Training program on

“New Technologies and Strategies in Prevention and Management of Industrial Disasters

Jointly organized by

Multi Disciplinary Centre on Safety, Health & Environment, Bhubaneswar &
State Pollution Control Board, Odisha

Supported by:

InWEnt India, New Delhi, gtz, Germany & Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal

on 26th & 27th November 2010, at MDC Conference Hall
Bhubaneswar , Orissa


1.  Executive Summary…………………………….. 3

2.  Need of the programme…………….. …………. 5

3. Overall Objectives.……………………………....5

4. Awareness………………………………………..5

5. Programme Details……….……………………....6

5.1 Date and venue……………………………………….6

5.2 Registration…………………………………………..6

5.3 Technical Session……………………………...... 6

6. Verbal feedback received from the participants …..7

7. Conclusion…………………………………………8

1. Executive Summary:

Title: / Two days program on New Technologies & Strategies in Prevention & Management of Industrial Disasters.
Short Title: / Ideas in prevention & management of industrial disaster.
Training Type: / Awareness training on various strategies and technologies adopted in the prevention of industrial disaster.
Thrust Area: / Disaster management preparedness particularly in different industries-for workers.
Target group: / Officials from factories & government organizations, technical institution.
Training Providers: / Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal, Directorate of Factories & Boilers, Karnataka& Odisha, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha, Department of Environment & Forests, Govt. of Odisha, MDC on SHE Bhubaneswar.
Institutes Involved: / DMI Bhopal, MDC on SHE, Bhubaneswar.
Seminar Objectives: / A series of power point presentations were made by distinguished speakers with video clips. The main speakers were Mr.Ajit kumar Tripathy (State Election Commissioner,Odisha), Mr.G.S.Khuntia (Director OMC LTD.), Mr. S.N.Padhi (Director OMC LTD.),Mr.P.C.Sahu (Managing Director NINL),Mr G.Upadhyaya (Ex-Chairman-cum- Managing Director, NALCO),Mr S.K.Bhuyan, Principal, PDIS, MDC on SHE,Mr.P.C Das, Jt.Dr. of Factories & Boilers, Govt. of Odisha,Dr P.K.Prusty Sc.Scientist Dept. of Environment & Forests, Govt. of Odisha, Er. N.R Sahoo, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha. The main objective of this program was to provide information on what is happening in the industrial disaster field in the state, and to improve and also implement various new strategies in prevention and management of industrial disasters in the coming period.
Achieved Results: / Good feedback from the participants. The presentation were beneficial to all the participants particularly those who are presently working in various factories.
Description of Contents /Agenda: / - Registration
- Presidential address by Mr. Ajit Kumar Tripathy (State Election Commissioner, Odisha).
- Welcome address by Mr. G.S Khuntia, Vice President, MDC on SHE & Director, OMC Ltd
- Programme perspective by Mr. G.D. Rath, Secretary, MDC on SHE
- Address by Guest of Honour Mr. S.N Padhi Director, OMC LTD.
- Inaugural address by the Chief Guest Mr. P.C Sahu Managing Director NINL.
- Vote of thanks by Mr.G.D. Rath, Secretary, MDC on SHE
Number of participants: / 74
Start dd/mm/yy : / 26th Nov 2010
End dd/mm/yy : / 27th Nov 2010
Duration : / Two days
Venue : / Conference Hall, MDC on SHE,IDCO plot no: 04,Chandaka Industrial Estate, Infocity Road. Bhubaneshwar -751024.
Contact for more details: / Sri G.D Rath, Secretary, MDC on SHE, Bhubaneshwar.
Resource Persons/Trainers: / Mr.Ajit Kumar Tripathy (State Election Commissioner,Odisha), Mr.G.S.Khuntia (Director OMC LTD.), Mr. S.N.Padhi (Former DGMS,Govt. of India), Mr.P.C.Sahu (Managing Director NINL),Mr G. Upadhyaya (Ex-Chairman-cum- Managing Director NALCO),Mr S.K.Bhuyan, Principal, PDIS, MDC on SHE, Mr.P.C Das Jt.Dr. of F & B Govt. of Odisha, Dr P.K.Prusty Sc.Scientist Dept. of E & F Govt. of Odisha, Er. N.R Sahoo SPCB, Odisha. Mr. A.P Singh Jt.G.M(E&S) IFFCO,Paradeep, Mr Nihar Ranjan Sahoo SEE, SPCB,Odisha, Dr. Rakesh Dubey Director, DMI.Mr. H.Srinivasaiah, Director of F & B Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.

