January 2008
Catherine Ann Wiley
Department of English 1223 Race St, #906
Campus Box 175 Denver, CO 80206
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, Colorado 80217-3364
303-556-8382 303-501-2023
University of Chicago 1978-1982 B.A. Humanities
University of Texas-Austin 1983-1986 M.A. English
University of Wisconsin-Madison 1986-1990 Ph.D. English
1988 Dartmouth College, School for Criticism and Theory, Seminar on Feminist Theory with Professor Nancy K. Miller.
1993 East-West Center, Honolulu, Summer Workshop on Intercultural Course Development, directed by Professor Richard Brislin.
2008 Cornerstone Theater Company, one-month institute on collaborative theater
1997-present Associate Professor, English, Univ of Colorado Denver
2011-2012 Chair, English, Univ of Colorado Denver
2000–Spring Visiting Faculty at Univ of Western Brittany, France
1990-1997 Assistant Professor, English, Univ of Colorado Denver
1986-1990 Teaching Assistant, English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(Composition and English as a Second Language)
1983-1986 Teaching Assistant, English, University of Texas-Austin
1983 Teacher of English as a Second Language, Morelos Language School, Cuernavaca, Mexico
2003 Failing Better (poetry chapbook). Finishing Line Press, 26pp.
1996 Co-editor. Homemaking: Women Writers and the Politics and Poetics of Home. Garland, 391pp.
2010 Why Jane Eyre Quit Painting. Cider Press Review (11): 72-73.
2009 What’s Enough. Beyond Forgetting: Poetry and Prose about Alzheimer’s Disease. Ed. Holly J.Hughes. Kent State University Press: 111-112.
2008 Visiting the Albino Gorilla. Malahat Review (163): 72-73.
The Pink Girls. Letters to the World: Poems from the Wom-Po Listserve (Red Hen Press): 391.
2007 When I Grow Up. Women Artists Datebook , Syracuse Cultural Workers, April 28.
2006 Stars and Stripes. Rattle(12; 2): 65.
When I Grow Up. Sow’s Ear Review (16; 3); 10.
The Pie Eating Contest. Matter (9): 9 (lead poem).
Piaf’s Pockets. Phoebe
Skating on Lake Monona. Calyx
2005 Skating on Lake Monona. Tar Wolf Review (4): 42.
Portrait with Bread and Cat. Salamander (10.1): 46.
In Her Sights. California Quarterly (31, 2): 12-13.
2004 Found Poem, Prison Life. Copper Nickel (1.1): 34.
2001 Fairplay Retreat. Hard Ground (Pronghorn):38.
The Projects Come Down. Hard Ground: 142.
Stone Lions. Hard Ground: 172.
1997 Let the Earth Pull. Small Pond Magazine of Literature (84): 2.
1995 Miscarriage. Poeisis (Aug/Sept).
1994 Lake Steam Baths. Kalliope 16 (2): 46-47.
1992 Crisis of Faith. Women's Studies/Thinking Women. Eds. Wetzel et al. Kendall-Hunt: 306-307.
2013 Trespassing (full-length) Athena Festival Plays in Progress, professional staged reading, Aurora, March 2013.
2012 Other People’s Stories. (three minute) Commissioned for sit-specific Play Crawl (and Toto Too Theater Company), Denver, 6-13-2012.
Homing. (ten minute) One Night Stand, Vintage Theater, Denver, 2-12-2012.
2011 Lost in Translation. Playwrights’ Bootcamp of the Western Region (regional), Buntport Theater, Denver CO, 7-16.
The Man Who Wanted Art. Commissioned for site-specific Play Crawl (and Toto too Theater Company; local), Denver, CO, 6-15.
Human Crossing. Story telling about immigration, producer, Su Teatro at the Denver Civic (local), 5-12.
2010 Homing. Radio production, KRFC.FM, Fort Collins, CO, 4-25. Make My Way (version of “Homing”). Staged reading, Playwrights’ Showcase of the Western Region(regional) Curious Theater, Denver, August.
2009 Wiley, C. Adaptation of Under the Feet of Jesus, by HM Viramontes, staged reading Great Plains Theater Conference (national), Omaha, Nebraska, May.
