Final Report (40 points; 35% of final grade)
KIN 492/493 is not over with yet! The Final Report serves as a justification of your entire internship experience. If you want a good grade in this class, you need to put some work into your Final Report. The Final Report is worth 35% of your total grade, by not handing in your Final Report you could receive a 0.0 in this course.
DUE DATES: See syllabus.
Note: You are welcome to submit the final report whenever you have completed your internship, and therefore it can be submitted earlier than the due date.
Presentation (10 points)
Save your file name using this format: LastName_FirstName_Final_Report
· Final Reports should be downloaded to the Dropbox on D2L using PDF format (no other format accepted – this will ensure that we see what you see when you submit your report as other formats can get skewed between computer programs).
· Reports should be in a neat, typed format (except for selected materials that cannot be typed). It should be single spaced, Times New Roman, Font Size 12, with 1” margins.
· Title Page: Centered in the middle of the page, please include:
o Title (e.g., Final Report – [Internship Site Name])
o The semester you are in and the year (e.g., Summer 2017)
o The Section Number (e.g., Section #001)
· You need to cut and paste your entire revised Proposal assignment (including the revised Personal Objectives Scale [unsigned]) and place it at the top of your Final Report, just after the Title Page. If you received anything other than a 15 out of 15 possible points on your proposal, you need to revise it first. All revisions made to your proposal for the final report should be highlighted (using the highlighting function on Microsoft Word – pictures of physical highlighting not accepted).
· Acronyms should be defined the first time they are used in the report. Abbreviations should not be used (please use the full words).
· All pictures/scans should be clearly labeled and legible.
· You must label (underline and bold face) each section in this specific order-
1. Summary of Objectives
2. Assessment
3. Summary
Summary of Objectives (10 points)
Write a summary of your internship experience that includes how you did, did not, or how you exceeded your achievement of ALL of the General AND Specific Objectives from your Proposal. This should be a personal reflection of how you feel you achieved your objectives. You should write a paragraph for each general & each specific objective. In addition, be sure to label each paragraph with its own general & specific objective (see example below – please ensure you use this formatting for all objectives). Place them in the order that you listed on your proposal and be sure to number them in the same format as you did on your proposal.
General objective #2: Gain perspective on the clinical side of the field, including patient interaction and assessment.
[Insert paragraph on how you did or did not achieve objective here]
Specific objective #2a: Learn how to fabricate a test socket from plaster mold of residual limb.
[Insert paragraph on how you did or did not achieve objective here]
Assessment (2 Parts, 5 points each: 10 points total)
Part 1: Assessment Paragraph: Write a paragraph about how all of the Assessment Tools (i.e., external feedback you received) that were used to demonstrate successful achievement of your specific objectives did [or did not] help you progress as an intern (i.e. From this class: Personal Objectives Scale completed by your supervisor you created for the proposal from both the midpoint and the end of your internship, the Midterm and Final Performance Evaluations; From your site: day-to-day verbal feedback, tests, quizzes, formal presentations, etc.). Please reflect on how these assessments helped/did not help you progress as an intern throughout the semester.
Part 2: Scans/Clear Pictures of Midpoint and Final Scales: After the paragraph reflecting on your Assessment Tools, include the pictures/scans of the Personal Objectives Scales your supervisor assessed you on at both the midpoint and the end of your internship. Have your site supervisor sign the scales (your site supervisor’s signature cannot not be “typed” in, I need their actual signature). Scan or take a picture (as long as it is clear and legible) of the scales and insert them into the Assessment section of your Final Report. These pictures/scans should not be in a separate document from a Final Report. Please do not have your site supervisor fax or email the scales, I will not accept them this way. Be sure to label your midterm and final Personal Objectives Scales (i.e., “Midterm Personal Objectives Scale”; “Final Personal Objectives Scale”).
Summary (10 points)
Here you should reflect on your internship experience as a whole. For the first paragraph, address the positive aspects of your internship experience. The second paragraph should address the negative aspects of your experience. The third paragraph should address how your internship fits into your MSU KIN educational experience (classes that you took). You should provide a minimum of 2 examples of courses, and be sure to include both the course code (e.g., KIN 121) and the course name (e.g., Healthy Lifestyles). The last paragraph should be your future goals (graduate school, future career, etc.), and how your internship experience helped you on this path. Your summary should be 4 paragraphs long total.
KIN 492/493
Final Report Grading Sheet
Name Date
1. ______Presentation: The sections or information that was revised for the Proposal & Personal Objectives Scale are distinctly highlighted and the entire Proposal & Personal Objectives Scale is cut & pasted to the top of the Final Report. Proper labeling of title page and each section. Use of correct grammar and spelling with proper paragraph formation. Correct file name. General and specific objectives are clearly identifiable. Formatting details were followed.
(10 possible)
2. ______Summary of Objectives: Complete quality summaries of how ALL general & specific objectives have or have not been achieved (personal reflection). Will be evaluated on depth of reflection.
(10 possible)
3. ______Assessment: Includes a scan or photo of Personal Objectives Scales from both the midpoint and end of the internship (based on objectives) with supervisor’s signature. At least one quality paragraph explaining how the various assessment tools helped or did not help achieve objectives (if verbal feedback, provides a description of how this feedback was useful in progressing as an intern; includes a reflection about the Personal Objectives Scales as Assessment Tools).
(10 possible)
4. ______Summary: Four clearly defined quality paragraphs reflecting on the (1) positive; (2) negative aspects of internship experience; (3) how their internship experience fits into MSU KIN educational
Experience (with a minimum of two examples); and (4) how this internship experience fits with future goals.
(10 possible)
______TOTAL (40)