Dr. T.V. Sekher


Dr. T. V. Sekher


Department of Population Policies and Programs,

International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Deemed University,

Deonar, MUMBAI 400 088. INDIA.

Phone: 91-022- 42372407 Fax: 91-022- 25563257

E-mail: ,

Educational Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Population Studies– Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) through Bangalore University, India. 1994.
  • Certificate in Population Studies(equivalent to Masters Degree) - International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai, India. 1987.
  • Masters in Sociology, University of Calicut, India. 1985.

Work Experience:

Professor, Department of Population Policies and Programs, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Deemed University, Mumbai, India, from May 2012 to present.

  • Associate Professor, Department of Population Policies and Programs, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS),Deemed University,Mumbai, India, from May 2006 to May 2012.
  • Assistant Professor Population Research Center, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore, India, January 1997- May 2006.
  • Research Officer, Policy Research and Voluntary Action,Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore, India, Jan.1994 to Dec.1996.
  • Social Scientist in WHO-ICMR sponsored project on “ Control of Cervical Cancer in Rural Areas” at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, from Jan.1993 to Dec. 1993.

Visiting Fellowships Abroad:

Fulbright Academic and Professional Excellence Fellow at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY from October 2016 to June 2017.

Visiting Fellow at Maison de Sciences la Homme, Paris and University of Poitiers, France, Sept. - Oct. 2003.

Visiting Scholarat Wellcome Trust Center for History of Medicine, University College London, UK, May-June 2003.

Visiting Scholarat Department of Social Sciences, Lund University, Sweden , May –June 2005

Guest Lecturer at Universities of Stockholm and Uppsala in Sweden, sponsored by SASNET and Nordic Centre, March-April 2009.

Visiting Fellow at Oxford Brookes University, supported by Wellcome Trust,UK., June-July 2009.

Research Projects completed as Principal Investigator/ Co- Principal Investigator:

  • Beneficiary Assessment of a Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme for Girl Children in India , at International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Principal Investigator), sponsored by UNFPA. 2013 - 2015.
  • District Level Household and Facility Survey-4 –India (DLHS-4), for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, at International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Co-Principal Investigator), 2012-2015.
  • Special Financial Incentives for the Girl Child in India: A Review of Select Schemes, at International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Principal Investigator), sponsored by UNFPA and Planning Commission of Government of India. 2009-2010.
  • District Level Household and Facility Survey:India (DLHS-3), for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, at International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Co- Principal Investigator),2007-09.
  • Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE)-India, Wave 1, at the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, sponsored by the World Health Organization (Co-Principal Investigator). 2008-2010.
  • History of Health and Medicine in Princely India from 1850 to 1950, International Institute for Population Sciences in collaboration with Oxford Brookes University, UK, and University of Delhi, sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, London (Principal Investigator).2008-2011.
  • Decentralization of Health Services in Maharashtra and Karnataka, 2007-09, at International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India (Principal Investigator), 2007-2009.
  • Research and Intervention in Sexual Health: Theory to Action (RISHTA), 2006-2008, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, in collaboration with University of Connecticut, USA and Population Council, India (Principal Investigator on Indian side).
  • Restructuring Public Health Services: A District Level Pilot in Karnataka, India, project sponsored by the World Bank, at ISEC, Bangalore. April 2003- Dec. 2005 (Co-Principal Investigator).
  • Lives at Risk: Discrimination of Female Children in Modern India, in collaboration withDepartment of Economic History of Lund University, Sweden, supported by Swedish Research Council, Sept.2004- March 2006. (Principal Investigator).
  • A Functional Review of Department of Health and Family Welfare in Karnataka, A Study sponsored by Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission and Ford Foundation, New Delhi, 2001-02 (Principal Investigator)..
  • Fertility Behaviour and Socio-economic Determinants: A Micro-level Investigation in Karnataka, project sponsored by Wellcome Trust, UK and the French Institute of Pondicherry, 2002-03 (Principal Investigator).
  • Health Education for Panchayat Members and Field Workers in Karnataka through Electronic Media, Intervention Project Sponsored by Population Foundation of India, New Delhi and Government of Karnataka, 2002-03(Principal Investigator).
  • Rapid Household Survey under RCH Project in Kerala State, a project for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, 2000-01(Co-Principal Investigator).
  • Fertility Transition in Karnataka: State Level Analysis, project sponsored by Welcome Trust, UK and coordinated by the French Institute of Pondicherry, 1999-2000 (Co-Principal Investigator).
  • Panchayati Raj Institutions in Population, Health and Social Development: A Training and Evaluation Project in Karnataka, Sponsored by Population Foundation of India, New Delhi,1998-99(Principal Investigator).

