Prevention and Early Diagnosis Meeting – MINUTESLifton Farm Shop, Devon18th October 2017

Present / Title
Jon Miller / Chair
Joe Mays / Chair
Alex Atkins / RD&E
Louise Hunt / RCHT
Eileen Deakin / Torbay & S Devon CCG
Bev Parker / Torbay & S Devon CCG
Yash Patel / NEW Devon CCG
Georgia Diebel / CRUK
Mark Rawles / CRUK
Emma Wheatfill / SDT FT
Sian Dennison / PHNT
Lynne Kilner / Peninsula Cancer Alliance
John Renninson / Peninsula Cancer Alliance
Jill Ireland / CRUK
Sarah Lear / RCHT
Lindsay Stanbury / NDDH
Lorraine Long / Kernow CCG
  1. Welcome and Apologies

JM welcomed everyone to the meeting, and apologies were noted as above.

JMgave the introduction of Dr Joe Mays (JLM) as newly appointed Alliance P&ED clinical lead. JLM to chair rest of meeting.

  1. Notes of the Last meeting and Matters arising


Making Every Contact Count letter: at Board meeting, some Cornwall colleagues supportive as seeing this as already owned by Public Health. Alison Diamond took action to re-draft

62/7 standard- agenda

Lung task- agenda

Electronic referrals: SD considers this is no problem BP suggested needs consideration e.g. referral for diagnostics and what classifies as an episode of care

Discussion on clock start-stop, particularly with direct access referrals.

ACTION: Lead nurses/cancer managers to review system/policy

NCDA: group had concluded that the messages from the audit were unclear, although across Devon there was good engagement. Individual practice reports, deadline 30th Nov, after which time CRUK offer is to provider a practice visit. Discussion-combining previous Network supported 2x audits/SEAs, plus possible teleconference with GPs who participated in NCDA and Macmillan are now offering grants for SEAs all in combination may create a richer picture

3. Making Every Contact Count

Discussion on the STP prevention work stream and promotion of opportunities within cancer pathways. BP informed that Devon had a prevention work stream event in June but there was no cancer element: she used the previously . Patient activation is also part of this work stream Group would like to present.

ACTION: BP to raise cancer pathways further with prevention work stream (LK/JLM happy to attend)

Membership discussion: public health, community pharmacy, LPC, LMC- BP has been engaged

ACTION: JM/LK to arrange discussions in between meeting

4. FIT Project

Second meeting next week. Key next steps are around laboratory choice, possible procurement process or expressions of interest in the form of proposed partnership (1x laboratory per Alliance); also creation of protocols and comms, which has been drafted.

SD raised the issue of assessment request sent by JM: proposal to audit which 2ww referrals don’t strictly meet criteria (default in the absence of occult blood test) and could have had FIT test. Discussion on the difficulty of collecting data. Default position is use of the Devon audit in Primary care, which is to be repeated in Cornwall.

ACTION: Providers to respond to JM if data collection not practical.

ACTION: JM/LK to arrange discussions in between meeting.

5. Lung Project

N Bristol CCG are supporting procurement process and group sensitive to the need for timescales for laboratory provision to be in place.

Radiology/radiography training discussion.

ACTION : PHNT to share what they are developing

JR is linked to discussions on Devon STP networked approach (and will link with Cornwall). There is currently some shared out of hours reporting (not including PHNT).

6. Prostate Project:

2x clinical leads expressed interest and have been appointed across the 2 Alliances. They are describing the pathway to be then discussed across SW teams (some pathway information has been scoped via SSGs). Discussion on Networked reporting.

7. Project Posts

These may be Alliance based or pathway focussed. Alliance will also be looking for radiology leads.

SD asked about the link with diagnostic modelling. YP is involved in diagnostics work and Rachel Burridge from DRSS : could be done in support of STP work streams (CSU proposed demand and capacity work feed through ).

The Alliance has to submit delivery plan to Region by the end of the month: regular in depth reports will be required for the transformation bids including delivery dates and financial flows, plus overarching reports against national strategy

8. EW

Providers reporting requirements including 62/7 standard to next April, 2ww, screening and symptomatic breast

National strategy, Vanguards diagnostic centres discussion: models may not be transferable to Peninsula as may need to be more distributed. Will need consideration on what might work – the diagnostics, patient conversations and information required

EW- Torbay for example has a “radiologist of the day” for advice and guidance: discussion on perhaps formalising some of the existing arrangements as part of the local solution

ACTION: JLM is discussing with RD&E and BP is working on standardising arrangements for advice and guidance services

9. 62/7 recovery and funding

JM discussed the process , allocations and financial flows, which he has tried to summarise. There is some overlap with support to areas in the transformation bids.

10. AOB – Purpose of the Group and Future Meetings

Pathway progress reporting into STP groups.Also monitoring of data such as 2ww referrals/demand, staging data.

Generally agreement not to duplicate meetings unnecessarily. Members are also likely to be involved in pathway/project for transformation bids. Need to re-consider complete implementation of NG12- direct access diagnostics.

ACTION: JLM/LK agreed to pick up conversations outside of the meetings e.g. with public health to start to scope the potential other priorities and work

11. Date and Time of Next Meeting

To be confirmed.

Agreed to meet in 2 months (and review).