Avalon Heights World Private School

Primary Phase

Gr 1 Homework: Term 3. Week 5 (7-11 may 2017) / Parent sign:
7 May
(Week 5) / English
/ Speaking Assessment 10 May: Integrated/combined with Mathematics 3D shapes.
Bring a minimum of 3 3D shapes to school and tell your class more about what you have brought to school.
Your child will be assessed on the following criteria:
Preparation / Confidence / English language / Insight of topic. / Creativity
/2 / /2 / /2 / /2 / /2
Tip: You may use the internet for interesting ideas on how to present your oral.
Spelling: Jolly Phonics Word Book. Revision Pg 47
no. 40-55
Reading: Listen to your child’s reading and sign the reading card. Your child will be assessed on how well he/she knows their group reader book.
Maths / 3D shape assessment Wednesday 10 May: Integrated/combined with English.
Bring 3D shapes to school and share what you have brought to school by doing an oral.
Your child will get assessed on the following:
Preparation / Shows knowledge / Answering questions relating to topic / creativity
/2 / /3 / /3 / /2
Science / Work on your recycling science project. Due 11 May 2017
8 May
(week 5) / English
/ Speaking Assessment 10 May: Integrated/ combined with Mathematics 3D shapes.
Bring a minimum of 3 3D shapes to school and tell your class more about what you have brought to school.
Your child will be assessed on the following criteria:
Preparation / Confidence / English language / Insight of topic. / Creativity
/2 / /2 / /2 / /2 / /2
Tip: You may use the internet for interesting ideas on how to present your oral.
Spelling: Jolly Phonics Word Book. Revision Pg 47
no. 40-55
Reading: Listen to your child’s reading and sign the reading card. Your child will be assessed on how well he/she knows their group reader book.
Maths / 3D shape assessment Wednesday 10 May: Integrated/combined with English.
Bring 3D shapes to school and share what you have brought to school by doing an oral.
Your child will get assessed on the following:
Preparation / Shows knowledge / Answering questions relating to topic / creativity
/2 / /3 / /3 / /2
Science / Science project: Recycling Journal (11 May 2017)
9 May
(week 5) / English
/ Speaking: Integrated/combined with Mathematics 3D shapes.
Bring a minimum of 3 3D shapes to school and tell your class more about what you have brought to school.
Your child will be assessed on the following criteria:
Preparation / Confidence / English language / Insight of topic. / Creativity
/2 / /2 / /2 / /2 / /2
Tip: You may use the internet for interesting ideas on how to present your oral.
Spelling: Jolly Phonics Word Book. Revision Pg 47
no. 40-55
Reading: Listen to your child’s reading and sign the reading card. Your child will be assessed on how well he/she knows their group reader book.
Maths / 3D shape assessment Wednesday 10 May: Integrated/combined with English.
Bring 3D shapes to school and share what you have brought to school by doing an oral.
Your child will get assessed on the following:
Preparation / Shows knowledge / Answering questions relating to topic / creativity
/2 / /3 / /3 / /2
Science / Work on your project. Deadline 11 May 2017