Western Bay
ICF Third Sector Large Grant Scheme
The application form and guidance is available in Welsh and text only formats too, please visit your CVC website to find them.
Western Bay
The Western Bay Health & Social Care Programme has been set up to develop a regional response:
- To the ever increasing needs of the population, in particular older people who are living longer but with higher levels of physical and mental frailty
- To address the significant financial challenges facing the three local authorities and the ABMU Health Board
- With a view to optimise collective effort to deliver high value sustainable Health and Social Services.
Our vision is to provide high quality services that protect children and adults from harm, promote independence and deliver positive outcomes for people in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
The key priorities in the Western Bay Area Plan are as follows:
- Older People
- Children and Young People
- Carers
- People with mental health issues
- People with learning disabilities and people with autism
To view the Western Bay Area Plan and Action Plan, please click on the following link: The Action Plan responds to the care and support needs identified in Western Bay’s population assessment. Please click on the following link for further details of the population assessment:
Integrated Care Fund (ICF)
The ICF is a mechanism to support delivery of the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (the Act). The Act provides for regional partnership boards, locally Western Bay, which bring together health, social services, the third sector and other partners to take forward the effective delivery of integrated services in Wales. Their purpose is to improve the outcomes and well-being of people with care and support needs, and their carers.
The main priority areas are:
- Older people with complex needs and long term conditions, including dementia;
- People with learning disabilities;
- Children with complex needs due to disability or illness (including mental illness and emotional difficulties); and
- All carers, including young carers.
In Western Bay, there is a particular focus supporting the pressures on early hospital discharge/ reablement in relation to the Older People priority.
Projects delivered under this grant scheme is required to focus on the ICF objectives, in particular prevention and early intervention to reduce the needs of individuals to access higher tier services and support them to remain independent.
Funding available
For 2018/19 the ICF Large Grants scheme will be administered by Western Bay Programme Office.
Funds are available for projects which meet one or more of the priorities and principles listed in the guidance and application form.
Delivery can begin on or after 1st April 2018 and must be completed by 31st March 2019, with all funds spent by this date.
Western Bay partners agreed to allocate £296,000 of this funding to the third sector / voluntary organisations.
A small grant scheme (up to £104,000) is also available and will be administered through Swansea Council for Voluntary Services. (Contact: Lauren Howlett, 01792 544013/01792 544000or ). For applications £15,000 or under, please refer to the small grants scheme.
The “region” refers to the ABMU Health Board / Western Bay area, covering Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Previous and current grant holders may re-apply. If you have a current grant which will continue into 2018/19, you can make an application but it must be for a different / additional piece of work.
What types of costs can be supported?
The large grant scheme is revenue funding only and the definition given in the Welsh Government ICF guidance is as follows;
‘revenue expenditure is expenditure incurred on day to day running costs which would include rent, utilities and salaries.’
Applications should demonstrate the additionality that would be delivered and be prepared to evidence this impact. This may relate to building on current best practice, increasing the scale of integrated services or pump-priming transformation and change of delivery models.
Proposals should include match funding, where possible. This can be in the form of volunteer time contributed, in kind donations, funding from other sources, groups’ own funds or fundraising.
The schemes will not support:
-Retrospective projects (projects that have already started or completed prior to funding being awarded)
-Substitution of existing funding streams
-Proposals which are not related to the areas identified within this guidance document
-Proposals which provide services outside of the ABMU/Western Bay geographical area or for residents outside the Western Bay area
Application Process
Please check your organisation’s eligibility using the list in the guidance below before making an application.If your organisation is eligible and wishes to apply, you must use the official application form which can be downloaded alongside this information.
All application paperwork and supporting documents must be received by the closing date, Friday 16thMarch 2018, 5pm.
Applicants will be scored using the information provided on the application form, paying particular attention to:
-How well the project meets the priorities
-Impact of the project / Outcomes
-Number of beneficiaries
Applications will be assessed by a multi-agency panel. Applicants will be notified in writing of the application’s result. Please note that panel decisions are final and there is no opportunity for appeal.
If you are offered a grant:
Successful applicants will be required to sign an acceptance form agreeing to the terms and conditions of the grant, which include:
- completion of monitoring and expenditure forms (a record of receipts of all expenditure made using the grant should be kept).
- completion of grant reports and a case study.
- projects may be subject to monitoring/audit visits.
- the panel may withhold or request repayment of grants awarded in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions.
Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the source of the funding in any publicity and use logos and other publicity materials as directed.
Guidance for applicants starts on the next page
Guidance for Applicants
In order to apply for funding, organisations must:
-Be a third sector organisation with an acceptable governing document (confirming it is non-profit distributing), based in either the City and County of Swansea, or the Counties of Neath Port Talbot or Bridgend (or represent, provide services or support residents in these counties)
-Have a bank account in its name requiring at least two unrelated signatures to authorise withdrawals
-Provide a set of their most recent financialaccounts and have in place (or be actively working towards) the following policies: Safeguarding, Equality and diversity, Sustainability or environmental, Welsh Language
Please note, the accounts should be signed off as audited or independently inspected (according to the level of income and expenditure) or, in the case of recently formed organisations, a forecast of income and expenditure for the next year.
-Be able to deliver the project between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019
-Be applying for funds towards a project which meets one or more of each of the principles and priorities from the lists shown below, see 1 f).
