Draft Agenda

Planning Committee Meeting

December 10, 2013 | 1:00―5:00 p.m. (EST)

December 11, 2013 | 8:00 a.m.―12:00 p.m. (EST)

Westin Buckhead Atlanta Hotel

3391 Peachtree Rd NE

Atlanta, Georgia

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement

Agenda Items

1.  Administrative ― Secretary

a.  Arrangements

b.  Safety Briefing

c.  Declaration of Quorum

d.  Planning Committee (PC) Membership*

e.  Future Meeting Schedule

2014 Meeting Dates / Time / Location / Hotel
March 4
March 5 / 1PM to 5PM (Mountain)
8AM to 12PM (Mountain) / St. Louis, MO / Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch
June 10
June 11 / 1PM to 5PM (Eastern)
8AM to 12PM (Eastern) / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead
September 16
September 17 / 1PM to 5PM (Pacific)
8AM to 12PM (Pacific) / Vancouver, BC / TBD
December 9
December 10 / 1PM to 5PM (Eastern)
8AM to 12PM (Eastern) / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead

2.  Consent Agenda item

a.  Meeting Minutes – September 17-18, 2013 Denver, CO

b.  December 2013 Meeting Agenda

3.  Committee Business

a.  IVGTF Report (Task 1-7): Performance of Variable Resources During and After System Disturbance – Voltage and Frequency Ride-Through Requirements – John Moura, NERC

Objective: Approve report. Committee comments incorporated and comment matrix is included in the materials. Distribution-connected generation—particularly solar photovoltaic—is expected to grow very fast over the next decade, potentially increasing installed capacity. A large amount of distribution-connected generation or distributed energy resources (DER) can have significant impact on the reliability of the bulk power system. Of particular concern to bulk system reliability in North America is the lack of disturbance tolerance requirements for DER, specifically frequency and/or voltage ride-through. A compounding issue is that existing DER interconnection standards contain “must-trip” provisions that raise the possibility of widespread loss of distributed generation during severe transmission contingencies. With respect to disturbance tolerance, DER interconnection standards are inconsistent with the direction in which bulk system standards are evolving.
PC Reviewers (reviewed—comments incorporated):
·  Jason Marshall
·  Paul McCurley
·  Bing Young
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: 2013 Special Reliability Assessment: Performance of Variable Resources During and After System Disturbance Voltage and Frequency Ride-Through Requirements Redline Version and Comment Matrix**
Personal Notes:

b.  NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) and Seasonal Data Request – Enhanced Terms and Data Collection Methods - Elliott Nethercutt, NERC

Objective: Approve modifications to the 2014 LTRA (and beyond) and seasonal data requests. Enhancements include modifications to the supply category terms. The refinements add clarity in categorizing existing and planned resources.All proposed modifications are documented and included in the materials.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Min / Background Item: NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) and Seasonal Data Request – Enhanced Terms and Data Collection Methods*
Personal Notes:

c.  Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force – Planning Application Guide, Ken Donahoo, GMDTF Chair

Objective: Approve GMD Planning Application Guide.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Draft GMD Planning Application Guide*
Personal Notes:

d.  Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force – GIC Application Guide, Ken Donahoo, GMDTF Chair

Objective: Approve GIC Application Duide
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Draft GIC Application Guide*
Personal Notes:

e.  Adequate Level of Reliability (ALR) Metric Enhancements – Melinda Montgomery, PAS Chair

1. Approve the revised metrics for ALR1-4, 3-5, 4-1, 6-2; retire ALR6-3, 6-16
2. Review and provide feedback to the metric ALR-CP1
3. Review and provide feedback to the Severity Risk Index (SRI) enhancement whitepaper
PC to assign reviewers to provide detailed feedback on 2. and 3. by January 17, 2014. The final metric form and whitepaper will be submitted to the PC for approval in March 2014.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item:
1.  Revised metric templates for ALR 6-2, 1-4, 3-5, 4-1, 6-15; retire ALR6-3, 6-16.*
2.  Metric ALR-CP1 proposal **
3.  SRI Enhancmenet whitepaper**
Personal Notes:

f.  Task Force on Essential Reliability Services – John Moura, NERC

Objective: Discuss Scope and Objectives of Task Force
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: No
Personal Notes:

g.  Proposal for Development and Use of a Single Node-Breaker Topology Representation for Off-line and Real-time Study Models – John Simonelli, SAMS Chair

Objective: : Review and discuss the proposed implementation/transition plan to move the industry toward utilization of node-breaker models as presented in the Proposal for Development and Use of Node-Breaker Topology Representations for Off-line and Real-time Study Models developed by the Modeling Working Group (MWG) and presented to the PC at the September 2013 meeting.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Proposal for Development and Use of Node-Breaker Topology Representations for Off-line and Real-time Study Models
Personal Notes

h.  Standardized Component Models Work Plan - Chuck Chakravarthi, Vice Chair, SAMS

