Term Letter 7/2016


The School that Cares

Dear Parents/Guardians

Thank you very much to every parent/guardian and child who worked so well together and contributed so generously towards our lucky draw fundraising project. Thanks for your help, we were able to raise the amount of R65000. We are very grateful to our sponsors of this event and want to thank them most sincerely. (Wayne Pheiffer Cycles for a bicycle; Sunridge Spar for a “Trolley Dash” and Mr de Lange for an Impala.)

Congratulations to the following people who won the sponsored prizes:

Marieta Fourie – the bicycle

Charlie Wait – the “Trolley Dash”

Jaco Montgomery – the Impala

Zoe Oelofse was the pupil that sold the most tickets. The two classes who brought in the most money per pupil were Mrs Basson’s class in the Foundation Phase and Mrs Sampson’s class in the Intersen Phase. Congratulations to you all.

We would like to make a friendly request that parents please do not get out of their cars when dropping their children off in the drop-off zone. Parents are also kindly requested to please not drive in at the main and swimming pool entrances to drop off or pick up their children. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Please take note that there will be no sport from next week onwards, until further notice, due to the test series and the arrangements with regard to the cycle tour.

Thank you to every parent/guardian for your positive attitude and loyalty towards Lorraine Primary School.

Friendly Lorraine Greetings


J.J. Harmse


24 August 2016

Kwartaalbrief 7/2016


-Die Skool wat Omgee-

Geagte Ouers/Voogde

Baie dankie aan elke ouer/voog en kind wat so mooi saamgewerk en bygedra het tot ons lootjieboekie-fondsinsameling.Danksy u hulp en bydraes het ons die bedrag van R65000 ge-in. Ook het ons groot waardering vir die borge van hierdie fondsinsameling en wil hul ook hartlik bedank:

Wayne Pheiffer Cycles –‘n fiets, Sunridge Spar –‘n “Trolley Dash” en Mnr. De Lange – ‘n Rooibok.

Baie geluk aan die volgende persone wat die geborgde pryse gewen het:

Fiets - Marieta Fourie

Trolley Dash - Charlie Wait

Rooibok - Jaco Montgomery

Zoe Oelofse was die leerling wat die meeste lootjies verkoop het. Onderskeidelik het mev.Basson se klas die Grondslagfase en mev. Sampson se klas die Intersenfase klaskompetisies gewen. Baie geluk!

Weer eens vra ons vriendelik dat ouers nie uit hul motors klim wanneer hulle hul kinders in die aflaaisone aflaai nie. Ouers mag ook nie met hul motors by die hoof-en swembadhekke inry om hul kinders af of op te laai nie. By voorbaat baie dankie vir u samewerking.

Neem asb. ook kennis dat daar geen sport vanaf volgende week gaan wees nie, tot verdere kennisgewing, a.g.v. die toetsreeks en reëlings rondom die fietstoer.

Dankie aan elke ouer/voog vir u positiewe gesindheid en lojaliteit jeens Laerskool Lorraine.

Vriendelike Lorraine-groete


J.J. Harmse


24 Augustus 2016