Agenda Item No. 8
Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee8 March 2017
Procurement of Community Reablement Services – Outcome of Market Testing
Report by Executive Director Children, Adults, Families, Health and Education
Executive Summary
At its last meeting on 18 January 2017, the Health & Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC) considered a decision by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health on the Procurement of a Community Reablement Service (ASCH716-17). It was confirmed that HASC endorsed the decision but wanted to have the opportunity to consider the outcome of the market testing, which was carried out on Thursday 16 February. This report provides the committee with this information.The focus for scrutiny
HASC is asked to consider the information provided in the report and to consider the outcomes of the Community Reablement Services market testing.
The Committee is asked to:- Support the continuation of the current re-procurement plan based on the positive outcome from the market testing event
- Identify anyissues for further scrutiny, if required.
1.1At its last meeting on 18 January 2017, the Health & Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC) considered a decision by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health on the Procurement of Community Reablement Service (ASCH716-17).
1.2The decision was called-in following a request by six members of the County Council, led by Mr M Jones, Member for Southgate and Crawley Central.
1.3Following representations from Mr Jones, the Cabinet Member, UNISON and subsequent discussions at the meeting on 18 January 2017, HASC endorsed the decision,but asked that the outcome of the proposed market testing be shared with the Committee at its next meeting.
2.Issues for consideration by the Select Committee
2.1HASC is asked to consider the information provided in this report in relation to market testing for the Community reablement Service.
3Market Testing
3.1Thirty expressions of interest, from a range of different providers, were received for the market testing day. All providers were sent a welcome pack, giving anoverview of the day, the preparation required, and the Council’s vision for the service.
3.2Fourteen providers came along to the market testing day on 16 February 2017. Theyrepresented a range of backgrounds, including private healthcare providers, NHS trusts (inside and outside of West Sussex), current domiciliary care providers, specialist reablement providers and the current provider.
3.3The day involved presentations from Director of Adults Services, operational managers and contracts and performance managers. These were followed by several group discussion sessions.
3.4In the afternoon 1:2:1 sessions were held with nine providers. A range of areas were discussed. These included included TUPE and pension information, the length of the contract, alignment with health services, closer working with community resource and the 3rdsector and the payment model.
3.5Providers feedback on their experience of the market engagement was positive.They stated that they felt they had ‘really been included’ and that the Council’s vision and pathway forward was clear and made sense, in terms of the customer need and the West Sussex market.
3.6Council staff facilitating and takingpart in the day are confident, after their discussions with providers, that there is a sufficient market with the interest, capability and capacityavailable to deliver the service and that there would be sufficient interest in the service to ensure a competitive tender.
4.1The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Health and the Executive Director Children, Adults, Families, Health and Education have been presented with a summary of the response to the Market testing.
5.Resource Implications and Value for Money
5.1The market testing has confirmed that there is likely to be sufficient interest in the service to ensure a competitive tender would ensure value for money.
6.Risk Management Implications
6.1Specific risks around the recommended option for procuring the service were listed in the Cabinet Member decision report, which included a potential lack of capacity in the market.
6.2The response to the market testing has shown that there is sufficient capacity in the market and that this should ensure a competitive tender process.
7.Impact of the proposal
7.1The market testing will lead to no significant change in impact from the originalCabinet Member decision report - Procurement of Community Reablement Service (ASCH716-17).
Avril Wilson
Executive Director Children, Adults, Families, Health and Education
Contact: Stuart Gibbons, 03302226218
Background Papers - None