Research Projects in Progress as Co- Principal Investigator:

Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI)- Jointly by the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, Harvard School of Public Health and University of Southern California, sponsored by the National Institute of Ageing (NIH), UNFPA-Indiaand Government of India (Co-Principal Investigator), 2014-2019.

Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE)-India, Wave 2, at the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, sponsored by the World Health Organization (Co-Principal Investigator). 2014-2018.

Consultancies/ Advisory

Consultant for UNFPA India, for reviewing the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) schemes for promoting girlchildren in Indian States, 2010.

Consultant for UNICEF-India, for reviewing the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Schemes for Children in India (Sept. to Dec.2015).

Consultant to Population Foundation of India (PFI) to review the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) schemes for the welfare of women and girls in South Asia (2013).

Conducted the Expert Review of the Functioning of Department of Health and Family Welfare in Karnataka,at the request of Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission, Government of Karnatakaand Ford Foundation, New Delhi (2001).

Member, Steering Committee, India Youth Development Report-2016 .

Member, TAC of Project on Sex Selection in South Asia, Population Council, India.

Member, Institutional Review Board (IRB), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Professional Memberships:

  • Life Member, Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP).
  • Life Member, Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH).
  • Life Member, Indian Sociological Society (ISS).
  • Member, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population(IUSSP).
  • Associate Member, American Sociological Association (ASA).
  • Member, Asian Population Association (APA)
  • Member, Population Association of America (PAA).
  • Executive Committee Member, Association of Gerontology, India (AGI).
  • Council Member, The Global Social Initiative on Ageing (GSIA)- IAGG.

Editorial responsibility:

Managing Editor, Demography India, the professional journal of Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP).(March 2011-2015).

Editor, Working Paper Series and Research Brief Series, IIPS, Mumbai (2011-2014)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asian Population Studies

Teaching Experience:

Post-graduate level teaching experience (ten years):Subjects taught include Social Demography, Research Methodology, Gender Studies, Population Ageing, and Population Policies and Programs.

Guidance of M Phil and Ph.D scholars:

Ph.D.awarded:Four, presentlyguiding: Eight ; M.Phil. awarded: Ten

Awards and Distinctions:

Fulbright -Nehru Award , Cornell University, USA , 2016-17.

First Rank Holder and Gold Medalist, MA in Sociology, University of Calicut, Kerala, 1985.

PhD Fellowship in Population Studies, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 1987-1991

Govt. of India Fellowship for Certificate Course in Population Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, 1986-87.

Indo-French Academic Exchange Program Fellowship, Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) and Maison de Sciences la Homme, Paris, 2003.

Guest Lecturer Awardfrom SASNET, Sweden and Nordic Centre, March-April 2009.

Countries visited:

USA, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, China, Denmark, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Finland, Bahrain, South Korea, Bangladesh, Myanmar.

Areas of Research Interest:

Social Demography, Gender Issues, Population Ageing, Health Services and Management, Reproductive and Child Health, History of Population and Health, Family Studies, Social Welfare Programs.

Publications: Books:

Unwanted Daughters: Gender Discrimination in Modern India(Eds.) T.V.Sekher and N. Hatti, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2009.

Special Financial Incentive Schemes for the Girl Child in India:A Review of Select Schemes,T.V.Sekher, United Nations Population Fund, New Delhi, 2010.

Health and Medicine in Princely India: 1850-1950, W. Ernst, B. Pati and T.V.Sekher , Routledge, London, 2017.

Migration and Social Change, T.V.Sekher, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, India,1997.

Population, Gender and Reproductive Health (Eds.) F. Ram, S.Unisa and T.V.Sekher , Rawat Publications, Jaipur , 2010.

Population,Health and Development in Uttarakhand,(Eds.) T.V. Sekher, A.Singh and S.Parasuraman, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2013.

Health, Gender and Development: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, (Eds.) S. Siva Raju and T.V. Sekher, IASSH and B.R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2015.

Regional Disparities and Social Development: Perspectives and Issues, (Eds.) U.V. Somayajulu, S. Siva Raju, T.V. Sekher and C.P. Prakasam, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2013.

