Hinton Rural Life Center, Inc.

Board Meeting, Conference Call

October 25, 2016

Chair Al Ward called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Roll call showed the following in attendance: Ann Amis, Harry Baughn, Randy Harry, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Dan Griffiths, Mike Houff, Drew McIntyre, Bill Meldram, Adrienne Pope, Jeff Stuerman, Rob Tiger and Al Ward. Also in attendance were Stacy Aiken and Ray Cook. Not joining the call were: Marion Crooks, Al Everett, Roger Hopson, Jacob Kyker, Richard Looney and Mollie Stewart.

Rev. Randy Harry gave the opening prayer.

Minutes of the April 25 - 26, 2016 meeting were approved on motion by Dan Griffiths, second by Drew McIntyre. Minutes of the August 18 – 19, 2016 meeting were approved on motion by Rob Tiger, second by Bill Meldram.

Al Ward led a review of the proposed Strategic Plan which had been sent earlier to all Board members. Mike Houff made a motion to adopt the Strategic Plan, Ann Amis seconded. Discussion included the possibility of changing the Mission Statement and the acknowledgement that there could be a more succinct Vision Statement. Jeff Stuerman noted that he thinks the Outreach Objectives, Item 3, need more emphasis on quality programs. Mike Houff stated the Planning Committee will continue to have discussion of Mission Statement and Strategic Plan, taking into consideration the above discussion.

ACTION: The Board voted unanimously to adopt the Strategic Plan.

CFO John Nicholas reviewed the Report to Board Finance Committee. He will send monthly updates on finances through year end. CFO Nicholas presented the 2017 Budget Summary. Harry Baughn made a motion to adopt the 2017 budget as presented, Dan Griffiths seconded. Further discussion included a positive response to the format; personnel costs, particularly regarding CEO salary; input and recommendations from Building and Grounds Committee on 2017 budget.

ACTION: The Board voted unanimously to approve the 2017 Budget as presented.

Board Development Chair Jeff Stuerman presented the Board Development Committee motion for 2017 Officers:

Al Ward, Chair

Mike Houff, Vice Chair for Planning

Adrienne Pope, Vice Chair for Assessment

Harry Baughn, Secretary

Ray Cook, Treasurer

Jeff Stuerman, Chair for Board Development

Bill Meldram, At-large member of Executive Committee

ACTION: The Board voted unanimously to elect 2017 Officers as presented.

Jeff Stuerman also presented the Board Development Committee motion for Directors for the classes of 2018 and 2019.

Al Everett – 2018 (re-election)

Stacey Aiken – 2019

Ray Cook – 2019

Kevin Days – 2019

Mollie Stewart – 2019 (re-election)

Jim Wyndham - 2019

ACTION: The Board voted unanimously to elect Directors as presented.

Bill Meldram, Chair of Capital Campaign, reported that Capital Campaign ends October 31, 2016. Chair Ward and CEO Gottlieb expressed appreciation for Bill’s leadership and hard work on this campaign.

Chair Ward reminded Board members of the importance of 100% participation in Board financial support. He also expressed appreciation to all members for their prayers, financial contributions, time and energy in serving Hinton Center. Board members were also reminded of 2017 upcoming meetings: Conference call meeting on February 13, 2017 and on site meeting April 24 – 25, 2017.

On motion by Harry Baughn, second by Ann Amis, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Harry Baughn, Secretary