Mr. Russell
Power Challenge
Tractor Pull
80 Points
Duration: Appx. 16class periods
In the dragster challenge, you used gear ratios to create a fast robot. You felt the “NEED for SPEED”!! While some of you think that speed kills, others think that only the strongest survive! In this challenge, you will prove your mettle by creating the most pulling power. In this challenge, “IT’S ABOUT TORQUE, YOU DORK!
Your Challenge:
You and your team will follow the engineering design process to design, build, test and evaluate a robot that has tremendous pulling power. You will compete against other teams in your class on two separate strength challenges – a Tug-of-War and a Tractor Pull. You will earn ranking points based on a number of trials against competing robots, which will determine your seed for the final matches. During the championship matches, you will compete in elimination matches in the Tug-of-War to earn championship points based on your performance. You will also earn points for each progressively heavier weight you pull on the tractor. The total scores of each group will determine the class champion. Class champions will then compete against the other class champions to determine the Grand Champion. The Grand Champion will earn a bagel party not only for their team but for their entire class.
Allowances & Constraints:
- Large “nubby” wheels are allowed but must be shared with other groups that wish to use them. A “quick-change” system must be employed for this purpose.
- You may use one of the two identical pairs of tank treads but they must be shared with other groups. A “quick-change” system must be employed for this purpose.
- Motors (max 2)
- 12-tooth gears (max 2)
- Long Axles (max 2)
- You may substitute other materials at your expense ONLY IF approved by Mr. Russell.
- You may NOT cut wires or otherwise damage any classroom-supplied parts.
- You may modify the gear ratio of any motors without permission.
- See rubric on reverse side
- Team report must include a cover page and a discussion of each of the 7 steps of the engineering design process.
- Reports may be submitted as typed or shared Google Doc. All supporting drawings must be stapled to the report or electronically deposited into the Google Doc.
Project Rubric
Power Challenge
80 Points
Team Grade
40 points Mr. Russell
Component / Sophisticated(10 points awarded) / Developing
(5 points awarded) / Insufficient
(0 points awarded)
Teamwork / The team worked well together to achieve the project objective(s). / The team worked well together most of the time but occasional conflict or goofing around disrupted the team or the class. / The team did not work well together. Frequent conflict or goofing around disrupted the team or the class.
Engineering Design Process / The engineering design process was followed closely. / One or two steps of the engineering design process were not followed. / Three or more steps of the engineering design process were not followed.
Subject Knowledge / The deliverable demonstrated knowledge of the course content. The deliverable also demonstrated evidence of extensive research effort and depth of thinking. / The deliverable demonstrated some knowledge of the course content. The deliverable demonstrated evidence of limited research effort and/or initial thinking about the topic. / The deliverable did not demonstrate knowledge of the course content. The deliverable provided little evidence of research effort or depth of thinking about the topic.
Report and Supporting Materials / The report and supporting materials were well organized and clearly written. The underlying logic was clearly articulated and easy to follow. Sentences were grammatically correct and free from errors. Report was type-written, was neat and free of damage, and was submitted with all materials attached (either as a hard copy or shared Google Doc). / The report and supporting materials were organized and clearly written for the most part. In some areas the logic and/or flow of ideas was difficult to follow. Sentence structure and grammar were acceptable with few errors that did not hinder the reader. Report was type-written and submitted with all materials attached. Some evidence of poor handling. / The deliverable lacked overall organization. The reader had to make considerable effort to understand the underlying logic and flow of ideas. Poor grammar and/or spelling errors made it difficult for the reader to interpret the text in places. Report was not type-written, did not have all materials attached, or reflected poor handling.
Individual Grade
40 points
Component / Sophisticated(20 points awarded) / Developing
(10 points awarded) / Insufficient
(0 points awarded)
Effort / The individual exhibited superior effort and was inclusive of all team members. / The individual exhibited acceptable effort and was inclusive of all team members. / The individual exhibited poor effort and/or excluded other team members from helping out.
Behavior / The individual showed model behavior including respect for the teacher and classmates. / The individual goofed around occasionally but was respectful of others. / The individual goofed around frequently and/or showed a lack of respect for others.