SAMPLE Letter to One’s Future Husband
Looking to the future
for young men & women...
To my future husband,
It is important for me to write to you now, even before we know each other, because there is still time for both of us to think about our future and to make wise decisions.
There are so many things I want to tell you. Girls are like that, you know. I want to share my dreams with you. I want to trust you to listen and to care about what I say,. You are very important to me.
When I think about getting married, I think about much more than just the wedding dress, bridesmaids, flowers, invitations and parties. To me, getting married means sharing the rest of my life with you. Growing old together - 'til death do us part - with a lot of living in between. It means growing and changing and living through the good times as well as the bad. It means loving each other when it is difficult.
I look forward to a happy life with you and our children, but I'm not so unrealistic that I think we won't have any problems or difficulties. Those will be the growing times when our love and commitment will be tested, and we will emerge stronger, wiser and more deeply in love. I know that we need each other to be holy and to become the man and woman God created s to be.
God has already chosen us for each other. That is so awesome to me! I can hardly wait to meet you, but I know I have to be patient because it will only happen when it is God's time for us to come together. Until then, I can think about you and pray for you and hope that you are thinking about me and praying for me, too. I hope so much that you are waiting for me just as I am waiting for you. I want both of us to do what is right. I want to respect you, and I want you to respect me. I want us to be able to recognize the goodness in each other. I want you to touch my heart with your goodness.
A friend told me once that it is necessary to know what is important to me and to have some "major" requirements when it comes to selecting my spouse. That way it will be easier for me to recognize you when we meet. The "majors" are basically those few character traits that are absolutely essential to me; traits that I just could not compromise on for any reason. I know the most important "major" is that my husband will have to know God, to love Him and to be willing to keep Him first in our lives. I have seen so much joy and happiness in families where God is the center, and now that I am older, I realize how important God is. I want our family to be happy too, and I know we cannot do it without God.
The next "Major" would be unselfishness. I'm not perfect in this area either, but I want both of us to be unselfish. We cannot go through life thinking only of ourselves. We have to be willing to make sacrifices for each other and for our children. We have to be willing to love. That's not always easy, but unless we are committed to a lifetime of loving unselfishly, our marriage will never succeed.
We have to be honest too. No marriage can survive without honesty and trust. I know we will spend many hours just talking and learning about each other by sharing our thoughts and our feelings, our hopes, our dreams and our fears. I want us to be very comfortable with each other.
I want so much to love you. And, I want you to love me. I want to be cherished, to be the most important person in your life, to be your most intimate friend. I want to be your wife. I want you tenderness and affection, your kindness and you strength. I want to be there for you when you feel happy and on top of the world, and I want to be there when your spirit is crushed. I want to feel protected and secure in your love and to trust you at all times. I want you to feel safe with me and never to be ashamed to talk about your fears and weaknesses. I want to encourage you to stand up for your beliefs and always to do what is right. I want to stand beside you as we go through life together.
Remember, I said the wedding dress is not all that important? Well, the most important thing about the wedding dress is what it represents. The beauty of the white fabric symbolizes the purity of the bride. I want my dress to be that symbol to you. I want to cherish my virginity so that my gift of myself to you will be pure and holy. I want so much for you to do the same for me.
The world has cheapened and trivialized our beautiful gift of sexuality. It has ignored its awesome power to unite a man and a woman in marriage and to be the source of their greatest blessings, their children. I don't want us ever to lose that sense of awe and reverence for this wonderful gift God designed for married couples. The power of our sexuality is so sacred. It is important to me that you believe that, too. It's a "major". We don't have to make all the mistakes many of our older friends have made. We can have God's best if we do it His way.
So, why in the world am I telling you all of this? Because it's on my mind. I do think about you a lot. I hope and pray that we will be strong enough to combat the lies the world has told us. The things we do and say today can affect the rest of our lives. We do have to think and to care about the way we live today. You are so important to me. Our future is important to me. Our marriage and our children are important to me. That's why all of this matters.
