MOSS - Mediators of Social Support – A NIH funded 5-year cohort study designed to examine the influence of social support on long-term morbidity and mortality. All patients in this observation database have documented coronary artery disease. The subset of data included in MOSSCLIN.sas7bdat and MOSSDASI.sas7bdat is from the self-reported cigarette smokers. MOSSCLIN.sas7bdat contains the baseline data from the 604 smokers. MOSSDASI.sas7bdat contains the baseline, 1-year, and 2-year Duke Activity Status Index measurements.
References for the MOSS study:
Brummett BH, Babyak MA, Barefoot JC, Bosworth HB, Clapp-Channing NE, Siegler IC, Williams RB Jr., Mark DB. Social support and hostility as predictors of depressive symptoms in cardiac patients one month after hospitalization: prospective study. Psychosomatic Medicine 1998; 60: 707-713.
Brummett BH, Barefoot JC, Siegler IC, Clapp-Channing NE, Lytle BL, Bosworth HB, Williams RB Jr., Mark DB. Characteristics of socially isolated patients with coronary artery disease who are at elevated risk of mortality. Psychosomatic Medicine 2001; 63: 267-272.
Bosworth HB, Siegler IC, Olsen MK, Brummett BH, Barefoot JC, Williams RB, Clapp-Channing NE, Mark DB. Social support and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease. Quality of Life Research 2000; 9: 829-839.
Prior work that generated the hypotheses for the MOSS prospective study
Williams RB, Barefoot JC, Califf RM, Haney TL, Saunders WB, Pryor DB, Hlatky MA, Siegler IC, Mark DB. Prognostic importance of social and economic resources among medically treated patients angiographically documented coronary artery disease. JAMA 1992; 267: 520-524.
Barefoot JC, Helms MJ, Mark DB, Blumenthal JA, Califf RM, Taney TL, O’Connor CM, Siegler IC, Williams RB. Depression and long-term mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. American Journal of Cardiology 1996; 78: 613-617.
Variable Definitions
MOSS Dataset (mossclin.*)
Characteristic /Variable name
/ DescriptionMOSS Identification Number / MOSS_ID / Dummy ID variable
Age / Age / Age in years
Sex / Sex / Sex
Race / Race / Race
3:Native American
Number of cigarettes smoked daily / Cignum / Values between 1 and 80
Angina in the last 6 weeks / Cpain6wk / History of angina 6 weeks prior to catheterization
N: No
Y: Yes
Hx of diabetes mellitus / Dm_pred / From H&P section. A previous physician diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, although the patient need not be under current therapy for diabetes, nor is current lab data or lab verification required. This does not differentiate between Type I and Type II diabetes.
Hx of smoking / Smk_pred / 0:No
Hx of hypertension / Bppred / Clinically significant hypertension by history. This does not necessarily depend upon a history of treatment; documentation by blood pressure determination is not required.
Hx of myocardial infarction / Hxmi / Previous history of myocardial infarction. An MI is recorded only if the patient has documentation or typical evolutionary ECG changes with a consistent clinical history.
Hx of peripheral vascular disease / Hxpvd / 0:No
Hx of cerebrovascular dz / Hxcrv / 0:No
Hx of congestive heart failure / Chf / History of congestive heart failure not due to acute MI
Congestive heart failure severity / Chf_sev / 0:No CHF
1:Class I – ordinary physical activities do not cause dyspnea/fatigue, e.g., walking several blocks, climbing stairs. Symptoms may occur with marked exertion.
2:Class II – moderate exertion, e.g., walking more than 2 blocks on the level or up more than 1 flight of stairs, causes symptoms. No symptoms at rest.
3:Class III – ordinary activity, e.g., 1-2 blocks on the level, 1 flight of stairs, causes dyspnea/fatigue. No symptoms at rest
4:Class IV – dyspnea at rest, increasing with any physical activity
Bypass Surgery / CABG30 / Bypass surgery within 30 days following cath
Last followup month / Last_month / Months to death or censoring
Death / Death / Patient died
0: No
1: Yes
Variable Definitions
For the MOSS Dataset
Duke Activity Status Index (DASI)
Dataset name: mossdasi.*
Characteristic /Variable name
/ Response OptionsMOSS Identification Number / MOSS_ID / Dummy ID variable
Month of Assessment / MONTH / 0: Baseline measurement
12: One-year measurement
24: Two-year measurement
Can you take care of yourself, that is, eating, dressing, bathing, and using the toilet? / dasiself‡ / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you walk indoors, such as around your house? / dasiwlki / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you walk a block or two on level ground? / dasiwlko / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you climb a flight or stairs or walk up a hill? / dasistrs / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you run a short distance? / dasirun / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you do light work around the house like dusting or washing dishes? / dasilths / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you do moderate work around the house like vacuuming, sweeping floors, or carrying in groceries? / dasimdhs / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you do heavy work around the house like scrubbing floors or lifting or moving heavy furniture? / dasihvhs / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you do yard work like raking leaves, weeding, or pushing a power mower? / dasiyard / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you have sexual relations? / dasisexl / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you participate in moderate recreational activities like golf, bowling, dancing, doubles tennis, or throwing baseball or football? / dasimdrc / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Can you participate in strenuous sports like swimming, singles tennis, football, basketball, or skiing? / dasispor / 1: Yes, with no difficulty
2: Yes but with some difficulty
3: No, I couldn’t do this
4: Don’t do it for other reasons
Overall DASI Score / NDASI / Computed† as
ndasi = 2.75*(dasiself=1) + 1.75*(dasiwlki=1) + 2.75*(dasiwlko=1) +
5.5*(dasistrs=1) + 8*(dasirun=1) + 2.7*(dasilths=1) +
3.5*(dasimdhs=1) + 8*(dasihvhs=1) +
4.5*(dasiyard=1) + 5.25*(dasisexl=1) +
6*(dasimdhs=1) + 7.5*(dasispor=1)
Count of DASI Activities / RDASI / Computed† as
rdasi = (dasiself=1) + (dasiwlki=1) + (dasiwlko=1) +
(dasistrs=1) + (dasirun=1) + (dasilths=1) +
(dasimdhs=1) + (dasihvhs=1) +
(dasiyard=1) + (dasisexl=1) +
(dasimdhs=1) + (dasispor=1)
†if fewerthan 5 activities are answered then the variable is set to missing
‡values of 77, 88, and 99 indicate missing data