Objective: Review and discuss the proposed implementation plan for the PC approved proposal for use of standardized component models in powerflow and dynamics cases.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Proposal for Use of Standardized Component Models in Powerflow and Dynamics Cases
Personal Notes:

i.  Southwest Outage Recommendation 16: Discrepancies Between RTCA and Planning Models - Amir Najafzadeh, Vice Chair, MWG

Objective: Review and discuss the proposed implementation plan that addresses data change management processes that are part of the PC approved proposal to address discrepancies between RTCA and planning models.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Proposal – Discrepancies between RTCA and Planning Models
Personal Notes:

j.  Response to FERC Order 758 – Sudden Pressure Relays – Phil Tatro, NERC

Objective: Approve report. Committee comments incorporated. Revised report and comment matrix are included in the materials. Upon approval, the chair will forward the report to the Standards Committee to support Project 2007-17.3 Protection System Maintenance and Testing – Phase 3 (Sudden Pressure Relays). This report responds to a directive in FERC Order No. 758
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Sudden Pressure Relay and Other Devices that Respond to Non-Electical Quantities - SPCS Input for Standard Development in Response to FERC Order No. 758*
Personal Notes:

k.  2014-2017 ERO Enterprise Strategic Plan Recommendations, Andy Rodriquez

Objective: NERC staff has developed a document that offers recommendations for inclusion in the 2014-2017 ERO Enterprise Strategic Plan. These recommendations are related to priorities identified by the RISC, as well as other priorities that NERC has (e.g., geomagnetic disturbances), and are largely based on previous committee work products and suggestions. NERC staff requests the committee review the document and provide any suggestions and/or feedback. All PC Members requested to review and provide feedback.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Proposed ERO Enterprise Reliability Risk Management Projects and Reliability Risk Profiles 2014-2017*
Personal Notes:

4.  Discussion Items

a.  Update Briefing on NASPI and Synchrophasor Technology – Alison Silverstein, NASPI

Objective: Update of NASPI efforts and successes. Additional focus on key deliverables expected over the next several years will be provided.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 20 Minutes / Background Item: No
Personal Notes:

b.  AC Substation Equipment Task Force – Michal L. Lombardi, ACSETF chair

Objective: Provide Status Update on Task Force Activities and Challenges
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: No
Personal Notes:

c.  Reliability Standards MOD-032-1 and MOD-033-1: Status Update, Steven Noess, NERC Staff

Objective: Update
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 Minutes / Background Item: None
Personal Notes:

d.  GridEx II – Bill Lawrence, NERC Staff

Objective: Review lessons learned from GridEx II.
More than 200 industry and government organizations participated in the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s two-day cyber and physical security exercise on November 13-14, 2013. NERC designed the exercise, GridEx II, to enhance and improve cyber and physical security resources and practices within the industry. The exercise gave participants the opportunity to check the readiness of their crisis action plans through a simulated security exercise to self assess response and recovery capabilities, and to adjust actions and plans as needed, while communicating with industry and government information sharing organizations.
“Protecting the bulk-power system from security threats and ensuring its resilience are vital to our national security and economic well-being,” said Gerry Cauley, president and chief executive officer at NERC. “Training on physical and cyber attacks on the grid helps industry make the system more secure.”
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 Minutes / Background Item: Media Release – NERC Completes Second Grid Security Exercise*
Personal Notes:

e.  2013/2014 Winter Reliability Assessment Update – Trinh Ly, NERC

Objective: Review the key findings and data highlights of the 2013-2013 Winter Reliability Assessment (WRA).
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item:2013/2014 Winter Reliability Assessment
Personal Notes:

f.  2013 Long-Term Reliability Assessment Update – John Moura, NERC

Objective: Update on the final 2013 Long-Term Reliability Assessment. The presentation will include highlights, key findings and recommendations from the report. The presentation will also draw on administrative and process enhancements that are needed for 2014.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: 2013 Long-Term Reliability Assessment (to be published on 12/11/2013)
Personal Notes:

g.  Protection System Commissioning Lesson Learned – Phil Tatro, NERC

Objective: Inform the Planning Committee of follow-up work from the report, SPCS Response to Standards Committee Request for Research on Project 2012-04: Protection System Commissioning Testing. The SPCS has drafted a lesson learned on verification of ac quantities during protection system commissioning and will coordinate with NERC staff to format and publish the lesson.
Presentation: Yes. / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: Draft Lesson Learned – Verification of AC Quantities During Protection System Commissioning*
Personal Notes:

5.  Planning Committee and Subcommittee Project Queues Review – Planning Committee Work Plan

*Background items in the agenda package.

** Background items will be provided prior to the Meeting.

Draft Agenda – Planning Committee Meeting, December 2013 2