2. Need of the programme

The two days programme on ‘New Technologies & Strategies in Prevention & Management of Industrial Disaster’ was organized by the MDC on with the resource support received from InWEnt, gtz-Germany and technical support received from Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal.

The programme could transfer the knowledge & experience of experts to the participants comprising government officials and factory managers, academicians, and students of technical institution, which will create multiple effects in the areas of Disaster Management.

3. Overall objectives

The overall objective of the two days programme were to create awareness and impart knowledge among the stakeholders, entrepreneurs, industrialist, transporters, and the administrators with safety and security.

4. Awareness:

To provide awareness on the following:

-  What is industrial disaster?

-  What are the hazards in industrial and factory sites?

-  Preparation of Disaster Management plans & safety precautions.

-  Emergency Response Precautions.

-  Practical training on use of various equipments & instruments in on-site & off-site emergencies.

5. Programme details

5.1 Date & Venue

The program commenced on Friday, the 26th Nov, 2010 and concluded on Saturday the 27th Nov, 2010 successfully at MDC on SHE campus, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha).

5.2 Registration

The program started as per schedule on Friday, the 26th November, 2010 with registration of participants.

5.3 Technical session

The session by activities is listed below



Mr.Ajit Kumar Tripathy (State Election Commissioner, Odisha) made his presentation on “Disaster Management”. He highlighted the importance of training and preparedness to face disaster. He also explained how small safety lapses can lead to disaster and how to prevent it.

Mr. S.N. Padhi (Former DGMS, Govt. of India) made his presentation on disasters in mines. He explained the modern approach adopted in the mines to prevent accidents. He also highlighted some of the legal points in mines safety.

Mr. G. S. Khuntia (Director OMC LTD.), explained on some of the worst disasters in Indian mines. He highlighted the causes leading to those disasters. He also narrated about the health effects faced by mine workers and how to overcome those health problems.

Session- 2

Mr. H. Srinivasaiah, Director of F & B Government of Karnataka beautifully narrated the Industrial Disasters Management scenario and the existing statutory provisions in Indian context. He also presented in his PPT presentation as how the German people are prepared to face any disaster effectively.

Mr. A.P Singh Jt. G.M (E&S) IFFCO, Paradeep in his power point presentation explained the mock drill in detail, which was conducted in IFFCO, Paradeep. In course of his presentation, he also highlighted on the merits of such drill..

Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI in his presentation explained about the modern technologies adopted in the management of disaster and the action plans taken after the Bhopal disaster.


Session- 3

Er. N.R Sahoo, Sr. Envt. Engineer, SPCB, Odisha, in his presentation explained about the oil spill caused by overturning of ship at Paradeep Coast titled ‘BLACK ROSE’ . He made an excellent presentation covering the steps taken in tackling the effect of oil spill on the environment.

Dr P. K. Prusty, Sc. Scientist, Dept. of E & F, Govt. of Odisha explained about the recent rules and regulation available to control the effect of hazardous chemicals.

Mr S.K.Bhuyan, Principal, Post Diploma in Industrial Safety, MDC on SHE explained as how a worst disaster can be managed in a steel plant. He also highlighted on its preparedness.

6. Verbal feedback received from the participants

The participants offered their views on the program including the paper presented. They expressed satisfaction on the quality of papers presented and how the presentation has been beneficial to them immensely.

7. Conclusion

The concluding session was chaired by Dr. C.R. Mohapatra, Vice President MDC on SHE & former Chairman, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha.

Shri M.K. Purkait, former chairman Odisha Mining Corporaton & Principal Secretary,Govt. of Odisha , Shri G. Upadhyaya, Ex-CMD, NALCO, Er P.C Das Jt.Director of Factories & Boilers, Odisha offered their views and addressed as guest of honour. Dr Rakesh Dubey, Director,DMI, Bhopal delivered concluding remarks. At the end, Shri G.D. Rath, Secretary MDC on SHE in his address expressed gratitude for the sponsorship of the InWEnt. Gtz and technical support received from DMI, Bhopal.