Minutes of theParish Council Meeting held in Goods Yard House on 5th September 2016 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllr Horner (Chair) Cllr J Smith, Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr R Nathan,Cllr B Maude and Cllr S Howard.

Absent: Cllr C Beare, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr R Eastwood,Cllr A Emery and Cllr C Tamplin.

  1. To accept apologies for absence.

Cllr C Beare, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr A Emery and Cllr C Tamplin.

  1. Declarations of interest in respect of matters to be discussed.


  1. To Approve Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 4th July 2016

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Nathan and unanimously approved.

  1. Matters Arising.
  1. Correspondence

The Clerk had circulated a report to the Council prior to the meeting.

In addition the Clerk highlighted the following:

  • The AIRS annual meeting – If any Cllrs wished to attend they should let the Clerk know.
  • The offer of bulbs from the Horticultural Society – This was welcomed and the Clerk would write back to confirm acceptance and see if any volunteers would like to plant them in the memorial garden and village tubs.
  • The correspondence from Caroline Tully re the car park at the Anchor was highlighted. The Parish Council confirmed, the Clerk and Chair had confirmed back to Caroline by email, that the preservation of the current business was the priority.
  • Cllr Whetstone and ESCC correspondence over the old Pooh Bridge timberswas reviewed. The Clerk would ask for more information on logistics and the product and report back at the next meeting. In the meantime the Council policy on tourism would be reviewed at the next strategy meeting in October.
  • The matter of the dissolution of Castlefield and Mottefield Residents Association and the obstruction of the yukkas in the donated C&MRA pots was discussed. The Council agreed some action was required and in the absence of ownership the Parish Council would adopt them and arrange some replanting.
  1. To receive update on community asset list and action required.

The Clerk provided a report about the disappointing response from WDC regarding the applications made to date and explained the additional specific evidence now needed to support the applications when they were resubmitted, for example name, type and frequency of social wellbeing meetings in eachof the locations.

It was also noted locations whose primarypurpose was not for social wellbeing or social events,e.g.places of worship, education or health were unlikely to be considered by Wealden as community assets..

The Clerk would resubmit the Anchor application within the next 24 hours following with resubmissions for the other pubs and the corner field. The Council then agreed to review other locations once this first tranche was resolved satisfactorily.

  1. To receive update and consider proposal for the Neighbourhood Plan.

In the absence of an update this matter would be carried forward.

  1. To report on Goods Yard House and consider any action required.

The Clerk reported on the non-appearance of the inspector from South East Water and the continued frustration inthe inability to gain access to inspect one of the sites within Railway Cottages. The Clerk was in direct contact with South East Water and, until this was resolved, further discussions with the loss adjuster were on hold.

The Clerk would continue to chase up the matter and report as soon as the results of the inspection were made available.

  1. Finance

(i)To accept the account summary.

This had been circulated prior to the meeting.

This report was accepted by the Paris Council.

(ii)To approve expenditure as itemised on the schedule.

Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Maude and unanimously approved.

(iii)To confirm movements in the Ear Marked Reserves.


  1. Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas

Strategy Meeting – Gatwick / Youth/ Tourism

TCPA – Telephone box at Colestock Crossroads.

A couple of Cllrs asked for confirmation of training dates and the Clerk would remind them of the details within the week.

A fault with a manhole cover near Withyham should be reported to the highway steward – The Clerk would action.

The long verge down the school drive needed action – The Clerk would investigate and contact the relevant owner to resolve.

Dates of Next Meetings:

Finance Committee 12th September 2016 7:30pm
TCPA Committee 13th September 2016 7:30pm
Planning Committee 15th September 2016 7:30pm
Parish Council Meeting 3rd October 2016 7:30pm

Meeting closed at 9:00pm