2004 Finalist, Colorado Book Award, Failing Better.
2004 Finalist, Ashland Poetry Press Richard Snyder Memorial Prize
2004 Finalist, Lewis and Clark Press Discovery First Book Award
2004 Semi-finalist, Poets Out Loud first book competition
2004 Finalist, New Letters poetry contest
2004 Finalist, Dana Awards in poetry
2003 Pushcart Prize nomination for “The Baths”
2001 Second place, Colorado State Poetry Society, for “The Carrying”
1993 Residency at Hambidge Center for the Arts, Rabun Gap, Georgia
2008 Skating on Lake Monona (Second Readers). Poem, Revised: 54 Poems, Revisions, Discussions. Eds. Robert Hartwell Fiske and Laura Cherry, Marion Street Press: 264-270.
2002 Cherríe Moraga’s Radical Revision of Death of a Salesman. American Drama 11: 32-46.
1998 Teatro Chicano and the Seduction of Nostalgia. MELUS 23: 99-116.
1995 Making History Unrepeatable in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. Clio 25: 3-20.
1992 Theorizing the Feminine on Stage, or Filling (in) the Margins. Semiotics 1990. Eds. Karen Haworth, John Deely, and Terry Prewitt. Univ. Press of America: 97-105.
1990 Staging Infanticide: The Refusal of Representation in Elizabeth Robins' Alan's Wife. Theatre Journal 42: 432-446.
1990 Whose Name, Whose Protection: Reading Alice Childress' Wedding Band. Modern American Drama: The Female Canon. Ed. June Schlueter. Associated University Press: 184-197.
1989 The Matter with Manners: The New Woman and the Problem Play. Themes in Drama 11: 109-127.
1987 Recreating Ballybeg: Two Translations by Brian Friel. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 1: 51-61.
2004 What’s the Word? MLA Public Radio program on women playwrights; interviewed about Cherríe Moraga. Aired on National Public Radio, December 2004.
2003 Fangs of Malice: Hypocrisy, Sincerity, and Acting. In: Rocky Mountain Review (Rocky Mountain MLA) 57 (1): 86-88.
2001 Harlem’s Glory: Black Women Writing, 1900-1950. In: MELUS (The Journal of The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States) 26 (Summer), 243-45.
2001 Binoculars, by Douglas Lawder. In: The Bloomsbury Review 2 (Mar/Apr), 11.
1995 The Politics of Life: Four Plays by Asian American Women, ed. by Velina Hasu Houston. In: Theatre Journal 47 (March): 151-53.
1994 Shaw's Daughter's: The Construction of Gender by J. Ellen Gainor. In: Modern Drama 37 (Winter): 682-83.
1994 The Angel of History by Carolyn Forché. In: The Bloomsbury Review 14 (September).
1994 Free Enterprise by Michelle Cliff. In: The Bloomsbury Review 14 (May/June): 9.
1992 A Stage of Their Own: Feminist Playwrights of the Suffrage Era by Sheila Stowell. In: Theatre Journal 4 (December): 552-553.
1992 Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism edited by C.T. Mohanty et al, Indiana University Press; and Women's Studies International edited by A. Rao, The Feminist Press. In: The Bloomsbury Review (June):5-6.
1991 Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre edited by Sue-Ellen Case, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. In: Theatre In-Sight 3:30.
1989 The Feminist Spectator as Critic by Jill Dolan, University of Michigan Press. In: Theatre In-Sight 1:30.
1989 Grain. In: Literary Magazine Review 8:29-32.
1988 Kalliope: A Journal of Women's Art. In: Literary Magazine Review 7:31-4.
1995 Shadow of a Man by Cherríe Moraga. In: Theatre Journal 47 (October): 412-14.
1991 Two plays by Ntozake Shange. In: Theatre Journal 43:381-383.
1992 Julia Alvarez, author of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, Algonquin Books. In: The Bloomsbury Review 12 (March):9-10. Reprinted in American Authors, 2000.
1997 Entry on historian Lillian Faderman.
St. James Press Gay and Lesbian Biography.
Entry on poet and fiction writer Kitty Tsui.
St. James Press Gay and Lesbian Biography.
