General Application for Admission

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Please fill out all fields in the application form in English. Type or print in blue or black ink, and satisfactorily address each of the components below. You should send all components to Mahanaim together in one package.

1)The signed, completed application form to Mahanaim

2)Specific requirements for your program

  • Statement of Calling for Good News Theology Applicants

3)Supporting documentation

  • High School Diploma or GED
  • College/University transcripts (if applicable)


Once Mahanaim receives your application package and fees, and you are accepted into the program of your choice, Mahanaim will send a Letter of Admission complete with details for your arrival to Mahanaim.


All tuition must be paid in full upon completion of your registration.


A $100 registration fee is required for the first enrolled term. Each subsequent term does not requirea registration fee. Student registration will not be processed without this fee.


Tuition and payment/refund policies are listed in our catalog. You must pay the tuition for each session in full before starting your educational program at Mahanaim. Tuition must be paid at the Office of the Bursar.


Mahanaim offers you intense, result-driven educational programs, all of which include full access to its Information Technology Centers and recreational facilities. Each student pays a non-refundable technology fee of $100 and activity fee of $25 at the beginning of each term attended.


Textbooks must be purchased individually. Mahanaim provides students with competitive prices for top drawer textbooks that have provided proven results to students around the world.

Send Your Completed Application Package to:

By Mail: Mahanaim

Office of Admissions

300 Nassau Road

Huntington, NY 11743

By Fax: (631) 935-1940

For more information regarding admissions, please contact Mahanaim at:

Phone: (631) 944-4400



We are excited you are taking your first step towards an academic career with Mahanaim. This general application for admission will help us gauge your qualifications, skills, and experience, so we can better serve you as a Mahanaim student. Please fill out the fields with blue or black ink only, and as neatly and accurately as possible in order to assure proper processing.



First NameM.I.Last Name


Street Address


City State Zip Code


Home Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Email Address


Social Security Number Date of Birth Country of Birth


White/Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander I Prefer Not To Respond


What program do you wish to enroll in? (Please check one only)

Good News Theology  Good News Theology-Spanish

Have you ever withdrawn or been dismissed from an academic institution? If yes, explain. Yes No



(Use additional sheets of paper if necessary)



High School Graduation/GED Date


High School Address


City State Zip Code


Phone Number Country


Accredited College or University 1 Dates AttendedGraduation Date


Accredited College or University 2 Dates Attended Graduation Date



Please list any clubs, organizations, and/or initiatives in which you were actively involved, as well as positions held and awards received.


Extra-curricular activity 1 Start Date / End Date Positions held and honors


Extra-curricular activity 2 Start Date / End Date Positions held and honors


Extra-curricular activity 3 Start Date / End Date Positions held and honors


Good News Theology Requirement

Provide a Statement of Calling on your decision to apply to Good News Theology at Mahanaim. Detail the spiritual goals and expectations you have for Good News Theology. Please attach a typed essay with this completed application. Essays are not to exceed 1,000 words and should be at least 1.5 spaced, 10 or 12 point type with 1 inch margins. Mahanaim will not accept hand-written essays and will not process applications without this component.

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I certify that the information which I have herein provided is true to the best of my knowledge and realize that any falsification of information may release Mahanaim from considering my application for admission or may lead to dismissal from Mahanaim at a later date.


Parent/guardian signature and printed name (if applicant is under 18) Date


Applicant signature Date

Complete application packages should be sent to the following address:

Office of Admissions


300 Nassau Road

Huntington, NY 11743

If applying online, submit to:

300 Nassau Road, Huntington, NY 11743

Tel: 631.944.4400 | Fax: 631.935.1940

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