William Fisher Medical Centre PPG Meeting 11 September 2013

In attendance: PD, BO, JL and AM

1The Chairman, PD, welcomed those attending.

2There were apologies for absence from VS, MY and JG

3The minutes were approved and signed by PD.

4Correspondence: PD had received a letter from our MP, John Whittingdale, together with a copy of Hansard which mentioned the William Fisher Medical Centre in the debate in the House on the ambulance service. No response to our letter had been received from Andrew Morgan. There has been some improvement in the presence of ambulances in Burnham. However, the data for ambulance response in the district is not broken into rural or urban areas so it is difficult to judge how well or ill we are faring. It was proposed and seconded that we should write to ask for more accurate figures which might provide proof of the need to make further improvements, under the freedom of information act. It is also difficult to obtain good communications with Burnham PPG and it was suggested that we invite the Mayor, Neil Pudney, to our next meeting since he is the official representative for ambulances for Maldon District Council. BO read out a relevant paragraph about the ambulance service being tethered to Burnham-on-Crouch in a letter to her from John Whittingdale. PD suggested that IT efficiency might improve the front line service while removing back office surplus. An invitation had been received from the National Association of PPGs to attend a £60 training day in Bristol. AM asked BO to thank John Whittingdale which she had done.

5The appeal for the payment from the DES had been turned down. AM would appeal to the next level up since the person he had written to had resigned. The rejection involves the way the survey had been done. AM will mention Hansard as proof that we fulfilled the criteria.

6There is a total of £154.80. JL had installed the baby-changing table for the surgery and it was decided that a picture of a smiling, clean baby with some words would thank the patients for their contributions which had made it possible, and Jackie would be asked to arrange this.

7The Virtual Patient Group has 123 members.

8Although £88 was raised at the Southminster Flower Show, it was not

considered a success due to being in the marquee on a very hot day with little

people traffic. PD thanked Nancy for her sterling work.

9PD would correspond with East of England Ambulance Service.

10Care Quality Commission: PD volunteered himself for an interview on behalf of the group, BO and JL are also available. Focus groups are another function of the PPG besides raising money. PD reported on a discussion held with JG about the practice.

11Maldon District Council's Local Development Plan: Alan said that all local practices are short of their requirements and oversubscribed. There are no changes to plans or decisions made by the NHS or CCG. Development in Burnham may affect the medical care of residents in Althorn. The latest estimates for a hospital in Maldon are £24-27 million. An appeal was made to make your concerns known to MDC.

12There are plans by two local residents to set up a Dementia Cafe in Burnham with the help of the Town Council. JL would apply to Magnox for a 24 hour blood pressure monitor at a cost of about £1800.

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm. The next meeting is on January 15th2014 at 7.00 pm. A. BO, Secretary

Chairman's Signature......