Year 6 Sci 2 Life Processes Adaptation

Year Group:
6 / Class Name / Number: / Class size: 30 / Pupil Age:
10/11 / Date:
Subject / Theme of Lesson:
Science/Life processes and living things – adaption / NC References:
Sc2 5c – how animals and plants in two different habitats are suited to their environment.
Links with previous session:Sc2 4b, c – identify features and assign a variety of organisms (invertebrates/vertebrates) into groups. / Link to next session:
Sc2 Compare the vegetation out in the school field v samples collected from the beach
Prior achievement:Sc2 4b, c - Comfortable with definition of organism, in/vertebrate.
Links to PSHE, Citizenship or Global Citizenship:
1a - talk and write about their opinions and explain their views. / Links to ECM:
Make positive contribution – develop a positive contribution - team working
Resources:pencils, square grid, field magnifying glasses, latex gloves / Vocabulary:
LA: Adaptation, conditions, fair test, observation, in/vertebrates
MA:Environment, habitat
HA: Organism
ICT Opportunities: IWB / Possible homework:identify a habitat (pond, hedge, lawn, under stone/log) Look for minibeasts, record type and number found, briefly describe the conditions (dark, damp etc) and suggest why found?
Target QTS Standards: / Focus for personal reflection:
Learning Objective(s):
To predict which organisms will be found in different types of habitat
To know different organisms are found in different habitats
To know that organisms are suited to the environment in which they are found / Success criteria:
I can make and justify my predictions
I can state the type of habitat organisms prefer with justification
I can explain why different organisms are found in different habitats
How the learning will be assessed:
Recap last lesson using white boards (target children without secure knowledge from last lesson’s assessment) - make notes of individual children on planning.
Questions asked during input to identify conceptual knowledge
Observation of conversations in talking partners
TA–assist LA children – misconceptions/understandings or secure knowledge evidenced recorded on post-its
13:00 –13:10
13:10 – 13: 30
13:30 – 13:55
14:00 – 14:10 / Overview of whole class work ( eg Mental/oral, lesson Introduction) (white board, pens, IWB)
Input:Chn to sit on carpet.
Recap – What is anorganism, in/vertebrate?
Get child to read LO on IWB.
Q-what do you think a habitat is? Discuss with talking partner (1 min), answer’s written on IWB, reveal definition, give example.
Q-with the definition/example in mind, discuss with talking partner (1 min), examples of different types of habitat.
Write answers on IWB & discuss features. If miss any on school grounds include by asking is the playing field a habitat etc…
Main:Explain going on a mini beast hunt in different habitats within the schools grounds investigating what mini beasts live where.
Split into mixed ability groups of five and sent to tables. One group to investigate each habitat: hedge, under woodpile, under leaf litter, short grass, long grass, flower bed.
Show on IWB reminder of how to layout investigation titles: Title of investigation, Prediction, Observation, Conclusion
Q- What questions do we need to ask ourselves when thinking about what mini beasts live where? Guidance to: how would you describe the features of the habitat? Use weakest groups habitat as an example (damp, dark), what mini beasts live there? Get to write as prompts in workbook.
In their groups have 2 mins to predict what found where and reasoning.
Q-what does a fair test mean? How would you make it a fair test? (square grid, make sure uniform cover and size of habitat)
Explain observation table in tally form, model.
Discuss respect for creatures – appropriate behaviour.
H & S - gloves, wash hands on return
Outside: model sample area chosen uniform, systematically look at each square, one person to scribe.
Return to class: on IWB (excel) record groups results – convert to table.
Learning Objectives for group/individual work (if different):Same / Success criteria:
How the learning will be assessed:
TA and T assist where necessary, jot chn’s comments on post-its and take photographs.
Predictions & conclusions made when marking.
Timing / Group activities (including differentiation):
Same – Mixed ability (have peer support)
Both T and TA monitor where support required
LA: provided with tally table form and some organisms written.
14:10 – 14:25 / Plenary activities:
Chn to tables. Discuss results. Q- What conclusions can we draw? Were all organisms found in every habitat? Why did some prefer one habitat to another? What would the organisms do/if anything if you removed all the log/leaves? Were your predictions correct and why?
Chn to write conclusions whilst graphs are printed to be glued in.
Ask when have written up in workbooks whether they feel they are confident that they can say ‘I can…….’ using self assessment through drawing happy, unsure, sad faces.
How and what did we learn? Review main learning objectives

TP File 14-26b