Fertility Transition in Karnataka, India, T.V.Sekher and K.N.M.Raju, Monograph, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2004.

Population, Environment and Health, (Eds.) S. Unisa, T.V. Sekher, C.Shekhar, A.Singh, L.K. Dwivedi and M.R. Pradhan, IIPS and Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2016.

Research Articles (selected):

"Conditional cash transfers for the welfare of girls: The Indian Experience", T V Sekher, In A.K.Shiva Kumar, P.Rustagi and R.Subrahmanian (eds.) India’s Children: Essays on Social Policy, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015.

"Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Poor in India: New evidence on health care costs leading to impoverishment", T.V. Sekher, Kaushalendra Kumar and V.P. Shijith, In A. Karan and G.Sodhi (eds.)Protecting the Health of the Poor : Social Movements in the South, CROP and Zed Books, London, 2015.

”Rural Demography of India”, T.V. Sekher, chapter in L.J.Kulcsar and K.J.Curtis (Eds.) International Handbook of Rural Demography, Springer, New York, 2012.

“Social networks, family, and care giving among older adults in India”,Berkman, L., T.V. Sekher,., Capistrant, B., and Zheng, Y. In J.P. Smith and M. Majmundar( Eds.) Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives.Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012

“Ladlis and Lakshmis: Financial Incentive Schemes for the Girl Child in India”, T.V.Sekher, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.47(17), 2012.

"Single child families in India: levels, trends and determinants", I.Pradhan and T V Sekher, Asian Population Studies, Vol.10 (2), 2014.

"Culture, gender bias and beliefs surrounding the 'Nakusa' girls of Maharashtra", V.P. Shijith and T.V.Sekher, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 50 (46 & 47), 2015.

"Cash Transfers for Children: Experiences of States In India", T. Endow, T.V. Sekher and A. Lahiri , Discussion Paper, UNICEF India, New Delhi, Dec. 2015.

"Women at risk in the unregulated surrogacy 'industry': Evidence from a study of commercial surrogates in Kolkata", R. Mukherjee and T.V.Sekher, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.50 (26 & 27), 2015.

"Exploring the myth of mixed marriages in India: Evidence from a Nation-wide Survey", S.Goli, D. Singh and T.V. Sekher , Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 44 ( 2), 2013.

"Is India ready for sex education ? Evidences from national level surveys", N. Tripathi and T.V. Sekher, PLOS ONE, Vol. 8 (8), 2013.

"Decentralization of Health Care Systems: Findings from Odisha and Gujarat, India", M. K. Raut and T.V. Sekher, Journal of Health Management, Vol.15(2), 2013.

"Consanguineous marriages and their effects on pregnancy outcomes in India",S. Kuntla, S. Goli, T. V. Sekher, R. Doshi, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 33, No. 7/8, 2013.

"Health Care service delivery and local self-governments: Experiences and lessons from Karnataka, India ", T V Sekher, In A Ahmad and N. Lalitha ( eds.) Institutional Perspectives on Provision of Primary Health Care in India and Bangladesh, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2013.

“Status of elderly widows in India”, S.Kumari and T.V.Sekher, Bold,Journal of International Institute on Ageing, United Nations, Vol.22 (2), 2012.

”Double burden of nutritional disorder among Indian women: An assessment of Differentials and Determinants”,Singh,D, G.Srinvas and T.V. Sekher,Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, Vol.13 (4), 2011.

“Extent and nature of elder abuse in Indian families: A study in Kerala”, D.Sebastian and T.V.Sekher, Research and Development Journal, Vol.17 (3), 2011.

“Skewed child sex ratio and girl child promotion schemes in India: Will they work?”, T.V. Sekher, The Urban World, Vol. 4(3), 2011.

“Disappearing Daughters and Intensification of Gender Bias: Evidence from Two Village Studies in South India”, T.V.Sekher and Neelambar Hatti, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.59 (1), 2010.

“Elderly in Punjab: Economic Dependency, Health Conditions and Living Arrangements”, S. Kumari and T.V.Sekher, Man and Development, Vol.XXXII (1), 2010.

“Abuse and Neglect of Elderly in Indian Families: Findings of Elder Abuse Screening Test in Kerala”, D. Sebastian and T.V.Sekher , Journal of Indian Academy of Geriatrics, 2010.

