Cluster 4 Siteworks

Phase 1: Analyse

Program: Siteworks
Summary: The aim of this cluster is to carry out levelling procedures for the purpose of establishing correct and accurate set out of buildings, to set out a range of construction activities, including the positioning of a building and associated structures on a site and undertake hand or mechanical excavation to form excavations for footings and the provisions of services.
Topics 1. Carry out levelling operations 2. Carry out setting 3. Carry out excavation
This cluster covers
CPCCCA3023A Carry out levelling operations
CPCCCA3002A Carry out set out
CPCCCM2002A Carry out excavation
This cluster will be delivered using a combination of face to face, online (MOODLE based) learning with practical simulated or onsite practical activities. For streamline purposes a time factor will be allocated to each section to enable student’s time allowance if online learning is desired and also lesson plan guidelines for teacher/ facilitator. The MOODLE site will guide each activity in a format that will enable students to follow in a structured format.
There will also be allowance for Recognition of Prior Learning to allow fast track or gap training where required. Note the hour guide signifies hours to complete that component. That could be blended, face to face or online. /


  • 15 – 25 generally the majority completed Year 10 or Year 12 equivalence with minimal exposure to the building industry
  • Motivations for students will mainly be for completion of trade Carpentry course and learning to suit individual learners allowing flexibility.
  • Past on site experiences and existing carpentry knowledge/ skills will be minimal.
  • Requires internet access and have basic computer skills.
  • Prior learning prerequisite Apply WHS requirements.
  • Potential low literacy and numeracy skills and applied knowledge. Learning difficulties needs to be identified and catered for accordingly.
  • Potential low level technical e learning skills to also be catered for accordingly.
  • Mature aged (trade qualified) or life experience that can be fast tracked (stream lined) through distance learning.

  1. Major practical levelling assessment.
  2. Major practical set out and excavation assessment.
  3. Underpinning knowledge online skills quiz to be complete at the end of the cluster.

Phase 2: Design

Topic: Carry out levelling operations / Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section students will be able to conduct levelling procedures using rise and fall method and the Height of Collimation method for the purpose of establishing correct and accurate set out of buildings. It includes the set-up, testing and use of levelling devices and undertaking closed traverses using a range of levelling equipment.

Sub topics:

  1. Introduction/ Terminology
  2. Planning and Preparation
  3. Practical Levelling
  4. Rise and Fall
  5. Height of Collimation
  6. Stadia Lines

Design the learning experience
Individual & group, online & F2FTeamwork, networks etc. / Assessment: Formative / Tools & technologies: What do you need on hand? / Resources:
Existing & developed
  1. Introduction to Levelling.
  • Power point or in class presentation to introduce students to the usage of levelling devices within the building industry (5hr guide)
/ Self-assessment Formative Quiz based online after completion of sub topic. (Students to complete) / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Computer, internet and Data projector minimum.
Smart board /
  • Existing online text books via Moodle.

  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new.

  • Existing to set up an automatic level
  • Existing Hydrostatic level power point

  • To be developed print based text to be transferred to audio and visual content that would include adobe presentations and captivate. Teachers/ Facilitators to develop video footage also.

  1. Planning and Preparation
  • Moodle power point or in class discussion on the planning and preparing for levelling on site. (3hr guide)
/ Formative based onsite identification of work instructions required. Students to complete tools, equipment and materials list appropriate to the task for levelling procedures. / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Computer, internet and Data projector minimum.
Smart board.
Checklist or similar online application. /
  • Existingonline text books via Moodle (as above).
  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new (as above).
  • To be developed materials/ tool and equipment checklist.
  • To be developed crossword to assist with terminology.

