Dear Parents,
I just wanted to send a quick note to inform you of some classroom procedures. Every Monday, your child is sent home with a homework tracking sheet. There are two sides to this sheet that have to be filled out by your child. At 3:00 every day we go over what needs to be put onto this sheet. Your child has a variety of different homework assignments which come home in single worksheet pages. I know that some of you may be familiar with a homework packet, but we will not be using one this year. Every night your child should have “Read 20 Minutes” and “Study Spelling Words” written on their homework tracking sheet (Friday is the only day that they will not need to write “Study Spelling Words” because they are tested on Friday morning). Your child will also have other assignments for homework which are usually things that they did not finish in class or something else I have assigned for homework. They are reminded of what to write on this sheet everyday. Every night your child needs to have this homework sheet signed on both sides. The front side with the boxes needs to be signed so that I know you have seen what homework assignments they have, and what they will need to be turn in the next morning. The back sheet is like a graph; your child needs to either draw a line up to the minutes they have read or color in the blocks up to the minutes they have read each night. You will need to sign this on the bottom so that I know your child has actually read for the night. If your child reads more than the minutes on the sheet, just write a note out to the side of the graph for that night indicating how many minutes they have read. Your child is responsible for this homework tracking sheet and will lose an Eagle Buck if it is not signed or filled out. If you are unable to sign it for that day or you forgot as you were sending your child to school, you can either call me or email me to let me know that you have seen it for that day. If you call or email me, your child will not lose an Eagle Buck. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, email or stop by anytime.
Kind Regards,
Ms. Espino