Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council

Held on Wednesday 14th December 2016

Present: Cllrs Atherton, Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Leyland, Mackrell, Makin, Taylor and

309.Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Bell, Warrilow, Sutherland and Reade.
310.Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: No disclosures of interests were made.
311.Minutes of Previous Meetings: It was resolved that the Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 9th November 2016 be agreed as a true record.
312.Residents’ Points of Interest: Mr Tony Bridge spoke on behalf of the Royal British Legion regarding the lack of a flag pole in Burscough.
  1. It was resolved that the Parish Council support the idea of having a flag pole, but that that ownership of a flag pole was best resting with either the RBL or the WLBC who own the Ormskirk flag pole. It was resolved that the Parish Council provide a letter in support of RBL’s request to WLBC for a flag pole to be installed in the Memorial Garden, and ask WLBC what they are prepared to provide.
314.To receive report from Police:
a.Apologies were received from the Police.
b.Their written report was noted.
c.The Clerk was requested
i.to arrange a visit to the CCTV suite in Ormskirk for councillors to understand better how the CCTV was being used
ii.check trends in numbers of crimes and locations
315.To receive a report from County Councillor Dereli: Apologies were received from Cllr Councillor Dereli.
  1. To receive a report from Borough Councillor(s) Apologies were received from Cllr Evans who had submitted a written report. It was resolved that Cllr Evans be thanked for his report and that clarity be requested regarding him comments about CIL.
  2. It was resolved that the Parish Council invite the police commissioner to a meeting of councillors and invited representatives of local organisations.
  3. It was resolved that the Parish Council write in support for a community initiative to acquire the Library and Stables as a community asset.
  4. Finance: It was resolved that the following items be approved for payment:

Employee 2 / Salary / 285.37
Employee 5 / Salary / 1507.16
HMRC / Tax and NI / 518.16
Peoples pension / Pension / 414.42
NRE / Office lease / 460.00
Desk Top / Admin / 13.44
Alpha Business Products Ltd / Printer / 13.93
Audio Install Ltd / PA Hire / 102.00
T Reddington / Armistice day / 250.00
Michael Winnard / Bus Shelters & Planters / 349.50
SLCC / membership / 177.00
  1. Tollgate Road Roundabout: It was resolved that the Parish Council write to the Chief Executive of LCC, copying Cllr Fillis, Cllr Dereli and Rosie Cooper MP, to express concern regarding the rejection of the Parish Council’s request to adopt the Tollgate Road roundabout subject to Burscough PC being able to arrange for sponsorship and its management, while at the same time offering no maintenance programme for the roundabout.
  2. Linear Park: It was resolved that the Parish Council support bringing forward the section of the linear park that crosses the A59 where it crosses the A59 at the Bull and Dog.
  3. Capital Projects

a.It was resolved that the balance of CIL monies, after contribution to Mere Avenue Play Area should be allocated to the Canal Corridor Improvement Project to be used in match funding a major scheme including the bridge over the canal

b.It was resolved that the Capital Projects Working Group be asked to work up a brief and costs for a consultant to prepare business plan for the Canal Corridor scheme and to provide recommendations to a future meeting.

  1. To review community transport scheme: It was resolved that the £25,000 commitment should remain but that there was no basis at the present time for further financial commitment.
  2. Bus Shelter:

a.the damage to the bus shelter was noted.

  1. It was resolved that consideration of whether to repair or replace to be delegated to Street Scene Working Group.
  2. It was resolved that consideration of the budget for 2017/18 be deferred to the next meeting
  3. Outside Committees: to receive reports on outside committees and events attended by members: Cllr Crawford reported on the work of the Burscough Flood Group.
  4. Review of Polling Stations for Burscough East Ward district BEC: to consider response to consultaton: it was resolved that no comment be made.
  5. Interchange: to consider

a.It was noted that a business case had been submitted to LCC and that a funding application had been submitted via Community Rail Partnership to meet the costs of architect’s feasibity study for changes to layout.

b.It was resolved that there will be eight members on steering group comprising 4 parish councillors and 4 community representatives.

c.It was resolved that parish council representatives be Cllrs Taylors, Mackrell, Bullen and Warrilow

d.It was resolved that community represention be offered to CVS, tranport related groups, business community, U3A.

e.It was noted that the first meeting of the steering group will be held in January.

  1. It was resolved that the Parish Council accept a gift of £100 from Ormskirk 285 Circle of the Catenian Association, towards the cost of the Christmas Tree at the memorial garden, and that a letter of thanks be forwarded to Borough Cllr Pritchard.
  2. To consider planning applications deferred from Planning Meeting

2016/1016/FUL / 296 Liverpool Rd S. / No comment
2016/1067/FUL / Freightpath Ltd, / Already passed.
  1. The details of the Access/Mobility walk were noted as follows: 19th December 2016 starting at 11 am at the Parish Council office.
  2. It was resolved that consideration of tender for christmas lights be delegated to the Street Scene Meeting
  3. It was resolved that replacement batteries for older SPID be purchased.
  4. Time and date of next meeting was noted as follows: 11th January 2017 at 7 pm