Sheltered, full-length play on women and homelessness
Augustine and the Doctor, full length play set in 19th century Paris women’s asylum
Graduate level: History of British Drama
History of American Drama
Twentieth Century British and American Drama
Modern Drama
History of Poetry in English
Feminist Literary Criticism
Critical Theory
Major Authors: Virginia Woolf
Adrienne Rich
Audre Lorde
Undergraduate level:
Poetry Workshop
Introduction to Creative Writing
Chicano/a Literature
Ethnic Diversity in American Literature
Introduction to Women's Studies
Twentieth Century Fiction
Twentieth Century Women Writers
Introduction to Drama and Poetry
2013 Invited panelist on women playwrights, Athena Project, Aurora CO
2007 Panel on poetry revision, organizer and presenter, Transformational Language Association Annual Conference, Goddard College, Vermont
2005 Moderator for panel on public art, “Creative Class” conference, Denver
2004 Panel on Women and Violence in American Drama, organizer, Rocky Mountain MLA, Boulder, CO
2002 City Children in Audre Lorde’s Poetry, Modern Language Association, New York
2002 Panel on Audre Lorde, organizer, Rocky Mountain MLA, Scottsdale, AZ
2001 The Real West on Stage: Ralph Moody’s “The Great Divide,” Rocky Mountain MLA, Vancouver
1999 Why We Need Poetry, invited presentation, Jefferson County Public Schools, Golden, CO
1996 Cherríe Moraga's Chicana Lesbian Revision of Death of A Salesman, MELUS (Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States), Greensboro, NC.
1996 Respondent, Women Writers and History, Midwest MLA, Minneapolis
1994 Against Nostalgia: Chicano Theater in Two Worlds--international conference on Multiculturalism and Transnationalism, Lowell, MA
1994 Organized panel, Translating Poetry/Translating Culture--Rocky Mountain Book Festival, Denver
1993 Organized panel, Women Writers Writing Home, and read paper, "History and Femininity in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts"--Narrative Literature Society international conference, Albany, NY
1993 Invited Panelist, Suffragette Drama and the 'Real Girl': How Real is Realism?--American Theatre in Higher Education, Philadelphia
1993 Democratic Teaching and the Multicultural Classroom--East-West Center, Honolulu
1993 Panel moderator, "Multicultural Education," Rocky Mountain Book Festival, Denver
1992 'Mark Mah Words': Toward a Black Woman's Voice in Jonah's Gourd Vine--Many Voices, Many Choices (Multiculturalism in the 21st Century), Greeley, CO
1992 Frederick Douglass and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Narratives of Madness in American Institutions--Re-discovering America, Baton Rouge, LA
1991 Interjections and Intersections of Women's Studies and Ethnic Studies, organized panel--Colorado Women's Studies Association, Fort Collins
1991 Experiencing 'Becoming Women'–respondent to paper by Elizabeth Grosz at Annual Merleau Ponty Conference, Colorado College, Colo. Springs
1991 Heterosexuality as Madness in Djuna Barnes' The Antiphon--Themes in Drama, Riverside, CA
1990 Theorizing Like a Feminist--Crossing the Disciplines, Semiotic Society of America, Norman, OK
1990 Staging Feminist Politics, organized panel and read paper, Demanding Representation in the Suffragette Play--Association of Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, IL
1989 Spec(tac)ular Feminism: Women Looking at Men Watching Women, organized panel--Modern Language Association, Washington, DC
1989 The Violence of Representation in Elizabeth Robins' Alan's Wife--Feminism and Representation, Providence, RI
1988 Whose Name, Whose Protection: Reading Alice Childress' Wedding Band--New Languages for the Stage, Lawrence, KS
1988 Elizabeth Robins and the Evolution of (M)Otherhood--Second Annual Midwest Feminist Graduate Students Conference, Minneapolis
1987 The Matter with Manners: The New Woman and the Problem Play--Themes in Drama, Riverside, CA
1987 The Empty Mirror: Woman as Mask in the Comedies of Oscar Wilde--First Annual Midwest Feminist Graduate Students Conference, Madison, WI
