The Building Renewal Considerations Checklist has been developed to help identify issues and concerns regarding these types of projects. The goal is that the checklist grows over time as Project Managers continue to use it and contribute new ideas and issues. This checklist may be used in many ways including: scope identification; risk identification; development of a communication/outreach plan; mitigation; etc. This checklist could be used in conjunction with other checklists included in the CPO Handbook.
One important use of this checklist is to provide adequate advanced notice to the campus community regarding upcoming building renewal projects. It is important to provide surrounding users and campus operations with project information to insure that adequate and appropriate project controls and campus mitigation strategies are incorporated into the design and construction documents.
Scope Identification
_____Is the proposed scope the best way to solve the problem given the
risks and costs of mitigation?
_____Is the problem(s) and solution(s) adequately understood by the
client, other University departments, CPO staff?
_____Has coordination occurred with other projects in the same building and
area of campus?
_____Can the work be reasonably mitigated?
_____Has adequate attention been given to temporary or surge space?
_____Does the design consultant(s) have expertise in temporary facilities?
Risk Identification
_____Has the method of procurement been adequately analyzed?
_____Is there another method of procurement method which should be considered?
_____Could the work be considered maintenance? Could it be done in-house with
access to sufficient labor, materials and equipment?
_____Do the cost estimates include ALL the work associated with the project?
_____Is there sufficient contingency?
_____Is the schedule duration correct incorporating the academic calendar, breaks,
and construction season?
_____Has construction noise been considered and its impact on surrounding uses and
_____Has construction vibration been considered and its impact on surrounding uses,
research and buildings?
_____Has construction dust been adequately mitigated?
_____Have access restrictions been incorporated into the design?
_____Is pedestrian safety, inside the building and around the construction site,
_____Has coordination with all utilities occurred?
_____Have contractor work control failures (like water intrusion) been adequately
Mitigation Considerations
_____Prescriptive engineered temporary controls or barriers
_____Prescriptive contractor material and method controls
_____Relocation of faculty, staff and students
_____Effective two-way communication plan between PM, CM, contractor,
client and others
_____Development and monitoring of a communication/public outreach plan
_____Investigate feasibility of relocating/re-scheduling impacted classes/labs
_____Investigate organizational decisions to allow staff and faculty to perform
some work activities from home or provide an alternate campus work
site(s) within organizations assigned facilitites
_____Investigate organizational and personal decisions to schedule time away from
campus during most disruptive construction period(s)
_____Investigate methods and cost of construction and scheduling for specific
activities such as sawcutting or roto-hammering
_____Identify specific areas which will be most impacted such as classrooms or labs
_____Develop and implement a project specific response plan for unforeseen impacts
and/or failure of contract prescribed work controls, include: emergency;
24/7 project contact list, contact procedures and materials response to unintended
building impacts including temporary provision of temporary facilities available
on short notice to deploy in response to unforeseen impacts.
_____Include provisions for portable fans, and other air handling equipment, vacuums
brooms, and other cleaning supplies, visqueen, plywood and barricade material
temporary building envelop closure, weather protection and pedestrian detours
_____Develop a mutually agreeable plan for the project to pay some of the cost for
alternate meeting space if needed
_____Perform sound testing on site to determine extent of impact areas for various
contract work tasks
_____Investigate feasibility and cost of contractor deployed sound attenuation baffles,
engine muffles, etc., at or near the source
_____Investigate feasibility, cost and schedule impact of contract work hour restrictions
for specific operations such as sawcutting/roto-hammering activities, etc.
_____Investigate feasibility and cost of contractor deployed dust control measures such
as saw blade shrouds and vacuums, appropriate use of water, dust enclosures
around work area, good housekeeping techniques, IE require vacuum clean site
at completion of dusty task and prior to relocation of dust control enclousure, etc.
_____Specify contract requirement to provide and install pre-filters at all building air
intakes, prescribe a quantity, quality and installation detail
_____Specify contractor to provide and execute a management plan for replacement
of dirty pre-filters with appropriate work task controls to avoid unnecessary
entrainment of pollutants into air intakes – ACM with support from
FS control shop will monitor contractor compliance throughout
duration of dust producing activities
_____Coordinate air intake re-balancing with FS control shop to insure
system will work properly with contractor provided pre-filters
_____Restrict use of operable window – specify contrator’s responsibility to
keep building windows closed in immediate vicinity of dust and noise
producing activities. Specs should require contractor to provide and
implement a window signage program to communicate the building
users necessary window use restrictions and durations. Specs will
prescribe maximum window impact duration and provision to submit
for UW approval of a proposed work plan and schedule detailing the
intended procedure and sequence of this activity.
