MEETING:Regular Monthly Call
1-215-446-3657 or 1-888-363-4735. Access code: 3202826. (Host: 5547 – Amber will dial that in)
PURPOSE:Regular Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Date: / Location: / Start Time: / End Time:
8/24/2015 / Teleconference (# above) / 12:00 Noon / 1:00 PM
Facilitator/Lead: / Minutes Prepared by: / Becky Litwaitis
ATTENDEES (checked in attendance)
Jennifer Loging / Katrina Wojciechowski / Kristi Cooley / Cheryl Davies
Amber France / Barb Sheldon / Angela Roltgen
Becky Litwaitis / Janice Landisch / Abbie Loos / Angie Wilks-Tate
Items/Actions to Be Discussed / Outcome/Notes / Action Items & Person Responsible
Welcome, introductions.
- Review of last meeting minutes. (Becky)
Cheryl D moved and Angela seconded to approve the July minutes with that correction. Motion passed.
- WIC conference planning committee
- Strategic Plan – work on and try to finish up
- Communications:
Newsletter– Angela/Katrina /
- The Summer Newsletter went out in Friday’s FMR.
- Amber and Katrina have been posting the eWIC media coverage on the Facebook page.
- Treasurer’s Report (Barb)
- Account Balances:
Checking: 3,581.27
Paypal: 2,422.88
- Two new projects have joined since last month.
- Paypal charges per transaction.
- WIC Advisory Update (Barb)
- Next meeting is on Thursday.
- Right now there are two eWIC videos that new participants need to watch. Will discuss at meeting the need for a combined shorter video.
- Professional Development (Janice)
- Nutrition Matters is contributing $3000 for the Education Day.
- The NAS speakers are confirmed and have their goals set. Katy Murphy can now work on obtaining continuing education credits. WWA is an approved provider for offering continuing education.
- Lanyards are in. The bill was sent to Barb.
- Next teleconference call is on 8/28.
- Advocacy (Cheryl D.)
- WALHDAB update (Cheryl D.)
WALHDAB has created a legislative grid on state level issues/bills that map out the legislative process and WALHDAB’s position on that bill. We can consider using it as template for WWA.
Next meeting / In person meeting is scheduled for September 29 in Westfield. Due to rollout, a significant amount of board members may be unable to attend. / Katrina will send out an email listing possible alternate meeting dates.
Adjourn. Thank you! / Janice moved and Kristi seconded to adjourn the meeting at 1:01pm.
C:\Users\blitwa\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\CPMXH34D\8_24_2015 WWA Meeting Agenda.doc