K. Beaucock

Summit English 9 - Course Outline


Summit English is an enriched academic environment. The grade 9 curriculum is designed to help further develop skills in the following areas:

  • Reading, comprehending, interpreting and appreciating different forms of literature
  • Understanding and using literary terminology
  • Interpreting main ideas, themes, information, and details
  • Using literature to explore ideas, to reach a certain audience
  • Effective revision of written work
  • Evaluating and improving your own work


During the year you will be reading and responding to a variety of literary genre.

You will also be writing in a variety of styles, such as journal, paragraphs, and essays.

Other assignments will include public speaking, library research, and dramatic presentations.

A) Literature

Novels: Animal Farm, and Independent/Group Novels

Short Stories/Poems: an in-depth study of various stories and poems/songs

Drama: reading of short modern plays, and a Shakespeare play; we will also view at least one live theatre productions.

B) Language & Composition

Language: word usage, punctuation, parts of speech, syntax, and spelling.

Composition: paragraph structure, essays

Oral Work: group and individual presentations

Summit English 9 - Homework Page

To access Ms. Beaucock’s Summit English 9 homework page:

1.  go to: http://vantech.edunets.org/

2.  And then go to Staff -> Listing -> Beaucock, K. -> Summit 9

Contact Information for Ms. Beaucock

Phone: 604-713-8215 (7406) E-mail:

Marking Criteria for Term One

Summer reading assignments and book trailers– 15% This mark will be based on summer reading assignments and the book trailers that students will create to depict the novel they read in the summer.

Short Story Assignments – 25 Students will be required to write responses to each short story. As well, there will be other assignments to encourage students to think more critical about the short stories they read during Term One.

Writing/Grammar Assignments and Quizzes – 15% Students will be given a variety of writing and grammar assignments to enhance their writing skills.

Short Story Unit Test – 25%. The short story test will be based on students' knowledge of the literary devices and the elements of a short story. As well, students' reading comprehension skills will be test

Projects: 10% Timberline Camp radio show presentation.

Work/Study Marks – 10% Each student will be given 10 marks at the beginning of the term. Marks will be deducted if students:

  • Do not complete homework
  • Come to class unprepared (without books and supplies)
  • Do not co-operated or participate in class activities



Student Expectations

Policies and Procedures: Students are expected to follow the rules and expectations of the school and the VSB. Read and refer to the policies outlined in the Van Tech Student Agenda. Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive on time. If you arrive late and the door is closed, knock quietly and wait. Absence: If you miss a class you must return to class with a note which includes your parent or guardians’ phone number and e-mail address. If you do not provide a note or the note does not have the accurate information your absence will be regarded as an unexcused absence

Classroom Individual or Group Presentations. If you miss a presentation and you have an excused absence, you will be given an opportunity to do another assignment (or presentation if time permits). If you have an unexcused absence you will receive “0”. Assignments or Projects: For late assignments there is a 30% deduction. If you are absent on the day the assignment/project is due and you have an excused absence no marks will be deducted. However, an unexcused absence you will receive “0”.

Tests: If you miss a test and have an excused absence you will be allowed to write the test or alternative test when you return to class. Be prepared to write the exam or test during the FIRST Summit English 9 class after your return. If you miss the test and have a unexcused absence you will receive a “0”. Cheating: All cheating will result in a referral to administration and a failure of the assignment or test. Plagiarism is passing off another’s ideas as your own and is considered a form of cheating. Helping someone cheat is also cheating.