I want to be your wife, and I want you to be my husband. Neither of us will ever be the perfect spouse, but we can strive to please God and to do His will. By doing that now and after we are married, I know we will have the grace we need to help each other and our children get to Heaven. And, after all, that's really all that matters in the end.
So, future husband, I hope this letter makes a difference to you. I really do exist. Please wait for me. I am waiting for you.
SAMPLE Letter to One’s Future Wife
To my future wife,
You do not know me yet. You are probably wondering why I am even writing to you. You may think that, because I am a man, I will not be able to convey my thoughts, my feelings, my love, in words. But do not underestimate me. There are many things you do not know about me, yet. There are many things I want you to learn and discover about me because some day I want to marry you.
As I was growing up, and I never admitted this at the time, but I had great respect for my mother and father. True, we argued and fought, and disagreed on many occasions. But I never lost my respect for them. My dad, though not perfect, treated my mother like a queen. He never belittled her. He never second-guessed her decisions. He stood behind her at all times. He loved her. His love was a perfect example for me, and my brothers and sisters, to follow.
Now, as I grow older and hopefully wiser, and as I approach my own turn at marriage, my thoughts turn to my dad's model behavior. By being persistent, patient, and prayerful, he succeeded in being a loving husband to his wife and a loving father to his children. I hope to emulate my dad's good example; I want to be as good a husband to you as my dad was to my mom.
I write this letter to you because I want to be your husband. I truly want to be your husband. I want to be a husband who will love you, cherish you, and make you always feel special. Husbands nowadays are often mocked, scorned, and ridiculed. Men are often perceived as worthless, egotistical, and selfish. I am none of those. I am a man, a human being, who desires your love and respect. I need those gifts of love and commitment, which only you can give. And I want to return the same to you.
Why should you want me as your husband? What will convince you that I am the one you should look for and eventually marry?
I will be the one who will recognize your goodness. I will be the one who will respect you and appreciate your high moral standards. I will be the one who will admire the way you respect yourself. I will be the one to hold your hand when you need affection. I will be the one to kiss your cheek when you feel lonely. I will be the one who will hold you when you need to feel secure. I will be the one who will comfort you in your sadness and share in your happiness. I will be the one who will be by your side as you bring our children into the world. I will be the one who will love you as if each day was our last together.
But why do I want to marry you? Why not the blonde who winked at me on the beach? Why not the brunette who called me every night? Why not the redhead who challenged my savvy and intelligence? Why not the skinny, long-legged model who catered to my every whim? Why not the cute, perky girl who seemed to have everything in common with me? Why you?
Well, future wife, let me explain. All those girls interested me. But you will not merely interest me. You will love me. And I will love you. Your soft touch will weaken me. Your eyes will enthrall me. Your beauty will mesmerize me. Your goodness will enamor me. Your virtues will captivate me. Your trust will engross me. Upon securing your trust, my heart, mind and soul will finally find peace and contentment.
I really will not ask for much. I will ask that you stand beside me through both the heartaches and the joys. I will ask that you welcome our children with open arms as our parents welcomed us. I will ask that you tell me when I am wrong and tell me when I am right. I will ask for your honesty and respect. In return you will receive uncompromising faith, fidelity and love.
What will draw me to you, more than anything else, however is your love of God. And your attempt to follow His will. Your continued faith and love for God, through the failures and the triumphs, through the laughter and the tears, will only increase my love for you. So, please continue to be patient and wait for me. We will soon meet and begin our life together. And with the grace of God, through faithful devotion and loving sacrifice, we will attain eternal happiness in Heaven.
After reading this short letter, future wife, you should now know me a little better. I hope you will be pleased. I hope you now understand why I wrote this for you - so you will see my heart. It beats for you. It will always beat for you.
© Diocese of Memphis NFP Center
Mother/Daughter & Father/Son Programs
5825 Shelby Oaks Dr., Memphis, TN 38134-7389
(901) 373-1285