1986 Recreating Ballybeg: Two Translations by Brian Friel–Literature and Politics, Comparative Literature, Tulsa, OK
2011 Learning English Through Theater (drama classes for adult English language learners), Denver
2010 Assisted with teen theater project of Denver Venture charter school, Crossroads Theater, Denver
Two presentations on college readiness, Pickens Technical College, Aurora, CO
2007 Benefit for The Delores Project (women’s homeless shelter), Denver
Benefit for middle school art students, Denver
Professor Renée Ruderman’s class, Metro State College, Denver
2006 Buzz Café, Denver
2005 Many Mountains Moving, Boulder
The Poetry Show (radio), Fort Collins
Loveland Art Museum, Loveland
West Side Book Annex, Denver
2004 Lighthouse Writers Poetry Workshop, Denver
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
Tattered Cover Bookstore, Denver
West Side Book Annex, Denver
2003 Department of English, Univ of Colorado-Colorado Springs
West Side Book Annex, Denver
2002 Paideuma Literary Group, Women’s History Month, Denver
2001 Rocky Mountain Book Festival, Denver
Denver Press Club
Sweet Rockin’ Café, Denver
1998 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Denver
1996 Workshop, P.S.1, Denver Public Schools
1995 Toads in the Garden, Daily Grind Coffeeshop, Denver
Urban Hearth, Lakewood, CO
1993 Panelist, Does Poetry Have an Audience? Rocky Mountain Book Festival, Denver
Poetry West, Colorado Springs
Delafields Coffeehouse, Denver
Common Grounds Coffeehouse, Denver
1992 Colorado Women’s Studies Association annual meeting, Westminster, CO
2008 Service Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UCD
1996 Bank One Community Service Award ($2,500 for community work unrelated to university activities).
1996 Nominee for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award.
1991 Rockefeller Regional Scholar, SIROW (Southwest Institute for Research on Women), University of Arizona.
1989 U of Wisconsin-Madison, WARF Dissertation Fellowship.
1989 U of Wisconsin-Madison, Foreign Travel Grant.
1988 Summer Fellowship, Seminar on Feminist Criticism with Nancy Miller, School of Criticism and Theory, Dartmouth College.
TCG (Theater Communications Group)
AAUW (American Association of University Women)
RESEARCH SUPPORT (successful grants)
2010 Dean’s Fund for Excellence (Immigrant theater project), $400
Deans’ Fund for Community-Building, One Book/One Major, $1800
2008 Curriculum Improvement, CLAS, UCD, $3500
2008 Diversity Excellence Grant, UCD, $3000
2008 U of Colorado President’s Funds for the Humanities, $4000
2004 UCD Faculty Development grant, $1000.
2002 U of Colorado President’s Funds for the Humanities, $3500
2001 U of Colorado President’s Funds for the Humanities, $5000.
1996 UCD Graduate School publications fund, $400.
1995 U of Colorado President's Funds for the Humanities, $1075.
1994 U of Colorado President's Funds for the Humanities, $1190
1992 UCD, Junior Faculty Grant Award, $2,000.
1992 U of Colorado President's Funds for the Humanities, $400.
1991 UCD, Summer Stipend for Faculty Development, $2,000.
1991 U of Colorado, President's Funds for the Humanities, $1,000.
Women’s Homeless Initiative, core member, 2012- ongoing
Interim Coordinator, new CLAS Minor in Social Justice, 2008-09
Organized symposium Women Writing War, three major authors, one US army vet to campus, 2008
Founding Member, Jasmine Artists Collective: funding Cole neighborhood art students, 2008-2009
Kitchen worker, Project Angel Heart, 2007
Member, Rector Search Committee, St. Barnabas Church, 2007
Chair, St. Barnabas Parish Profile Committee, 2006-2007
Parent Representative, Dora Moore K-8 School Personnel Committee, 2006
Member, Dora Moore K-8 School CSC (Collaborative School Committee), 2005-07
Judged Denver Women’s Press Club poetry contest, 2005
Organized Auraria campus visit for fiction writer Helena María Viramontes, 2005
Organized All-Parish Art Show and Coffee House, St. Barnabas Church, 2005-06
Organized Homework Club for 1st-4th graders, Gilpin Elementary, 2003