Course Outline

Spanish 110 (Survey of Spanish Literature, to 1800th Century), 03 units

Fall 2015

Instructor information:

Dr. Mariela Santana: MRP 2027, Phone: 916-278-5511/Email:

Office hours: M/W from 3:00-4:00PM and Th. From 11:00-12:00PM

Course # 83933

Span 110, Tu / Th 1:30-2:45 PM Room: Mariposa Hall 1002

For course syllabus go to Department of Foreign languages Webpage

Catalog Description:

A survey course of Peninsular Literature to 1800. Advance readings, lectures, and discussions dealing with a panoramic view of Spanish literature from early works through the Golden Age and up to the 1800s. Prerequisite: Span 100. 03 unites.

Expanded Course Description:

A general study of Spanish Literature from the early works to the 18th century. As a survey course, we will examine a series of representative literary movements and schools. Students will be reading a diversity of literary genres in the textbook, Voces de España. Each work will be studied and analyzed in class. Students will become familiar with the historical context, each author’s biography, along with the culture and literary style of the period. Students also will develop critical thinking skills. Students are expected to read in advance the works presented in class in order to be prepared to answer questions in class. Students also will be asked to do some additional research on the authors, the culture of the times, and the background history.


Voces de España, Segunda edición. Autor, Paredes-Méndez. Publisher, Cengage Learning, 2008

Method of Instruction:

This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Lectures and small group discussions on the readings and an in-depth analysis of the works of the writers will comprise some of the activities of the class.

Students Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course students will be able to:

I Identify:

a.  Authors who have been discussed in class and their works.

b.  Writer’s style of thinking and the society of the different centuries

c.  The impact of the economy, the arts, the political, social and religious institutions on the authors and their works

d.  Literary terminology.

II Read actively and critically to

a.  understand authors and their works

b.  develop critical skills

c.  identify the major features of the works discussed in class

d.  articulate relevant ideas about the works and the authors

III Students also will be able to:

a. formulate ideas about what they are reading

b. gather evidence from the work to support their own ideas.


There will be two exams and a final.

Method of evaluation: Attendance and participation: 30%

Exam 1 20%

Exam 2 20%

Final exam 30%

NO Make –up exams unless there is an emergency.

Grading Scale 94-100% A

93-90% A-

89-88% B+

87-84% B

83-80% B-

79-78% C+

77-74% C

73-70% C-

69-68% D+

67-64% D

63-60% D-

59% or less F


Attendance and participation is mandatory. The number of absences will affect the final grade as follows:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D

Classroom policies:


Regular attendance, coming to class on time, taking carful notes, and turning in assignments when they are due will greatly enhance your chances of success in this course. Please, notify me in advance of a missed class or immediately afterwards prior to the next meeting. There will be no make-up exams or late assignments accepted, except in cases of extreme emergency.

Avoid all forms of Academic Dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism.

Electronic devises:

Please turn off all phones, iPods and other devises. These are distracting and disruptive. Students are not permitted to make audio recordings, or take photos in the classroom. No food allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is permitted.

Specials Accommodations:

If you have a disability and require special accommodations, you need to provide disability documentation to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008 (916-278-6955). Please discuss your accommodation needs with me after class or during my office hours early in the semester.

Fechas importantes:

Examen I -- 1 de octubre

Examen 2 – 10 de noviembre

Examen final- 18 de diciembre de 12:45-2:45PM