  1. Practical Levelling
  • Students to spend time with Teacher to set up all levels on site.
  • Practice the use of two peg test and prepare for contour applications (6hr guide)
/ Formative based on students to use levelling devices (teacher checklist required).
Formative based two peg tests to check accuracy of level. /
  • Spirit level
  • Hydrostatic level
  • Automatic (dumpy level)
  • Laser level (preferred option as most commonly used on site).
  • Existing students to be shown practical use of all tools to be used for the purposes of establishing correct and accurate levelling of buildings (future footage to be used for online students if required).
  • To be developed teacher checklist.
  • To be developed print based text to be transferred to audio and visual content that would include adobe presentations and captivate. Teachers/ Facilitators to develop video footage.

  1. Rise and Fall
  • Moodle power point to be shown with in class discussion with teacher (6hr guide)
/ Self-Assessment at end of section.
Formative online rise and fall method calculation with change stations / Moodle usage in class smartboard.
Practical onsite application or simulated on TAFE campus. /
  • ExistingMoodle content Rise and fall applications

  • Existing online rise and fall calculations to be used.

  • Existing hard copy files to be used if required or on site
  • Existing self-assessment

  1. Height of Collimation
  • Moodle power point to be shown with in class discussion with teacher (6hr guide)
/ Self-Assessment at end of section.
Formative online height of collimation method calculation with change stations at end of section. / Moodle
Computer, internet and Data projector minimum.
Smart board would be nice /
  • Existing Moodle content for Height of Collimation

  • Existing hard copy files to be used if required or on site.

  1. Stadia Lines
  • Moodle power point to be shown with in class discussion with teacher
(4hr guide) / Self-Assessment at end of section.
Formative practical application of stadia lines at end of section. / Automatic (Dumpy) level with onsite or TAFE campus to facilitate /
  • Existing refer Carp notes above.
  • ExistingTeacher to show practical application.

Review and revise: Feedback via the Moodle and results
On completion of section facilitator to finalise all topics complete with formative assessments before attempting major assessment.
Assessment 1- Major levelling assessment to be incorporated levelling for the purpose of establishing correct and accurate set out of buildings.

Topic: Carry out setting out / Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section students will be able to identify site boundaries and survey indicators, establish, measure and set up profiled set outs for buildings and structural components of building work. The unit supports achievement of skills to set out for a range of construction activities, including positioning of a building and associated structures on a site.

Sub topics:

  1. Introduction to set out
  2. Planning, preparation and identification
  3. Profiles
  4. Set out

Design the learning experience
Individual & group, online & F2FTeamwork, networks etc. / Assessment: Formative / Tools & technologies: What do you need on hand? / Resources:
Existing & developed
  1. Introduction to Set out
  • Power point or in class presentation to introduce students to the usage of set out within the building industry (5hr guide).
/ Formative self-assessment Quiz based online after completion of sub topic. (Students to complete)
Research assignment to understand start up and set out of construction process.
Self-assessment to assist understanding and identification of set out / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Computer, internet and Data projector minimum.
Smart board /
  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new.

  • Existing power point to be updated

  • Existing video to show set out for slab

  • Existing research assignment

  • To be developed print based text to be transferred to audio and visual content that would include adobe presentations and captivate. Teachers/ Facilitators to develop video footage and upload on Moodle.
  • To be developed online text books via Moodle.
  • To be developed self-assessment on Moodle.

  1. Planning and Preparation
  • Moodle power point or in class discussion on the planning and preparing for levelling on site. (5hrs guide).
  • Show student simple application of finding right angles. Flicking chalk line and checking diagonals. Also show3:4:5 method.
/ Formative based onsite identification of work instructions required. Students to complete tools, equipment and materials list appropriate to the task for levelling procedures. / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Classroom for discussion with how to set out.
Workshop to mark out on slab for simple set out. /
  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new (as above).
  • To be developed materials/ tool and equipment checklist.
  • To be developed crossword to assist with terminology.

