Honours Awards Policy & Procedure
The Association is committed to rewarding dedicated individuals whose efforts go above and beyond. There are multiple levels of recognition available, each with a slightly different process of application (outlined in Annex A).
An individual can be put forward for any level of recognition but can only have one nomination in process at any time. Nominations are treated in the strictest confidence and the nominee should not be informed of the nomination, as it is not fair to raise expectations. Authors cannot, under any circumstances, nominate themselves.
The Honours & Awards Committee
National Presidential Certificates (NPC) and State Award submissions have to be approved by the Honours and Awards Committee which is made up of the President, Chairman and Secretary General. The Committee meet in February and August each year to review submissions, therefore please note that the approval process, from initial submission to announcement, can take up to 6-12 months for the NPC and 12-18 months for a State Award.
The Committee have the power to upgrade or downgrade submissions as appropriate. If a State Award is desired but the citation is not deemed strong enough, the NPC can be awarded instead. Having been awarded the NPC that same person can be re-submitted at a higher level but we ask that sufficient time passes to ensure that any further recognition is in view of subsequent achievements.
Completing Nominations – Hints and Tips
- Please follow the instructions carefully in each section of the nomination, it is important to include as much information as possible but don’t simply list jobs or posts held by the individual, try to explain what their actual contribution or impact has been. Please do not send in examples of the nominee’s work (e.g. videos, photographs, books) as information is scanned into an electronic system and such evidence cannot be kept.
- State nominations require two letters of support provided by people with first-hand knowledge of the nominee who can endorse their contribution or supply additional information.
- We acknowledge receipt of submissions but regretfully cannot enter into correspondence on the merits of a particular nomination.
- Additional supporting information can be sent in at any time and we should be informed of any important changes to the information supplied, such as the home address of the nominee. Submissions should be made while a nominee is still active and, if possible, at least 12 months before he/she is expected to retire or stand down. You must notify Headquarters immediately if your nominee dies, as it is not possible to award State Honours posthumously.
- Once taken forward to the State system, with the exception of certain circumstances, a candidate cannot be withdrawn but if the individual does not appear within the targeted Honours List the submission is considered unsuccessful and returned to the author with advice on how to strengthen the nomination. If, after 3 attempts, State level recognition has not been achieved that particular submission is concluded.
Annex A: Types of Awards
RAF Association Awards / Description / Application ProcessCertificates of Appreciation and ATC Adoption Certificates / Signed off by the Branch President or Chairman, the Certificate of Appreciation is often awarded to Branch Associates/Committee Members in mark of particular achievements or dedicated service. The ATC Adoption Certificate is presented to nearby squadrons in order to strengthen local relationships. / Certificates can be produced by the Executive Secretary on request at any time for Branches to present.
Area Presidential Certificate
‘APC’ / Often presented during Area Conferences, the Area Presidential Certificate acknowledges stand out achievements within a particular Area. APCs are administered by the Area Offices. / A standard nomination form can be requested at any time using the details below.
Hannah Standley
Executive Secretary
Royal Air Forces Association
Atlas House
Wembley Road
0116 2688792
Once completed, forms can either be returned to Hannah by email/post or sent in via the relevant Area Director where advice and endorsements can be sought.
Please ensure any correspondence is marked as private and confidential.
National Presidential Certificate
‘NPC’ / The most prestigious award that the Association bestows, the NPC is for those that have made a substantial difference through ongoing valued support and/or significant achievements. Announcements are made in conjunction with the State Honours Lists each year and certificates are usually presented during our Annual Conference.
State Awards / Honours lists are published at New Year and on the occasion of The Sovereign’s Birthday. The number issued is strictly limited and therefore, however valuable their service, unfortunately not everyone can receive recognition in this way. It is important to realise that an honour will not automatically follow a submission.
Those who are not UK citizens or citizens of Commonwealth countries of which The Queen is Head of State are eligible to be considered for awards, but the award may be an honorary one.
British Empire Medal
‘BEM’ / Rewarding innovative local contribution and achievements, both within and outside of their own particular field of expertise, whether it is a lifetime commitment, or a one-off project. This award is presented locally.
Member of the British Empire
‘MBE’ / Candidates should stand as an example to others, displaying outstanding service and exceptional performance. Their significant achievements should benefit the wider community. Presented in London followed by an investiture lunch hosted by the Association, usually taking place at the RAF Club.
If you would like to do further reading on the State submission process we recommend the following website www.gov.uk/honours