Question 1 – Project description
Please write no more than 300 words for any individual question
a) Please tell us the name of your project. Keep it short and unique to your project as it may be used for publicity purposes.
b)Indicate which of the three areas (Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot, Swansea) or any combinations of these, the work would cover.Projects must take place within the Western Bay area/ ABMU footprint.
c) Tell us what you aim to do. Explain what services / activities / improvement you will offer as a result of the funding. The additionality that will be delivered must be clearly demonstrated. Please indicate whether the work is new to your organisation. If it is not, please give further details on how it is currently funded; the impact if this application were successful; and the possible effect of not being funded through these schemes.
d) All funding offered via the grants scheme must be used by 31st March 2019. Please confirm that you are able to deliver your project by this date.
e) Clearly describe how you plan to deliver the work outlined in c) and the timescale involved (when each part of the work will take place). These will be your key delivery milestones. Please include numbers of beneficiaries in your answer.
f) To be eligible for a grant, your work must meet one or more of the priorities:
Older people with complex needs and long term conditions, including dementia and supporting the pressures on early hospital discharge/ reablementPeople with learning disabilities
Children with complex needs due to disability or illness (including mental health and emotional difficulties)
All carers, including young carers
People with mental health problems
People with autism
The above list details the Western Bay Area Plan priorities which also reflect the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) priorities, as outlined in the Welsh Government guidance.
You must also be working in support of one or more of the following principles:
Integration – partnership working and co-operationPrevention and early intervention
Alternative delivery methods
The principleslist the Western Bay’s ICF objectives.
g) Tell us about the outcomes you expect to see. Outcomes are the difference being made and the impact on people. Please describe the positive change you hope to see for beneficiaries or communities as a result of you delivering your project.Please ensure that these are measurable.
h) Tell us how you will measure the success of your project and how you will collect this information, linked to your key delivery milestones in d). For example, you may decide to count the number of people using a facility or attending an activity, by using a registration form. Another way of measuring the success of your project is by sending out evaluation forms to all participants. Tell us about how you will measure the positive impact your project has on your beneficiaries that you have described in f).
All successful applicants will be asked to complete quarterly monitoring based on questions 1 c), d), e) and f) in the application form.
i) Clearly outline the need you have identified for this project. Does this application have support from the wider community? Who have you engaged with? How does the project fit with other work, policies and strategies in your area?Gather evidence from a number of sources (e.g. potential beneficiaries, other third sector organisations, ABMU Health Board, Local Authority, CVCs) and in a range of ways and give details here.You could include:
-Independent letter(s) of support
-Local statistics about the area that you are working in
-Results of a survey, questionnaire or interview
-Your own observations
-Anecdotal evidence from current members/service-users
j) It is important that all projects and activities are accessible to all participants, workers and volunteers. Please give details of how your organisation aims to achieve this.
If you work with children or vulnerable adults tell us what steps you take to ensure their safety and well being. Equal opportunities and safeguarding policies (or evidence of work towards a policy) are required from all applicants.
k)We will need to see your Welsh language policy but please summarise for us here the practical actions you take for provision for Welsh speakers.We are aware that not all organisations have the capacity to delivery all services in Welsh, however you could provide a bilingual leaflet. If there is no provision for Welsh speakers, you will not be eligible for funding.
Question 2 – Project Costs
a) Please provide a breakdown of your project costs. Use clear headings to group your expenditure, e.g. Volunteer travel expenses, venue hire, staff salary costs.
Add up each of the items of expenditure to give your total project cost then tell us how much of this amount you are applying for the grant to cover. If you are not requesting the full amount, the difference should be listed. Make sure the amount you request is based on real and accurate costs and is good value for money.
b) If you are not requesting the full cost to be covered by the grant, please complete the table indicating where the other funds will come from, what they are for and whether they are confirmed or not.
c) Depending on the amount available to the panel, there may be occasions where a project could be funded in part. Please indicate whether you could deliver your project on a smaller scale or in part if a smaller amount of funding were available.
d) All of the funding provided via the grant schemes must be spent by 31st March 2019. Will your project continue after the funding you are requesting ends? If so, how do you think it will become sustainable?
e) Please tell us if your organisation is VAT registered. If VAT can be claimed on your project costs then these are non-claimable through this grant.
Question 3 – Organisation details
This question helps us to assess your eligibility to apply for a grant. You will be asked to provide a copy of your governing document to confirm your eligibility. Your document may be a constitution, set of rules or Memorandum and Articles of Association, for example, and it should confirm that you are non-profit distributing. This means all surpluses are reinvested to further the social purpose of the organisation.
a) Please complete in full with your organisation contact details.
b) Tell us when your organisation was set up
c) Is it registered with any regulatory bodies? You do not need to be a registered charity or a company to apply but if you are we need your registration numbers for our records.
d) Tell us about the numbers of people involved in running your organisation. If you do not have paid staff, enter “None”.
e) Indicate which of the areas your organisation currently works in.
Please ensure that you read, understand and accept the declaration on page 8. The people named in question 3 should sign the application. It is the main contact’s responsibility to ensure they have the full authorisation from their board or management committee to make this application.
Please ensure that you answer all questions, sign the form and enclose the required supporting documents. Applications which are incomplete shall not be put forward to the panel for a decision. Please ensure that you send a hard signed copy of your application, the other documents can be submitted via email without a hard copy.
BAVO / NPTCVS / SCVS Membership
The CVCs in each of the areasare membership associations and encourage all third sector organisations based in the relevant county to become members. Becoming a member helps us in our role as your local CVC to provide comprehensive and responsive support to the voluntary sector. If you are not already a member then please contact us for more details or a membership form. Please note, you do not need to be a member in order to apply for these grants.
Contact details for your local County Voluntary Council:
Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations
112-113 Commercial Street
CF34 9DL
Tel: 01656 810400 / /
Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service
Tŷ Margaret Thorne
17-19 Alfred Street
SA11 1EF
Tel: 01639 631246 / /
Swansea Council for Voluntary Service
SCVS Voluntary Action Centre
7 Walter Road
Tel: 01792 544000 / /