University of Illinois: Student Patrol Program

I've overseen the University of Illinois Student Patrol program since August 2011. We've had the SP program on our campus since 1983. Academically, the U of I doesn’t offer a specific Criminal Justice program, thus, we have a great program in place to recruit U of I students who are interested in going into law enforcement as a potential career (only 5-10% of all Student Patrol Officers). We have several current UIPD police officers who were former Student Patrol Officers, including our current Chief of Police, Jeff Christensen.

The Division of Public Safety currently employees 30 part-time student employees in the program. Wages range from $8.25/hour (Rookie); $9.25/hour (Veteran); $10.25/hour (Asst. Team Leaders); $11.25/hour (Team Leaders). After six months, new hires (Rookies) can take a proficiency exam (Vet Test) to receive promotional pay.

We have three teams of 10...each team has one Team Leader, two Assistant Team Leaders and up to ten SPO's (Student Patrol Officers). Each team works every third day. Shifts run from 9pm-2:30am (Sun-Wednesday); 9pm-3am (Thur-Sat.). We require staff to work a minimum of 10-12 hours/week while campus classes are in session. During fall, winter, spring and summer breaks, they work on a voluntary basis (we still pay them). We utilize Google Calendars to organize our shifts, special details, duty trades or open shifts. We utilize Google Groups to coordinate and organize our email list serve (group emails, etc...).

Regarding our security coverage, we have broken our campus into 5 beats or zones. Each night during briefing, SPO's sign-up to work with a partner for the evening. They are assigned to patrol a specific beat/zone on campus. They can choose to walk or utilize our departmental issued mountain bikes. While patrolling campus they are 'extra eyes and ears' for police and other first responders. They are not allowed to chase and/or apprehend suspects...witness and report only. Equipped with a police radio and dressed in a reflective uniform vest, they look for suspicious activity, criminal activity, conduct campus building checks (looking for unsecure doors/windows), look for campus lighting issues (Lights Out program on Sunday's) and submit work orders for maintenance to replace or repair), check and monitor all our outdoor emergency phone systems (E-Phones program on Monday's) and conduct SafeWalk escorts, free of charge, to any and all faculty, staff or students on campus.

We began our very popular SafeWalks program in 1994. Our two-man/woman patrolling units respond to, or self-initiate, walking escorts on our campus so students don't have to walk alone at night. Students can call public safety to request a SafeWalk, or they can utilize our brand new U of I SafeWalks Mobile App. The new App, either Android or iOS versions, was developed and implemented to make it easier and more convenient for students to request a SafeWalk. App requests go directly to our Student Patrol Supervisor, which eliminates a phone call to our police department...for various reasons, most students don't feel comfortable calling the police department. The App is very beneficial for incoming freshman or transfer students who are unfamiliar with our large campus, international students who don't speak very good English and intoxicated students who need help getting home after a night of partying. In 2012, we conducted 900 annual SafeWalks. We had 1200 escorts in 2014 and anticipate 1400+ in 2015.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 10:00pm-2:30am, we assist local agencies (Champaign Police Dept. and Urbana Police Dept.) with what we refer to as 'Party Patrol' (Loud Noise complaints). During that period of time, SPO's are dispatched/radioed from our local 911/Emergency Dispatch Operators to respond to any campus house or apartment address. We utilize a very specific campus map, with outlined boundaries for this program. Also, they don't respond to University Housing Residence Halls (RA's handle all their in-house noise complaints). Again, as a two-man unit (never alone), they approach the complaint address; knock and notify of their presence. They request to speak with a 'lease holder' of the residence. They inform the resident of the noise complaint and are asked to turn down the music/party, etc... They are issued a written warning/notice for the violation. Before leaving, SPO's inform the residents that if police have to return (fail to comply with noise complaint), they'll be issued a $325.00 citation. This program has been very successful, as it allows police to remain on the streets patrolling and handling higher priority calls. Also, students appreciate getting a warning first...rather than an immediate ticket. Most comply; however, we track each call/address and habitual offenders receive immediate citations from police in the future. We average between 3-10 calls for service on any given night (Thur-Sat.). Between 1995-2005, Champaign Police and Urbana Police used to pay our dept. (UIPD) for this program. However, due to a lack of recent funding, UIPD now picks up the tab of paying two SPO's 15 hours/week for the service.

Student Patrol officers also assist our community and police department in working special details...traffic/pedestrian control at major sporting events (U of I football and men's basketball games), concerts, university dances at the student union, overnight security details and work at local events like marathons/races/parades.

Student Patrol officers receive annual training in the following areas:

Orientation; campus geography, maps, streets, etc...

Radio Communications; Scenario/Role-Playing

CPR/First Aid

Verbal Judo- de-escalation techniques

Assist our SWAT team in scenario training

Bystander Intervention

Basic Self-Defense

I'm sure I've forgotten a few things. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm happy to be of any assistance, as we've had a long and successful history with our established Student Patrol program.

Have a great day!

Ryan Johnson

Campus Security Coordinator

Division of Public Safety

University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign