ISS Curriculum Guide
8th Grade – Science
*Bold words should be taught to Mastery
Sem, 1or 2 / ISS Student Friendly Learning Target(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M, I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
1 and 2 / Competency Goal 1 The learner will describe and conduct investigations to demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry.
1.01-1.10 I can create questions and hypothesize experiments by practicing lab safety procedures using data analysis. / M / I can define:
dependent - independent variable
quantitative / 1.) Analyze and interpret data and graphs.
2) I can classify variables.
3.) I can make inferences and predictions.
4.) I can test hypothesis and communicate findings. / 1.)I can practice safe lab skills.
2) I can manipulate materials and equipment.
3.) I can use the scientific method to conduct an investigation and solve a problem. / 1.)I can create questions and hypothesis to be answered by scientifc experiements.
2.)I can create data tables and interpret them.
1 and 2 / Competency Goal 2 The learner will demonstrate an understanding of technological design.
2.01 – 2.04 I can use technological design to solve science investigation. / M / I can identify technology and its uses. / Ican use technological design to prove science. / 1.)I can collect data and draw conclusion.
2.) I can use a data base to answer scientific questions.
1 / CompetencyGoal 3: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of the hydrosphere.
3.01 I can define and explain the properties of water / E / I can define:
Universal Solvent
Cohesion and adhesion
Specific Heat
Surface tension / Analyze properties of water / None / None
3.02 I can explain in percentages the water distribution on Earth / E / I can define:
Fresh water, salt water, Glaciers,solidity, ground water, salinity, hydrosphere, aquifer / None / None / None
3.03 I can evaluate the Earth’s oceans as a resource or reservoir based on its content and composition. / E / I can describe: Estuaries, marine ecosystems, upwelling, down-welling, Benthos, nekton, hydrothermal vent, phytoplankton, zooplankton, unequal heating of oceans / I can evaluate Earth’s ocean’s ecosystems. / None / None
3.04 I can analyze the relationship between aquatic and terrestrial food webs. / E / I can describe:
Terrestrial, food web, food chain, aquatic, energy pyramid / I can compare and contrast the aquatic and terrestsrial food webs. / None / None
3.05 I can analyze water data as it affects the health of a water system. / E / I can describe and recognize:
Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH,hardness, nitrates, turbidity, bioindicators / I can analyze data, charts and graphs to determine health of a water system. / None / None
3.06 I can evaluate technologies and information systems used to monitor the hydrosphere. / E / I can describe:
Deep-ocean technology, sonar, remote sensing, desalination, spectral analysis
I can describe and recognize the technology to monitor the hydrosphere. / I can analyze the data from the technology to monitor the hydrosphere.
3.07 & 3.08
I can analyze the human effects on the water system and methods of wastewater treatment. / E / I can explain: Point and non-point source pollution, fertilizers, eutrophication / I can analyze data, charts, graphs, comparea dn contrast healthy water systems to unhealthy systems. / None / None
1 / CompetencyGoal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize technology and information systems to build an understanding of chemistry.
4.01 I understand that naturally occuring and syntetic substancesare elements. / E / I can define natural, element, synthetic, chemical and matter. / None / None / None
4.02 I can explain that elements combine to produce new substances. / E / I can define, neutron, electron, nucleus, covalent bond,proton, ionic bond, ion, isotope,molecule, compound, reactant, product, and chemical bonds and formulas. / None / None / None
4.03 I can identify and classify the properties of an element on the periodic table. / E / I can identify: groups, periods, atomic number, atomic mass, radioactivity, half-life, reactive, metals, non-metals, metalloids, semiconductors, noble gases, Periodic Table / I can classify elements and predict properties of elements using the periodic table. / None / None
4.04 & 4.05 I can use the physical properties of matter to describe appropriate materials for use in technology. / E / I can identify and define conductivity, density, magnetism, solubility, malleability, boiling & melting points, specific heat, chemical reactivity, ductility, chemical properties / I can classify the physical properties of compounds. / I can use lab equipment to conduct investigations. / None
4.06 I can investigate chemical versus physical properties in chemical reactions. / E / I can understand endothermic, exothermic, volume, mass, precipitate, gas production, physical change, chemical change. / I can compare and contrast physical and chemical properties.
