Chair:Cllr M.H. Cavanagh

Present:Cllrs J Brennan, P Fitzpatrick, M McCarthy, P Millea and M


In attendance:P Beubry, Castlecomer Area Engineer

M Delahunty, Meetings Administrator

P O’Neill, Director of Services

N Byrne, Area Staff Officer

A M Walsh, Snr Executive Officer

S Walton, A/Director of Services

B Mernagh, Senior Engineer

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting of:-

Minutes of Meeting of Castlecomer Municipal District held on 19th January 2015 - the minutes were proposed by Cllr P Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cllr M McCarthy and passed.

  1. Reception of Deputation – Lisdowney Development Association

Apologies were received on behalf of George Kenny, Chairperson, Lisdowney Development Association. Aideen Kenny & Bridget Ruth, Lisdowney Development Association provided a detailed account to the members of their requirements for Lisdowney Village. They advised that the main issue was Health and Safety. A submission was circulated to the members on behalf of Lisdowney Development Association, Scoil Bhride Board of Management & both children and management from Play and Learn Montessori.

The deputation outlined the issues which they wantKilkenny County Council to address as follows:

  • Connectivity in the form of a footpath between the school, Montessori and GAA pitch and a raised pedestrian crossing at the Montessori.
  • Provision of adequate public lighting with underground cabling in line with maintaining the appearance of the village.
  • Signage needing attention, the issue of missing signs, incorrect spelling and the desire to have sign at bottom of Knockmannon Road changed from ‘Yield’ to ‘Stop’ was discussed.
  • Provision of new and additional waste bins.
  • Assistance with maintenance of the village, in particular, with regard to disposing of waste matter collected in the village.
  • Provision of ramps to slow traffic entering the village, in particular from the Freshford Road.
  • School safety measures provided not adequate – issue with positioning and lighting provided too mild.

The members were advised that Lil Quinn who lives and owns land alongside the school would be willing to provide the necessary land to facilitate the development of the footpath at the school side. This news was welcomed and her contact details were provided to PBeubry.

A conversation ensued regarding meeting the requirements of the group over a phased basis. The members acknowledged Scoil Bhride’s Green Flag achievements to date.

The deputation was thanked for their presentation and withdrew.

PBeubry advised that he has met Airtricity at the location and is waiting for Eircom to revert to him with costing for undergrounding cables. He advised that he is working on the draft Road Works Scheme with a view to allocating some money for works in Lisdowney. SWalton acknowledged that there is an outstanding commitment for the provision of a solar light. He advised that the revised plan for footpaths is only possible with the agreement of landowner. He recommended that the provision of footpaths as discussed and couple of lights be considered as 1st phase of project.

  1. Business prescribed by Statute, Standing Orders or Resolutions of the Council for transaction at such meeting.

a)Planning – Update on Housing Developments

AM Walsh circulated a detailed list of estates to the members which outlined their current taking-in -charge status. AM Walsh was complimented for her excellent work in this area, in particular, with regard to her negotiations with Caislean Homes. A number of queries were raised including provision of fence at Oak Hill and public lighting issues at Haven Court, Lios na Sli and Riverside Park. It was agreed that members would be provided with an update on this report on a quarterly basis at the Municipal meeting. It was also agreed that members would receive an update at the March meeting in relation to taking in charge of public lighting at Lios na Sli.

b)Water Services

Water Services Capital Projects – update

BMernagh provided details of 3 different Water Services Capital Projects contracts:

  • Freshford, Johnstown & Goresbridge Waste Water

BMernagh advised that works are progressing and will be commissioned in June/July.

  • Castlecomer, Stoneyford and Urlingford Waste Water

BMernagh advised that signing of the contract is imminent. He also advised that it is a design build project with 12 weeks design.

  • Urlingford and Johnstown Water

BMernagh advised that works under this contract will involve provision of new entrance to the water tower and new rising main from the plant to the tower. He advised that negotiations are currently underway with land owner.

The presence of manganese in the Clogh/ Castlecomer Water Supply was discussed.

c)Corporate – Schedule of Municipal Works – Update

d)Finance – General Municipal Allocation – Multi Annual Allocation

These twoitems were dealt withy jointly. It was acknowledged that these items can only receivereal attention when the draft Road Works Programme 2015 has been prepared. BPeubry advised that the draft Road Works Programme 2015 will be finalised in the coming weeks. It was agreed that the Castlecomer Municipal District would meet in committee on 9th March to discuss Schedule of Municipal Works and General Municipal Allocation – Multi Annual Allocation in conjunction with draft Road Works Scheme. It was also agreed that the March meeting of Castlecomer Municipal District scheduled for 23rd March would also take placeat which the Schedule of Municipal Works will be formally adopted.

  1. Matters Arising from Minutes

Clarification was sought by the members as to whether the Ballyragget to Castlecomer Road had been upgraded to P1 for salting purposes. PBeubry to discuss with SWalton.

Members sought clarification as to current status of works at Damerstown Road Junction with N78. SWalton advised that the works involve the re-alignment of a stretch of roadway approx 800m to 1km in length. He advised that a screening report is being prepared in line with Habitats Directive and should be ready in 3 – 4 weeks. He advised that a Nature Impact Statement and Compulsory Purchase Order will be submitted to An Bord Pleanala. SWalton advised that in the interim, he will look at the junction to see what short term measures can be taken to improve safety.

Cllr MH Cavanagh raised the issue of continued flooding at Paddy Delaney’s, Whiteswall. PBeubry to investigate.

Dangerous bends at Barna were raised. The merit in acquiring and demolishing cottage to resolve the problem was proposed by Cllr MH Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr M McCarthy and agreed.

  1. Any Other Business

A short discussion took place in relation to the appropriateness’ of Notices of Motion and it was generally agreed that Notices of Motion which are particular to the Municipal District should be dealt with at the appropriate Municipal District rather thanby the full Council.

Clarification was sought as to whether Canal Road, Johnstown is being salted and PBeubry confirmed that it is included under P3.

Provision of a ramp at Riverside Drive was discussed.

PBeubry and Area Staff were thanked for work completed at Tower Road and Cruttenclough.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Chairperson: ______

Date: ______