“Role of Induced abortion in attaining reproductive goals in Kyrgyzstan: A study based on KRDHS-1997”,Chander Shekhar, T.V.Sekher and A. Sulaimanova, Journal of Biosocial Science(Cambridge),Vol.42 (4),2010.

"Immigration from the Maghreb: France's Quandary ", T.V.Sekher, In Migration and The Mighreb , The Middle East Institute, Washington D.C. , 2010.

“Living arrangements and satisfaction of elderly in rural Kerala”, D. Sebastian and T.V.Sekher , In KNS Yadava and A.Kumar (eds.) Ageing : Some Emerging Issues, Manak Publications, New Delhi, 2010.

“From ‘fertility control’ to ‘gender control’? Evidence of Increasing Gender Bias in South India”, In T.V.Sekher and Neelambar Hatti (eds.)Unwanted Daughters: Gender Discrimination in Modern India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi, 2009.

“Public Health Administration in Princely Mysore: Tackling the Influenza Pandemic of 1918”, T.V.Sekher, In W. Ernst and B. Pati (eds.) India’s Princely States: People, Princes and Colonialism,Routledge Publishers, London and New York, 2007.

“Can Career-minded Young Women Reverse Gender Discrimination? A View from Bangalore’s High-tech Sector”, Alice W Clark and T.V.Sekher, Gender, Technology and Development (Sage), Vol. 11 (3), 2007.

“Vulnerable Daughters in a Modernizing Society: From ‘Son Preference’ to ‘Daughter Discrimination’ in Rural South India”, T.V.Sekher and Neelambar Hatti, In I.Attane and C.Z.Guilmoto (eds.) Watering the Neighbour’s Garden: The Growing Demographic Female Deficit in Asia, CICRED, Paris, 2007.

“Environmental Health and Sanitation Facilities: Challenges for India”, T.V.Sekher, In C.P.Prakasam and R.B.Bhagat (eds.) Population and Environment Linkages, IIPS and Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2007.

“P.N.Mari Bhat: An Intellectual Tribute”, M.Das Gupta, S.H.Preston, Vijayendra Rao and T.V.Sekher, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLII (36), 2007.

“Changing Database for Population and Health Research in India: An Overview”, T.V.Sekher, The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol.67 (1&2), 2006.

“Fertility Transition in Karnataka”, T.V.Sekher, K.N.M.Raju and M.N.Sivakumar, In C.Z.Guilmoto and S.I. Rajan (eds.) Fertility Transition in South India, Sage publications, New Delhi. 2005.

“Lives at Risk: Declining Child Sex Ratios in India”, Neelambar Hatti, T.V.Sekher and Mattias Larsen, Lund Papers in Economic History, No: 93, Population Economics, Lund University, Sweden, 2004.

"Sensitizing Grassroots Leadership on Health Issues: Experiences of a Pilot Television Project", T.V.Sekher, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38(46), 2003.

“Population Policy for Karnataka: A Suggested Framework”, P.H.Rayappa, T.V.Sekher and M.Ramakrishna Reddy, Man and Development, Vol. 15 (1), 2003.

“Empowering Grassroots Leadership in Population and Health: A Training Experiment in Karnataka”, T.V.Sekher , TheIndian Journal of Social Work, Vol. 63 (2), 2002.

“Administration and Service Delivery of Department of Health and Family Welfare in Karnataka”, T.V.Sekher, In Government of Karnataka and Ford Foundation publication Functional Review Reports of Karnataka AdministrativeReforms Commission, Bangalore, 2001.

“Fertility Transition: Levels, Trends and Implications in Karnataka”, T.V.Sekher, K.N.M.Raju and M.N.Sivakumar, Economic andPolitical Weekly, Vol.36 (51), 2001.

“Integration of Return Migrants into Labour Force: Experiences of Gulf Returnees in India", T.V.Sekher , In Shalwa Weil (ed.) Roots and Routes: Ethnicity and Migration in Global Perspective, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1999.

“Impact of Male Migration on Women Left Behind: A Study in Kerala”, T.V.Sekher, In B. A. Prakash (ed.). Gulf Migration from India, Spellbound Publications, Rohtak, 1999.

“Male Emigration and Changes in the Family: Impact on Female Sex Roles”, T.V.Sekher , Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol.57 (2), 1996.

"Migration Selectivity from Rural Areas: Evidences from Kerala", T.V.Sekher, Demography India, Vol.22 (2), 1993.