I can evaluate the differences between physical and chemical properties. / I can perform labs exploring chemical and physical properties. / None
4.07 I can define the law of conservation of matter. / E / I can identify conservation of mass, balanced equations, subscripts and coefficients / None / None / None
4.08 & 4.09 I can describe effects of chemicals on human health. / E / I can identify carcinogens,cancer, auto-immune disease, birth defects, heart and kidney disease, diabetes, asthma, exposure, potency, dose, concentration, susceptibility / None / None / None
4.10 I can describe risk and benefits of chemicals including medicines, food preservatives, and crop yield. / E / I can identify pesticides.
2 / Competency Goal 5: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of evidence of evolution in organisms and landforms.
5.01 I can interpret how rocks, fossils and ice coresprovide evidence of Earth’s past. / E / I can define index fossils, extinction, law of superposition, unconformities, divergent, convergent, transform, faults, evidence of climate change,plate tectonics, continental drift / I can draw conclusions about Earth’s history by using geologic
evidence. / None / None
5.02 I can correlate evolutionary theories and processes and biological, geological and technological. / I
5.03 I can examine evidence that the geologic evolution has had significant global impact including: distribution of living things, major geological events, mechanical and chemical weathering. / E / I can understand & recognize the Geologic Time Scale and Geologic Time. / I can analyze the components of the geologic time scale. / None / None
5.04 I can analyze the different types of data used to monitor earth from space / E / I can recognize data from, reflectance curves, spectral analysis, GPS, satellite / I can interpret data and graphs and make predictions. / None / None
5.05 I can use use maps, ground truthing and remote sensing predictions regarding: change over time, land use, urban sprawl, and resource management. / E / I can recognize remote sensing, urban sprawl, topographic maps, contour lines, and ground truthing. / I can interpret data and graphs and make predictions. / I can use 21 st century technology (GPS, Google Earth, Satellite Imagery) to monitor Earth and make predicitons. / None
2 / Competency Goal 6:The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, appropriate technologies and information systems to build understanding of cell theory.
6.01 I can describe the three parts of the cell theory. / E / I can describe organism, cell, cell theory, multi-
cellular, nucleusand unicellular / None / None / None
6.02 I can analyze structures, functions, and processes within plant and animal cells. / E / I can describe organelles, eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells, nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosomes, vacuole, cytoplasm / I can compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
I can compare and contrast plant and animal cells. / None / None
6.03 I can compare life functions of protists. / E / I can describe euglena, amoeba, paramecium, volvox, flagellum, cilia, protists, pseudopods, / I can compare and contrast plantlike versus animal-like protists. / None / None
6.04 I can conclude that plant and animal cells carry on complex chemical processes / E / I can describe Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, glucose, active transport, passive transport, osmosis, diffusion, mitosis,cell division. / I can conclude that plant and animal cells carry on complex chemical processes. / None / None
2 / Competency Goal 7: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulaitons, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build understanding of microbiology.
7.01 I can compare and contrast the physical properties of microbes. / E / I can describe DNA, capsid, microbes, viruses, bacteria. / I can compare and contrast viruses and bacteria. / None / None
7.02 & 7.03 I can analyze diseases and how they spread. / E / I can describe contagions, mutagens, pathogens, infectious disease, non infectious disease, carrier, and vector. / I can give examples of pathogens and parasites.
I can compare and contrast carriers and vectors. / None / None
7.04 I can evaluate methods to reduce the risk of and treatments for infections. / E / I can describe antibiotics, antimicrobial, vaccine, and antibiotic resistance. biotechnology, agriculture, current medical ethical issues / I can evaluate ways to reduce infection. / .
7.05I can investigate ethical issues in biotechnology. / E / I can describe biotechnology. / I can evaluate biotechnology and its uses. / I can investigatae aspect of biotechnolgy.
The order for teaching the 8th grade Science curriculum with approximate quarter and semester:
Goal / Subject / Quarter / Semester4 / Chemistry / 1 / 1
3 / Water Planet / 2 / 1
6 and 7 / Cells and Microbiology / 3 / 2
5 / Life and Change Over Time / 4 / 2
1 / Scientific Inquiry / 1,2,3,4 / Maintenance
2 / Technology / / Maintenance
E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10