_____Investigate feasibility, cost and schedule impact of specifying various
potential contract requirements that may contribute to indoor air quality
and temperature control. These include requirements for scaffolding
mounted shade cloth to reduce building heat gain.
_____Develop an indoor air temperature management plan: include contractor
requirement to monitor rooms affected by window restrictions for acceptable
temperatures; temperature logging devices, etc.
_____ Develop a plan if temperature becomes a problem: ACM will alert building
users if temperatures become unacceptable contractor will immediately,
modify project work activities and procedures to reduce indoor temperatures
to within contract specifications, ACM will inform building users of project
response and resolution, ACM will continue monitoring throughout duration
of the window restrictions, if acceptable to contractor and building users a
building user controlled procedure to open building windows at night to
pre-cool the building mass could be implemented provided security and
procedural issues can be adequately addressed.
_____Develop an indoor air quality management plan: consultant will monitor
indoor air quality for acceptable dust levels, contractor will be altered if levels
become unacceptable, contractor will immediately modify project work
activities/procedures to reduce dust intrusion to within contract limits, contractor
will clean-up and restore affected buiding areas impacted by dust intrusion, ACM
will inform building users of project response and resolution per communication
plan, consultant will continue monitoring throughout the duration of dust
producing work activities
_____Specify contract work controls: communicate to contractor need to protect
building electrical, communications and HVAC systems from unexpected
shutdown. Specify and show on plans critical building components contractor
must protect. Refer to standard contract procedures for utility shutdowns
_____UW Service Provider Coordination: ACM will coordinate with Engineering
Services, FS Control Shop, appropriate maintenance zone, C&C, EH&S,
Building IT staff, etc. to identify locations of critical building equipment
and systems.
_____Perform a design safety analysis
_____Develop and communicate project specific safety play
_____Monitor safety plan
_____Coordinate safety meetings
_____Perform safety walkthroughs
_____Advise users to be mindful of the hazards poised by construction
traffic in the vicinity of the project.
_____Prescribe construction traffic control plan, show gates at construction
entries on plans, require gates with locks in specs, prescribe gates be kept
closed and locked when the contractor is not present, require flaggers
for all construction vehicle movements.
_____Contractor shall provide pedestrian safety signage. Show typical
site locations for signage
_____Specify temporary security fence around perimeter of the work area.
_____Specify pedestrian protection enclosure for all building entry walkways
that pass through the construction work area
_____Specify contract procedures for temporary closure of an entry, advanced
UW approval is required, maximum duration of closure, pedestrian
Detour signage, provision to re-open entry to allow emergency exit of
Building occupants if necessary
_____Provide ADA entry detour signage; annotate drawing to show ADA entry
DESIGN Communication/Public Outreach Plan – goal of the plan is to insure effected UW community has advanced warning of upcoming impacts and is aware
of the purpose, extent and duration of the construction activities.
_____Compile and keep updating interested community contact list
_____Building user interviews
_____Building Coordinator
_____Parking Services
_____Trucking Services
_____Facilities Services Custodial
_____Facilities Services Shops
_____Environmental Health and Safety
_____Engineering Services
_____Inform building users and others of bike rack relocations and any
street or walkway and plaza closures
Points of Communication
_____Craft communication plan to insure adequate and early notice,
advanced warning of upcoming impacts/activities
_____Include purpose, extent and duration of construction activities
_____Stakeholder interviews
_____Review of impacts and mitigation plan
_____Agreement from stakeholders and client on impact and mitigation plan
_____UW project review approvals – see CPO Handbook
_____Incorporate impact and mitigation plan into construction documents
Methods of Communication
_____Informational brownbag or area-wide meeting prior to construction start
_____Develop and project web site
_____E-mail information on a regular basis (weekly or semi-weekly)
regarding construction status/events
_____Publish and distribute emergency communication plan – include call list,
chain of command and response plan
_____24/7 emergency response coverage by CPO and contractor
_____Post construction news on the site
_____Building representative meeting/brown bag
_____Building occupant meeting/brown bag
_____Other ideas: Pardon our mess; stewardship, sandwich boards, fence signage
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