  1. Profiles
  • Teacher to show correct set out of building from reference point from Surveyor mark. Show positioning of profiles and use set back (4hr guide).
/ Formative based practicalactivity. /
  • Onsite materials to set up profiles.
  • Level site for activity
  • Tools to be used to correctly set out building.
  • Existing students to be shown practical use of all tools and equipment to be used for the purposes of establishing correct and accurate set out of buildings (future footage to be used for online students if required).
  • To be developed print based text to be transferred to audio and visual content that would include adobe presentations and captivate. Teachers/ Facilitators to develop video footage.

  1. Set out
  • Practical application to set out an ‘L’ shaped building
(6hr guide). / Formative based practical activity onsite or on TAFE campus. / Moodle usage in class smartboard.
Practical onsite application or simulated on TAFE campus. /
  • Existing practical activity on Moodle to be used

Review and revise: Feedback via the Moodle and results.
On completion of section facilitator to finalise all topics complete with formative assessments before attempting major assessment.
Assessment 2- Major assessment to be incorporated with excavation topic.
Topic: Carry out excavation / Learning Outcomes: At the end of this section students will be able to undertake hand excavation tasks and excavations requiring the assistance of plant machinery to form excavations for footings and the provisions of services.

Sub topics:

  1. Introduction to excavation
  2. Planning and preparation
  3. Excavation

Design the learning experience
Individual & group, online & F2FTeamwork, networks etc. / Assessment: Formative / Tools & technologies: What do you need on hand? / Resources:
Existing & developed
  1. Introduction to Excavation
  • Power point or in class presentation to introduce students to excavation within the building industry (5hr guide).
/ Formative self-assessment Quiz based online after completion of sub topic. (Students to complete) / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Computer, internet and Data projector minimum.
Smart board /
  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new.

  • Existing power point to be updated
  • Existing learning resource to discuss and understand

  • To be developed print based text to be transferred to audio and visual content that would include adobe presentations and captivate. Teachers/ Facilitators to develop video footage and upload on Moodle.
  • To be developed online text books via Moodle.
  • To be developed self-assessment on Moodle.

  1. Planning and Preparation
  • Moodle power point or in class discussion on the planning and preparing for excavating on site.
  • Location of services to be identified.
  • Safety to be addressed and the importance shown
(5hrs guide). / Formative based onsite identification of work instructions required. Students to complete tools, equipment and materials list appropriate to the task for excavating on site.
Self-assessment quiz on Safety with Excavation. / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Checklist or similar online application. /
  • Existing Carp notes that can be updated with new (as above).
  • To be developed materials/ tool and equipment checklist.
  • Existing crossword to assist with understanding terminology
  • Existing refer to excavation code of practice

  • Existing dial before you dig website

  • To be developed self-assessment quiz

  1. Excavation
  • Practical activity.
  • Calculations activity.
/ Formative based practical activity on site or simulated at TAFE campus.
Self-assessment online activity
Calculation online activity / Moodle access to Cluster 3
Practical tools required for excavation works /
  • Existing students to be shown practical use of all tools and equipment to be used for the purposes of excavating on site (future video footage to be used for online students if required).

Review and revise: Feedback via the Moodle and results.
On completion of section facilitator to finalise all topics complete with formative assessments before attempting major assessment.
Assessment 2- Major assessment to be incorporated with set out topic.
Assessment 3- Underpinning knowledge online skills quiz to be complete at the end of the cluster.

Phase 3&4: Implement & review


This cluster will be setup on the Carpentry Moodle 2.3 Site and used by all teachers, wishing to use Moodle, in the Carpentry facility for delivery of these UOC. Teachers will be able to choose how they deliver the information however for the first time we will be delivering the same information. Teachers to further develop online applications like Adobe presenter/ captivate.


The cluster on Moodle will have a forum and a Feedback section for the students and another hidden forum for teachers to suggest changes that we need to make.

Student’s results and completion rates will also be compared with students who are not using the Moodle based package to see what differences there are.

An annual meeting with the teachers to review the whole Moodle course.

Learning design template: Carpentry Cluster 3 Site Works (developed Brett McCroary 21.11.12)1