North Florida Fair Fall Meeting
August 10, 2009 Convened at 1:00PM EDT at the Leon County Extension Office (some remote sites)
1. Welcome and Introductions
Marcus Boston Julie Dillard
Gladys Neely Judy Corbus
Whitney Cherry Niki Crawson
Monica Brinkley Heather Kent
Stella Earnhart Chris Decubellis
Mark Harvey Diane Douglas
Melanie Taylor Yolanda Goode
Debbie Elia Mary Sowerby
Laura Bowden Vicki Mullins
Paula Davis Sherri Hood
Janet Psikogios Judy Ludlow
2. Acceptance of Minutes from December 8, 2008
-Monica Brinkley Moved to accept minutes, Whitney Cherry seconded, and minutes were approved by general consent.
3. Old Business – Yolanda Goode
a. Score Sheet update
-Updates are needed to the current score sheets. There is some question as to who is supposed to be updating the score sheets. Whitney and Yolanda will complete the updates if Lori has not already done so.
b. Updated job descriptions
-These are available on the NW District Site. Heather Kent will send link to all attendees. ( Please view your job description if you hold an office this year.
c. Update to Rotation Schedule
i. Chair – Yolanda Goode, Gadsden
ii. Co-chair – Whitney Cherry, Calhoun
iii. Secretary – Heather Johnson, Madison
4. New Business
5. North Florida Fair Administrative update
a. General remarks – Mark Harvey
-The entertainment stage will be moved back outside this year. There will be a tent to shield rain, but please dress appropriately for the weather. We will have the same sound crew as last year.
-There will be an addition to the fair this year. A new sustainable living building will be home to “green” business who will promote their products and services there. Also you will find mini lectures on sustainable living practices. It is not too late to have master gardeners set up in the building. Please contact the fair office if you have interested parties. Also, please encourage any interested 4-H’ers to visit the fair website for a list of programs so they may attend.
b. Ribbons – Stella Earnhart
-Event chairs should have received a letter stating that ribbon check will be October 12-23. Please stop by fair office to check your ribbon numbers. Stella will check last year’s numbers by event and color and include a sheet in each coordinator’s box of ribbons to better help with estimation of numbers.
-Please be sure that red is written out on the tags or a bl is written for blue to eliminate confusion.
c. Tags – Stella Earnhart
-Please THROW AWAY all old tags!!!!!!! (This will eliminate duplicate tag numbers.)
-Yolanda is finding out what counties are what colors for tags.
-Each tag should include the county name written out in your color of marker.
d. Ticket/wrist band – Mark Harvey
-There was a 100% return on the poker chips last year, so we will be using the same system.
-Cost is $15/poker chip. Chip will be redeemed at the gate for a wrist band that entitles wearer to entry and unlimited rides.
-Offer is good any day of the fair except during midnight magic.
-Marcus will have poker chips for pick-up on Wednesday, November 4th. Please send him a “guestimate” on or before Monday, Oct. 26th. Final numbers are due to him on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Money can be brought when you pick up your chips.
-Remember this deal is only for 4-H’ers!
6. 4H Exhibits
a. Entries are due
-Exhibit entry forms should be typed this year. They can be found on the NFF website where they can be typed into and then printed for you to MAIL to Stella at the fair office. Entry forms are due to Stella on or before Monday, Oct. 12th.
b. Check in
-Exhibit check-in is on Monday, Nov. 2nd from 10:00-1:00 eastern. Please be sure you stay with your exhibits through check-in and have exhibits ready to check in by child.
-Leon County will check-in their exhibits on Oct 30th.
c. Check out
-Check-out is Monday, November 16th from 10:00-1:00 eastern. Please have paperwork or stubs for pick up.
d. Judges
i. Judges – County Responsibilities
1. Horticulture
Calhoun – 2
Bay – 1
2. Clothing Construction
Wakulla – 1
Madison – 1
Gadsden - 1
3. Sewing
Liberty – 1
Taylor – 1
Madison - 1
4. Needlework
Jefferson – 2
Calhoun - 1
5. Baked Goods
Gilchrist – 2
Leon - 1
6. Canning
Wakulla – 1
Walton – 1
Gadsden - 1
7. Crafts
Wakulla – 1
Madison – 1
Liberty – 2
Gadsden – 3
Leon – 2
8. Hobbies
Walton – 2
Santa Rosa - 1
9. Fine Arts
Gulf – 2
Wakulla – 1
Taylor – 1
10. Photography
Leon – 4
Walton - 2
11. Posters
Gadsden – 1
Leon – 2
Liberty – 2
Santa Rosa - 1
12. Tabletop
Leon – 2
Taylor - 1
13. Scrapbooking
Jefferson – 2
Washington - 2
14. Poetry
Gadsden – 1
Jefferson – 1
Leon - 1
15. Share the Fun
Leon – 2
Jefferson – 1
Gilchrist - alternate
ii. Judges’ Orientation:
-Judges Orientation will be held Wednesday, November 4th in the 4-H building.
-Check-in starts at 9:30 eastern and orientation starts at 10:00 eastern.
-The fair will provide drinks. Yolanda will buy refreshments and turn in receipt to Debbie at the fair office or reimbursement.
-The fair will provide 50 chairs and 3 tables for orientation.
7. Committee Updates
a. Dairy Show update – Gladys Neely
-Two new events:
-Dairy Judging is Saturday, Nov. 7th at 10:30 AM eastern
-Dairy Quiz Bowl is Saturday, Nov. 7th at 2:00 PM eastern. Mary Sowerby
is in charge.
-Dairy Show is Sunday, Nov. 8th at 12:00 PM eastern
b. Share the Fun – Niki Crawson
-Due to Niki’s move, she will be unavailable to chair the event, therefore Vicki Mullins of Santa Rosa County will chair the event, and Washington will co-chair. Please see updated version of County Rotations Schedule for further amendments.
c. Club Booths – Christ Decubellis
-Booth set up is on Monday, Nov. 2nd.
-Keep up the quality. (Last year was better than previous years. Let’s continue the tradition.)
-There are 21 booth spaces available.
-Send booth requests to Chris Decubellis in Gilchrest County. Please include: county, agent, club name, who the check (from the fair) should be made out to.
-Marcus Boston will post booth assignments prior to set up for Chris.
d. Ag Judging – Group Discussion
-E-mail needs to be sent to Stella for rule change. Change would allow 6 teams per county and unlimited individuals. (This is six teams total in any division!!!)
-Debbie Elia volunteered to send e-mail. Whitney will check to be sure this is done.
-Please bring volunteers for group leaders.
e. Consumer Judging – Judy Corbus
-Leon county will provide group leaders.
-Topics for this year include:
Game consoles
Cell phone plans
Net flix vs. Red box vs. Block Buster
Digital Cameras
-Look for e-mails from Judy Corbus with updates.
f. Horticulture – Group Discussion
-Please encourage participation.
8. Additional Agenda items
-Each county needs to bring items to decorate the 4-H building like a birthday part as a nod to the centennial. Please bring these items when you check-in exhibits.
- Awards Ceremony
-The awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, Nov. 14th at 2:00 PM eastern.
-District Counsel will facilitate.
-Ag judging will be moved to last.
- Post Fair Meeting Date
-Wednesday, December 2nd at 1:00 PM eastern