Sentence Fragments, Run-Ons or Complete


Directions: Read each group of words and underline the SIMPLE subject and SIMPLE predicate if they exist. Then decide if it is a sentence fragment, a run-on or a complete sentence.

______1. This summer our family toured the New England states during August

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______2. After we had returned home

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______3. After we had returned home, we sorted all the snapshots we had taken and put them into several photo albums

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______4. Buried in the sand

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______5. We laughed at the picture Jill had taken of Terry buried in the sand at Cape Cod

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______6. Cathy, a high school sophomore

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______7. Cathy, a high school sophomore, treasured the pictures of Walden Pond

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______8. Hawthorne’s House located in Lenox, Massachusetts

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______9. Ate lobster in a quaint restaurant in Bar Harbor

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______10. Mom and Dad ate lobster in a quaint restaurant in Bar Harbor on their wedding anniversary.

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______11. On our way through New Hampshire, we stopped at Fanconia Notch in the White Mountains.

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______12. Mt. Mansfield, the highest point in Vermont, and Mt. Greylock, the highest point in Massachusetts

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______13. Dad, our old salt, took many snapshots at the New London Naval Submarine base and the Coast Guard Academy

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______14. When I was six, I ate a worm it tasted good at the time.

______15. On our way home

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______16. On our way home we saw an eagle, it was soaring over our heads looking magnificent.

______17. Over the rainbow is a pot of gold if I use a GPS I might find it.

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______18. On our way home, we stopped to visit Brown University in Providence where Terry has enrolled as a freshman

(A) Sentence Fragment(B) Run-On(C) Complete Sentence

______19. The students who were in the play gave a magnificent performance, they received an enormous applause from the audience.

______20. During the storm, we watched T.V. my brother hogged the remote control which made me very mad!