Movement of the femur straight anteriorly from any point in the sagittal plane toward the pelvis is called ______.

71.When the lumbar spine is in extension and the right hip flexes the pelvis ______.

72.The main focus of the iliopsoas is ______.

73.The sartorius assist is ______pelvic rotation.

74.The tensor fasciae latae inserts into the ______.

75.The short head of the biceps femoris originates on the ______.


Chapter 015 The Hip Joint and Pelvic Girdle

True / False Questions

1.Poor body mechanics, weak core muscles, trauma, and improper lifting postures make this area the weakest link in the mechanical musculoskeletal chain.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5

2.The acetabular femoral joint is a condyloidal joint.

The acetabular femoral joint is a ball-and-socket joint.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-5

3.The head of the femur connects with the cup-shaped acetabulum of the pelvic girdle.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-5

4.The lateral rotators all insert on the lesser trochanter.

The lateral rotators all insert on the greater trochanter.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-4
Learning Outcome: 15-6

5.The pelvic bones consist of three bones: ilium, ischium, and the pubis.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2

6.The ischial tuberosity is an attachment site for the quadriceps.

The quadriceps are located anteriorly on the femur and the ischial tuberosity is located on the posterior pelvis.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2

7.Movement of the femur in the frontal plane laterally to the side away from the midline is called hip adduction.

The action described is hip abduction, which is the opposite of hip adduction.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-5

8.Primary hip flexors include the rectus femoris, iliopsoas, sartorius, and the hamstrings.

The hamstrings are hip extensors.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5

9.Many adductors insert on the linea aspera.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-4

10.The psoas minor flexes the hip.

The psoas minor does not insert on the femur and therefore cannot participate in hip flexion.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-4

Multiple Choice Questions

11.The right and left pelvic bones are joined together posteriorly by the ______.

The sacrum is a triangular bone that joins the pelvic bones posteriorly at the sacroiliac joints.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3

12.The muscle of the quadriceps that functions two joints is the ______.
A.rectus femoris
B.vastus intermedius
C.vastus lateralis
D.vastus medialis

Only the rectus femoris of all the quadriceps has an attachment to the anterior inferior iliac spine giving it the ability to assist in flexing the hip as well as extending the knee.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-4
Learning Outcome: 15-6

13.The iliopsoas inserts on the ______and the shaft just below.
A.greater trochanter
B.lesser trochanter
C.lesser tubercle
D.linea aspera

The iliopsoas inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur and on the shaft just below.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-4
Learning Outcome: 15-6

14.The iliotibial tract attaches to ______on the ______.
A.medial condyle; tibia
B.head; fibula
C.tibial tuberosity; tibia
D.Gerdy's tubercle; tibia

The iliotibial tract braces the knee in walking and running, runs down the lateral thigh, and inserts on Gerdy's tubercle on the lateral tibia.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-4
Learning Outcome: 15-6

15.Lateral rotary movement of the femur in the transverse plane around its longitudinal axis away from the midline is called ______.
A.external rotation
B.internal rotation

The action of moving the femur in a lateral direction in the transverse plane is called external or lateral rotation.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

16.The primary action of the adductor magnus, adductor longus, and adductor brevis is ______.
A.hip flexion
B.hip extension
C.hip adduction
D.hip abduction

Named for their primary action the adductors adduct the hip.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

17.The primary action of gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae is hip ______.

Laterally located these muscles all insert into the femur to pull the hip into abduction.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

18.The long strap muscle that is superficial on the anterior thigh is the ______muscle.
A.rectus femoris
C.vastus medialis
D.adductor magnus

The sartorius has the ability to externally rotate the hips while flexing the hip and knee as in crossing the legs and is superficial to the quadriceps.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

19.The piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris all have the action of ______of the hip.
A.internal rotation
D.lateral rotation

The lateral rotators are named for laterally rotating the femur.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

20.The muscle that inserts on the middle third of the linea aspera is the ______.
A.adductor brevis
B.adductor magnus
C.adductor longus

The adductor brevis is a shorter muscle and must insert superior to the longus; the adductor longus owns the middle third spot on the linea aspera.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-4

21.The large posterior muscle that works with the hamstrings to perform extension is called the ______.
A.gluteus medius
B.gluteus minimus
C.gluteus maximus

Gluteus maximus is the largest posterior pelvis muscle and works with the hamstrings for forceful extension.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

22.The nerve that supplies the anterior and lateral thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

The femoral nerve does innervate the anterior and lateral thigh muscles.

Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1

23.The nerve that innervates the medial thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

The obturator nerve innervates the medial thigh region.

Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1

24.The large nerve that innervates the posterior thigh muscles is called the ______nerve.

The sciatic nerve innervates the posterior thigh muscles; it is a combination of the tibial and common peroneal nerves.

Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1

25.The iliopsoas can ______the trunk when the abdominals are weak.
C.laterally flex

The fact that the iliopsoas can flex the trunk when the abdominals are weak often leads to injury as the iliopsoas is supposed to be primarily a hip flexor and is only recruited to flex the trunk when the abdominals are weak.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Comprehension
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

26.The rectus femoris inserts on the ______on the ______.
A.tibia; tibial tuberosity
B.tibia; Gerdy's tubercle
C.fibula; head
D.tibia; medial condyle

All the quadriceps attach via the patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity on the anterior tibia.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-2
Learning Outcome: 15-3
Learning Outcome: 15-4
Learning Outcome: 15-6

27.The tensor fasciae latae flexes the hip with other hip flexors, but also ______the hip.
C.externally rotates

The tensor fasciae latae abducts the hip with gluteus medius and minimus.

Bloom's: Application
Bloom's: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Outcome: 15-1
Learning Outcome: 15-5
Learning Outcome: 15-7

28.The muscle that originates on the anterior superior ilias spine (ASIS) is called the ______muscle.
A.rectus femoris
B.tensor fasciae latae

Out of this list only the sartorius attaches to the ASIS.